In stem-changing verbs of Class II (-ir verbs), the e or o of the stem changes to ie or ue respectively, in all the forms of the present indicative tense, except the nosotros and vosotros forms, and to i or u in the third-person singular and plural of the preterit. In the present subjunctive, the ie and ue change to i and u, respectively, in the nosotros and vosotros forms.
No other tenses of the indicative are affected.
Imperfect Subjunctive: Since the imperfect subjunctive is formed from the stem of the third-person plural preterit, all forms reflect the same stem-change.
Change the verbs to the tense and person indicated:
A. Translate into English:
1. Ud. mentía _________________________
2. dormimos _________________________
3. ella murió _________________________
4. si ellos mintieran _________________________
5. él había sentido _________________________
6. ellos se divierten _________________________
7. él hirió _________________________
8. es imposible que él consienta _________________________
9. no advierto _________________________
10. Uds. mintieron _________________________
11. sentí _________________________
12. ojalá que duermas _________________________
13. sintáis _________________________
14. ellos duerman _________________________
15. nos divirtamos _________________________
1. they do not wound _________________________
2. you (s., fam.) have slept _________________________
3. it’s possible that we will spoil _________________________
4. if I died _________________________
5. I hope he sleeps _________________________
6. you (s., fam.) amused yourself _________________________
7. we will lie _________________________
8. they were dying _________________________
9. he was feeling _________________________
10. if he slept, … _________________________
11. I would spoil _________________________
12. you (s., for.) noticed _________________________
13. I sleep _________________________
14. if they felt… _________________________
15. I hope you (pl., for.) amuse yourselves _________________________