Late Friday afternoon, the clouds gathered and the air thickened as the impending storm approached. After a long, relaxing bath scented with her favorite lavender, Lily brushed her hair until it shone like spun silk then slipped into the new dress. Choosing her mother’s diamond stud earrings as her only jewelry, she slipped on her shoes to wait. She paced back and forth, not daring to sit for fear of wrinkling the dress. I hope he wants to go back to his apartment after dinner. Should I suggest it if he doesn’t? Would he think I’m being too pushy?
She frowned at herself in the living room mirror then swooned elaborately. “Oh my darling, take me now. Think that’ll work?” she asked Bella, who watched the drama from the back of the couch
Bella’s response was an owl-eyed stare ending in a yawn. Lily giggled. “Okay, maybe a little over the top,” she agreed. “Then how about–”
Her performance was interrupted by the doorbell. All pretenses gone, she threw open the door. Ian rushed in and swept her into a grand embrace. “I missed you,” she murmured against his chest.
“And I you. Stand back, let me look at you.” His glowing gaze swept her slowly from head to foot and back again. “I must have been good in a past life to have such a treasure before me now. I am not worthy of you, my love.”
She gave a happy sigh. “I think you look beautiful. I mean, that’s not a masculine word, but you are. Just beautiful.”
He too had obviously taken great care getting ready, having donned an open-throated linen shirt, with charcoal dress slacks and a suit jacket. His hair was tied back at the nape of his neck, and he wore her ring under his shirt and over his heart. She inhaled deeply, the potent combination of sandalwood and virile male making her knees weak.
“Something’s not quite right, though.” He tapped his chin, reflecting on the dilemma. “Ah-ha,” he said at last, reaching inside his jacket pocket to pull out the velvet case emblazoned with the ornate G. “You need this.”
“What’s this?” She squealed as he popped the case open to reveal the sparkling diamond pendant. Throwing her arms around him in delightful abandon, she showered a soft rain of kisses on his face and neck.
“Hold still so I can fasten it,” he ordered, his voice a little gruffer than necessary. Obediently, she stopped bouncing long enough to lift her hair out of the way. She turned to the mirror to admire it and a shadow passed over her face.
“Ian, this looks very expensive…” she said.
He put his finger on her lips, silencing her protests. “A beautiful woman deserves beautiful things, although you need nothing to enhance your beauty, my sweetheart.” The thunder rumbled ominously in the distance and the air was thick with electricity and anticipation. “Come, lovely one. We should go,” he said, taking her hand.
* * * *
All through dinner, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what had changed. She seemed different, nervous almost. The diamond sparkled in the soft candlelight and Ian was enthralled by the way the dancing flame reflected on its facets matched the sparkle in her eyes. Just as he had envisioned, the solitaire nestled in the tempting cleft between her breasts and he became aroused all over again.
They tempted each other with morsels of tiramisu over coffee and held hands across the table, drawing envious looks from the other patrons. Lily lifted Ian’s hand, her mouth curving into a sensual smile as she encircled the tip of his finger with her lips and lightly flicked it with her tongue.
Ian was immediately certain of two things–one, his heart had just stopped, and two, they were going to need to leave very, very soon. She’s trying to kill me. I want this woman to the point of madness and she’s trying to kill me, he thought. I’ve got to know before this goes on for one minute more.
“I have a confession to make…” he said, hesitating.
“And what is that, my love?” She leaned forward to listen, affording him a wonderful view of her lush breasts.
Bloody hell, he groaned inwardly when his mutinous body reacted to the scenery. He cleared his throat in an effort to regain his composure. “I’ve been looking forward to this evening for selfish reasons. I had, ah…hoped to entice you back into my bed tonight.”
“Well, as long as it is a night for confessions, I’m afraid I have one of my own,” Lily said, her voice quiet and somber.
Oh, shit. That can’t be good. “What is it, sweetheart?”
She glanced around, motioning him closer. With a long, meaningful look she whispered, “I’m not wearing anything under this dress.”
Ian didn’t move. He blinked twice, uncomprehending until the full impact of her words came crashing down upon him. Jolted into action, he looked around and upon seeing the waiter raised his hand and frantically waved. “Check!”
Hand in hand, they ran to the car just as the rain started, the thunder shaking the ground and streaks of lightning flashing on the horizon. Once in the car behind the dark tinted windows, their lips met in a frenzy of need and when his tongue claimed hers, he marveled at the innocence and eager sweetness of her kiss. She put her hand on his knee and ran it slowly up his thigh, coming to rest on the hardness inside his slacks. It jerked in response beneath her hand and Ian groaned aloud.
“At this rate, we’re not going to make it out of the parking lot, much less to my bed.” he said in a growling voice, slipping a hand under her skirt. “But I have to know.” His long fingers continued their ascent up her silken thigh to the triangular nest of golden curls. “Bloody hell, you are naked,” he said in disbelief.
She smiled sweetly. “I believe I mentioned that. And unless it is your intent to sit in your car and discuss it all night, I suggest you take me home.”
It was pouring rain by the time they got back to his apartment and Ian said a silent prayer of thanks for the covered garage. On impulse, he picked her up and carried her giggling into the apartment. Kneeling before her, he removed one of her sandals, raised her foot tenderly and kissed her instep. He did the same with the other then sat back on his heels. “I would love a drink right now. Would you care for one?”
“Please,” Lily said, and he moved toward the bar, shedding his jacket and shoes en route. He poured two glasses of wine and joined her on the couch, taking her hand and threading his fingers in hers.
“Sweetheart, I’ve dreamt about making love to you again every waking moment, but I don’t want to rush you if you’re not ready,” he said. When she smiled and nodded, Ian exhaled in relief, raising his glass in toast. “Then drink, my love. We’ve a long night ahead of us.”
* * * *
Lily gulped the contents of her glass and stood. “When I was last here, you had me at somewhat of a disadvantage, so tonight it’s my turn.” Ignoring his puzzled look, she pulled him to his feet. In spite of her newly found feminine confidence, she unbuttoned his shirt with trembling hands. After it slid off and fell to the floor, her fingertips explored his broad, muscular shoulders and arms. She released his hair from its bonds before tangling her fingers in the crisp mat of curls on his chest. She ran her hands down his flat stomach, unfastened the clasp on his pants and allowed them to join his shirt. He stood before her naked and there was no hiding his desire for her. She brushed her fingers against the lower curls then trailed her fingers down the length of his hard erection. Upon hearing his sharp intake of breath, she smiled up at him, pleased that she could affect him so.
“And now I’m the one at a disadvantage,” he whispered, reached behind her and unzipped her gown, which billowed down to rest at her feet. He stared at her for a moment then closed the space between them, engulfing her in his powerful arms and lifting her from the floor. “Wait. I need to see this,” he explained. Bypassing the bedroom doors, he carried her swiftly back to his office. “The Lovers,” he said, lowering her feet gently to the floor in front of the large cheval mirror. Ian’s long mane of auburn curls, hard muscles and sun-kissed skin were in direct contrast to Lily’s pale tresses, porcelain skin and soft, womanly curves.
Lily’s voice was full of awe. “We’re like the sun and the moon.”
He stood behind her, arms wrapped around her waist and insistent erection pressed against her lower back. “You are indeed wondrous fair, my beauty,” he murmured, dipping his head and kissing her shoulder. “I would paint you just like this,” he said, eyeing her reflection in the mirror. “You are utter perfection.”
“You look like a wild Celt warrior…” she said, and gasped in mock terror when he growled playfully into her neck in response. Turning in his embrace, she met his passion-darkened eyes head on. “…and I am your willing captive, my lord. Would you claim your spoils of war?”
Without another word, Ian lifted her again and strode to the bedroom. He laid her down in the middle of the bed and pressed gentle kisses to her forehead, across her brows, her eyelids, her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair, pulling his head to her. Lily’s breaths came in gasps when he cupped her breasts and lifted them for his full inspection. He bent his head and kissed first one, then the other, taking an erect nipple into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue. When his lips closed, she sighed with heartfelt pleasure and arched into his attentive mouth.
He continued his exploration, kissing the soft area between her breasts and moving lower. to slide his hand beneath her to caress her bottom, pulling her to him. The slow movement set fire to every inch of her exposed skin he touched. When she felt his hot breath on her small cluster of tight blond curls, she raised up on her elbows to peer at him with uncertainty. “Ian?”
Placing a steadying hand on her stomach, he raised his eyes to meet hers. “Hush now, love,” he murmured, moving lower on the bed. “Don’t deny me this.”
Lily watched as he slid an arm under each of her legs, rested her thighs on his broad shoulders and gasped when his mouth curved into a wicked sensual smile, silently announcing his intent. He feathered kisses on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs while with his agile fingers he gently spread her soft folds, and her whole body shook from the exquisite torture. He slowly licked and sucked at her woman’s center, and her gasps became whimpers of need as the pressure began to build inside her. When at last he plunged his tongue deep inside her, the whimper turned into a sobbing scream and Lily threw her head back in complete abandon. Wave after glorious wave of ecstasy swept over her, dragged her under and engulfed her in sensation. She clutched his hands in a death grip, soaring higher and higher, while his mouth took her to places she’d never known existed. When the delicious spasms subsided long moments later, she gazed at him. He watched her with a smile of dark satisfaction. “There’s more, my beauty,” he said.
“Show me,” she breathed.
He crawled forward and hovered above her. “Open for me,” he said in a ragged whisper, gazing down at her through love-filled eyes. She opened her arms to welcome him to her, and inch by painstaking inch he began to join with her. “Slowly, darlin’,” he begged, “I want to savor every single moment of you.” He brushed a kiss across her lips and she tasted herself on them, which inflamed her more than she could have thought possible.
When she could bear it no longer, Lily whispered a heartfelt “please” against his mouth, and he answered by encasing himself in her tight, wet sheath. He began to thrust slowly and deeply in a rhythm matching their heartbeats. She arched her body into him, moving her hips in concert with his.
The tempest raging outside was nothing compared to the one raging in the bedroom. Lily cried out in deepest pleasure and his voice joined hers as they rocked together, creating a delicious friction. She clutched him to her and that seemed to spur him on because he kissed and nipped at her neck, ground his hips against her. “Lily,” Ian groaned, driving into her, “I…I…” and when his English failed him he lapsed into Irish. Although the words he whispered into her ear were unfamiliar, the passion behind them was undeniable.
She luxuriated in the feel of him, the smell and taste of him as he moved within her, filling her, completing her. Each deep, deliberate thrust shook her to her very core. The intense pleasure became unbearable; just as she thought she could take no more, his subtle movements sent her spiraling higher, until at last she could hold on no longer. She wrapped her legs high around his back, taking him deeper into her, when the intense climax shattered her into millions of tiny pieces. Crying out his name against his chest, she sobbed, “I love you, mo anum cara,” and with those three little words, Ian gave a hoarse cry, raw and elemental, and emptied himself into her over and over again until he was spent.
They lay without speaking, trembling from the ferocity of their lovemaking. When their breathing had slowed, he moved and lay beside her, drew her so close she could feel his heartbeat, strong and rhythmic against her. “I love you,” he said, his words thick with emotion. He caressed her back and hair, and her soft sounds of tender pleasure gave way to long, even breaths as she fell asleep.
* * * *
Lily awoke to a tug on her ankle. Eyes heavy with sleep, she blinked at her surroundings. The cool room was bright and airy in the early morning sunlight, the painted walls a spring meadow of tall green grass and wildflowers in a riot of pastel colors. The large bed was engulfed by a voluminous down comforter. What caught her attention was the source of the tugging - three small children stood at the foot of the bed, aglow with mischievous intent. The eldest of the three couldn’t have been more than seven, and all had beautiful blond curls, emerald green eyes and matching cherubic smiles.
The oldest boy spoke in a whisper. “Mommy? Are you getting up?”
“You have to, Mommy. It’s Christmas already,” echoed the other two.
Lily laughed softly. “Okay, okay. Better wake your father. Be gentle, though.”
At that the children leapt onto the bed and swarmed the large figure burrowed under the covers next to her. Ian groaned and rolled over, squinting at the bright and eager faces. “Oy” he growled with mock ferocity, “who opened the barrel and let you monkeys out?”
“Daddy - Daddy – Daddy! You have to come see– Santa came!”
“Sssh, all of you…” Lily admonished, “you’ll wake your sister.” Everyone’s attention turned to a pristine white bassinette beside the bed which held a tiny, breathtakingly beautiful baby, her rosebud mouth parted in deep slumber.
“Off you go, we’ll be along in a minute. And don’t you dare open anything until we get there,” Ian warned when the kids bounced off the bed and ran for the door. He turned a radiant smile to Lily. “Happy Christmas, mo chroí.”
“Merry Christmas, my darling. We’d better hurry. I don’t think they’ll wait for us long…” she began, but was silenced by a meaningful look that said they might not wait long, but they might wait long enough…
* * * *
Lily’s eyes fluttered open when the dream faded, but she was so warm and comfortable nestled in Ian’s arms, it was only a moment before she fell into a deep, exhausted and dreamless sleep.
...I’m here, my dearest love…