One hundred years ago, our planet held millions of African elephants and some 100,000 Asian elephants. A century later, and those numbers have dwindled: 450,000 to 700,000 African elephants and somewhere between 35,000 and 40,000 Asian elephants in the wild. It’s not too late to turn this around. You can make a difference, through education and support of one or more of the many agencies throughout the world that are fighting for elephant conservation.
Closer to home, I recommend you check out The Elephant Sanctuary (, the largest natural habit refuge in the U.S., which provides a safe haven, individualized care, and companionship for both African and Asian elephants that have been retired from public exhibition at zoos and circuses. Located on 2,700 acres in Hohenwald, Tennessee (some eighty-five miles southwest of Nashville), The Elephant Sanctuary also operates programs to educate the public on the needs of elephants in captivity as well as the crisis experienced by elephants in the wild. Please take the time to contact them today and make a difference in the lives of these magnificent beings before they only exist in fiction.