Chapter 55

They arrived in town to find the sheriff and his deputies waiting. They were still looking for Davie. Morgan pulled the SUV in behind Kirkland and the rest of the team and they all disembarked.

Samantha walked ahead of the group. “Diane, take JJ over to the hospital. Everyone else get ready to leave. Kirkland, let’s get the press conference ready. I will brief the sheriff.”

Samantha walked up to the sheriff. “Davie is dead and so is his accomplice. We have all the evidence we need to prove Davie was The Handyman killer.”

“Who was his accomplice?” Sheriff Taft was confused.

“He appeared to be a drifter. But I believe he was part of his sniper team. There were at least four of them.” Samantha looked at the ground.

“How do we know that? Sheriff Taft turned to walk into the department building. “We couldn’t get his military records. And are there any more? And what about the last victim?”

“Sheriff Taft, calm down. It’ll take weeks to connect all the dots, but we have solid proof that Davie is our killer. I think you need to hold a press conference immediately and tell your community. We will be pulling out tonight. I will leave someone here to help with the forensics and anything else you need.” Samantha held her head.

“So that’s it. This is really over?” Sheriff Taft looked relieved.

Kirkland followed Sheriff Taft into the department. He was very emotional. Diane and Lisa took JJ to the small hospital a few blocks down.

Morgan and Samantha stood in the middle of the street looking at each other.

“I think you need to have that bump on your head looked at, Sam.” Morgan spoke first.

“I am fine, just angry. I am going to the hotel to shower and change.” Samantha walked off.

She was going over all of the evidence they had found in her head. There was no way Davie was the killer and she knew it. He was dead when she was hit on the head and when JJ was attacked. But she was sure the real killer would follow her. He had to. She was his 31.

Samantha wanted to put as much distance between her and Forrest Ranch as possible. She knew The Handyman would follow her back to Chicago. There were no cabins or acres to hide in there. Just one small cabin 30 minutes outside of town.

She hoped JJ would be well enough to play cat and mouse with her.