This book would not have been possible without the efforts of an incredible group of professionals who joined in creating this useful, broad-ranging, up-to-date, and authoritative book. These experts provided me with countless valuable recommendations, and their insights were particularly important in making this handbook reflective of the global nature of modern public relations. The world has changed dramatically since the previous edition was published. It is not only trade that is globalized now, but also communications—and thanks to these contributors, the text reflects that.

I have also tapped into the expertise and knowledge of many of my colleagues and consultants at The Dilenschneider Group, to whom I am indebted. To all, I am very grateful for your sage advice. I would particularly like to thank Robert Laird and Susan Black for their assistance in editing, and Anthony Quiles-Roche and Joan Avagliano for the many hours they spent working with me on the project.

Throughout my career, my wife, Jan, has shown unwavering support and patience. She has stood beside me at every turn and provides me with inspiration in all my endeavors. In this particular volume, my sons, Geoffrey and Peter, helped guide my understanding of the constantly evolving digital revolution that is at the core of the handbook, and I am very grateful to both of them.