To all educators, MFA programs, writers groups, librarians, and bloggers, and to everyone who has told me that they are using Writing Great Books for Young Adults in their writing classes. Thank you so much for making the first edition so successful. I’m collecting a list of adopters of the book. Please let me know who you are.
If you’d like me to come and speak to your group or class, I’d love to. I encourage you to reach out to me at, at, or on Twitter at @serendipitylit.
To Katharine Sands, the true example of the universes promise to offer a guiding voice. Your irrepressible excitement is always the burst to get me moving, and always in the right direction.
Anne Wells, you are my fortifier. Thank you for always being there when I need help in finding my voice. You are an editor extraordinaire. May this open the door to many more bestsellers.
To Benjamin Haberman and Emily Becker, my dedicated research team, thanks for your probing and for finding precise facts.
To Samantha Schechter, thanks for your illustrative renderings.
Stephanie Bowen and Jenna Skwarek, much appreciation for your role in reinvigorating the book. Thank you for acquiring and developing a plan for the second edition and helping me celebrate the new and wonderful world of YA.
Thanks to all the editors and publishing professionals who contributed their expertise in this second edition. We can all be proud to have played a pivotal role in educating a new school of young adult writers.
To Xander, who encourages me and always points me to see the land beyond the horizon. Your friendship and advice are invaluable.
Thank you to all the bloggers who have supported the Serendipity YA Discovery Contest for the last five years. The contest has opened the way for many debut writers to get a leg up in the industry. Thank you Paul Samuelson, my first Sourcebooks publicist, for knowing exactly how to get audiences engaged.
A special thanks to my able and dedicated collaborators, to my proofreader, Sharon Sofinski, publicist, Katy Lynch, production editor, Rachel Kahn, designer, Jillian Rahn, and to Marketing.
Dear Reader: Let me hear from you! And remember, one of the best things you can do for an author is to write a positive review. I encourage you to do so through Goodreads, Amazon, or your point-of-purchase location or via email at
My deepest gratitude goes to the inspirational Katharine Sands, my soul sister, without whose coaxing and unyielding enthusiasm this book never would have been written. I’m forever thankful to you for seeing a light in me.
To my exceptional editorial and writing guides, John Weber, whose generosity and exceptional eye for excellence has brought me an abundance of everything good; and my editorial carpenter, Brenda Richardson, who can bring shape to nearly anything. Anne Wells, you’re always there when I need you with incomparable editorial guidance.
To Serendipity Literary Agency staff who researched and edited for me: Debarati Sengupta, Meeta Atul Pingle, Megan Ernst, and James Seraphin.
To Sherrie Young, my partner in YB Literary Foundation whose visionary ideas always keep me assured I’m on the right track; your opinion and feedback are like magic dust.
Special thanks to Dauwd Ruffin, who at a moment’s notice had an answer. Having your brilliance near me and your unending support makes me feel truly blessed!
To Flora Anders, whose motivation and support early on prepared me for the publishing industry as she watched over my career and nurtured me like a surrogate mom.
To all my friends who cheered me on through the demanding writing stages.
I wish to thank the numerous people who really helped make this book a reality, including those who filled out surveys and agreed to be interviewed, and those who shared their knowledge anecdotally and whose contributions you’ll see sprinkled through the text.
A million thanks to Peter Lynch, my editor, who had the insight to see the book’s potential. I am forever thankful for your relentless patience and editorial acumen.
To my copy editor Claire Martinson, thanks for dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. After having worked on the manuscript for months, having your eyes were priceless.
To the team at Sourcebooks, who just seem to get it.