The planet has seven natural moons, as well as an artificial satellite in geosynchronous orbit above the island of Zlorka. At the time of this writing, the names of only five of the moons have been revealed to the reader.
Pemma—the second smallest of Barsk’s seven moons. It was the third one Pizlo saw, and the moon which (he claims) instructed him to stow away aboard a cargo pod and travel up to the orbiting space station.
Nita—larger than Ulmazh but smaller than Telko, this moon has a connotation of being lucky, though no one seems to recall why.
Telko—the largest of the moons. This was Pizlo’s fourth moon, seen from the viewport of the orbiting station.
Ulmazh—middle-sized of all seven moons, a crater in its northern hemisphere serves as the opening to a hollowed out area in which the Caudex has built a massive city.
Wella—the smallest of the moons, it has a more oblate shape, heavier in its bottom half than its top. For reasons that are unknown to this author, Wella is always referred to as having a masculine aspect.
Emmt—a popular destination for young bachelors traveling from Keslo.
Fintz—a wide but thin island east and south of Gerd where Pizlo encounters an infant abomination.
Gerd—a smallish, nearly circular island that is considered the central island of the western archipelago. Fant often refer to other islands in the chain with respect to their position relative to Gerd.
Gumti—a kidney-shaped island in the southwestern half of the western archipelago and recently famous for being the home of the newest (fifty-eighth) person to bear the aleph.
Kelpry—an island south and west of Gerd in the western archipelago.
Keslo—an island located near the northeastern portion of the western archipelago. It is home to Jorl ben Tral.
Peckl—an eastern island of the western archipelago.
Phran—an island north of Gerd but still a good ways south and west of Keslo. On an eastern beach of this island, Pizlo saw his fifth moon.
Senjo—an island on the middle southeastern edge of the western archipelago.
Telba—an island to the north of Keslo. A Speaker there published a book of imramha after interviewing various adventurers. They are also renowned for their tea.
Zlorka—a part of the western archipelago, it is considered the most cosmopolitan of islands. Zlorka is the only land mass on the planet to touch the equator. It is home to the premiere university on Barsk, as well as the anchor point for the space elevator that transports goods to an automated station in orbit.
Belp—home to Fisco, a renowned sixth-century Speaker.
Maxx—a medium-sized island, once home to the wood carver Rüsul.
Morab—a popular site for higher learning in the eastern archipelago; the closest rival of Zlorka in the west.
Myer—south of Relfa, this western island is a popular meeting point for scholarly conferences.
Relfa—the westernmost island of the eastern archipelago, it is a popular destination for groups of young men crossing over from the other island chain.
Taylr—second easternmost of the islands of the eastern archipelago.
Yargo—a tiny island in the southeastern section of the eastern archipelago, it is famous as the birthplace of Margda, the Matriarch of Barsk. Her childhood dwelling, once home to nearly a hundred children, mothers, aunts, and female cousins, is now a vast museum, complete with research library and gift shop. Tours are given twice daily.
Caluma—a mixed world and home to Abenaki, a Procyon.
Dawn—a major world of the Alliance; home of the senate.
Dorrance—colony world where former senator Bish has been exiled.
Dramblys—a mixed world, and past home to Fant.
Gripta—a mixed world, and past home to Fant.
Haven—a major world of the Alliance.
Kitsu—presumably a mixed world, though it has never been home to any significant population of Vulp.
Marbalarma—a mixed world, and past home to Fant.
Scrothe—a mixed world, and past home to Fant.
Sleipnir—a mixed world with almost no Marmo or Myrm.
Sworrub—a mixed world with a predominantly Marmo population.