
Patric and Karin wish to thank: Everyone at Harvest, especially Deb Brody and Emma Effinger, who saw the promise of House Love, championed our ideas, and cheered on the writing; plus the entire editorial, marketing, publicity, and production teams, whose efforts have made the publishing process so easy and seamless. Thanks to all of you for bringing House Love this far. We’re also grateful to HarperAudio’s Abigail Marks—it’s such fun to hear our words aloud!

The entire team at Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency—major kudos are especially deserved by Daniel Greenberg, who believed in our efforts right from the beginning, plus Tim Wojcik, Miek Coccia, and Melissa Rowland. We wouldn’t be here without you!

Zach Harris, whose clever and charming illustrations enliven these pages. (We couldn’t figure out a way to work in the goat this time around, but know you’ve goat a fan in each of us.)

Thanks too to Chuck Klosterman, Sarah Murphy, and Rebecca Bell Sorenson, three of our cheerleaders who’ve provided enthusiastic insights since our early Laundry Love days.

Patric wishes to thank: First off, I have to thank Karin. You really get to know someone when you work together on a project like a book—and to want to do it again!? I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else, so thank you so much, Karin.

I also must thank the scores of clients, customers, friends, and others who asked questions about caring for the home that gave me so many jumping-off points for the book.

The most sincere thanks to everyone who loved Laundry Love and encouraged this second book by asking to read more.

Ross, thank you for letting me talk to you about this book, and for being my supportive better half.

Daina Amborn, Siah Camara, Tresa Garr, Martha Gingris, and Matthew Rodriquez—thank you for taking such incredible care of the store and our amazing customers.

Thank you, Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest, Michael Gelman, Jan Weiner, David Mullens, Marie Haycox—you sure know how to change a guy’s life. I am so, so lucky.

Jane Latman, Loren Ruch, Sarah M. Thompson, Kyle Davis, Chelsey Rieman, Lynne Davis, Kelly Rivezzi, Christina Federowicz, Mariah Bowers, Dale Jolly, Abbi McCallum, Ben and Erin Napier, Mallorie Rasberry, Maureen McCormick, Andy and Maria Awes, everyone at Committee Films, Zak Hanson, Courtney Reistad, and Matt Schaeffer—I couldn’t be the Laundry Guy without you!

Jura Koncius, John Kenney, Helen Carefoot, Meg St-Esprit McKivigan, Alison Stewart, Ellen Byron, Diana Dickson, Joel Seidman, Perri Ormont Blumberg, Jason Matheson, Ted Johnsen, Marah Eakin, Kevin Tibbles, Tamron Hall, Anne Bogel, Zibby Owens, and Francis Lam, thank you for shining the spotlight on my love of laundry, Laundry Love, and so much more.

Thank you too to Cassandra Sethi, Glory Edim, Kara Nesvig, Megan Mikkelsen, Charmaie Gordon, Sue Campbell, Connie Nelson, Nancy Ngo, Sarah Hagman, Bob Phibbs, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Juliet Russell, Julia Zerull, Jada Jackson, Miriam DiNunzio, Kristina Miller, Hannah Claeson, Hannah Jackson, Adam Uren, Natalie Ryder, David Driscoll, Terrance Griep, Taylor Peterson, Tammy Hernandez, Amy Nelson, Zoe Vanderweide, Dory Chevlin, Kristina Miller, Molly Guthrey, Natalie Michie, Kathy Berdan, Lois Alter Mark, Chris Hrapsky, Gordon Severson, Bridget Harrison, Sam Silverman, Deborah Duncan, Nicoletta Richardson, Lauren Wellbank, Ashley Abramson, Arianna LaBarrie, Karla Walsh, Kristi Piehl, Heath Recela, Rachel Bulman, Danielle Calma, Laura Fenton, Bruce Beggs, Morgan Noll, Jodi Helmer, Sherri McConnell, Lesley Kennedy, Brian Althimer, Cory Heppola, Lauren Levy, Grant Wenkstern, Lori Barghini, and Julia Cobb.

Thank you for helping make my store run, Christine Jones, Ellen Zeigler, Tami Mitchell, Chris Boys, Heather Ludwig, Scott Erikson, Melissa Smith, Briana DeRosa, Amy Weber, Beth Ahlmquist, Tana Erickson, Karen VanMeter, and Beverlee Dacey.

Thank you, thank you, Heather Ryan, Dan Click, Ellen Shafer, Amy Sperling, Mary Riley, Kathy Ekberg, Chi Chi Larue, Happy Peris, Suzanne Garry, Amy Campbell Lamphere, Taylor Swift, Raleigh Glassberg, Rhonda Rhodes, Vern Melke, Kevin and Katie Dixon and Gus and Wyland, Gladys Mckenzie, Lisa Wesner, Dianne Ferguson, Glenna Maggard, Shelly Kelly, John Whaley, Shelly Chandler, Daune Stinson, Angie Hughes, Mikayla Hughes, Jordyn Hughes, Lisa Taylor, Triple Five and the Mall of America (thanks for the opportunity to have a store somewhere truly magical!), Lauren Lieber, Seth McNaughton, Ken O’Brien, Marsha Johnson, Julie Menk, Meghan Haapala, Amy Bishop, Marsha Sussman, Marlys Coady, Jennifer Hassen Staub, Mark Oyass, Eric Orner, Matt Fox, Josh Gair, Tony Wood, Marketplace Events, Shelly Gepfert, and, forever, Chris Navritil.

To all my Grayson friends, thanks for the support—you believed in me long ago!

And I send so much gratitude to Jarrod and Stephanie Richardson, Tim, Laura, Lee, and Walker Riddle, Heather Sauber, Lenore Wright, Brian Stamper, Kiley and Lantz Powell, Patrick Condon, Andy Flesherl, Todd and Carmel Lenhard, Erin and John Rodriquez, Suzanne Hall, and, lastly, but certainly with the ultimate regard, my parents, Ron and Nancy Richardson, and Harmie and Wilma Justice.

Karin wishes to thank: Patric, the best book partner I could ask for. Your vision, imagination, hilarity, and kindness make writing a book a total delight—this time, last time, and next time!

Thom, who’s been making a home with me for thirty-plus years. Love you, love our kids, and love our life together. Gute Nacht!

Gabi, Joey, and Mia, who bring such joy to your parents’ lives. We’re in awe of the people you are, and are becoming. So proud of you every day and twice on Sunday when you share your news. Love you!

Dad and Mom, who taught me how to create a home—welcoming, beautiful, colorful, and sometimes messy. It was, and is, so good. Thanks, Dad, for believing in me from the get-go.

Sarah and Bob, the dearest of friends. A double thanks for all the fun we’ve shared throughout the years, including celebrating countless New Year’s Eves, getting sopping wet at the Macy’s parade, kissing fish in the Boundary Waters, and enjoying a holiday at “Samantha’s vacation house.” (Sorry I left off you wonderful people from my thank-yous last time around.)

Buddy (a posthumous thank-you) and Bo, my devoted office pals.

All my friends and family members. You know who you are. Thank you, thank you.