

Antonia Tiranth for amazing patience with silly questions, and for brilliant suggestions that unfailingly made me smack my head and say “why didn’t I think of that?”

 Angela Bird for a lifetime of love and support, for never doubting, and for being my anchor in a sea of constant change. 

Tricia Warren for the bestest feedback, unflagging moral support, cat nannying and knowing which finger holds the power of the Universe..0.0

Carrie Clevenger for phenomenal ideas, wisdom that far surpasses her years, and Xan. Yeah, especially Xan.

Nerine Dorman for being awesomely supportive, taking a chance and allowing me to join her select group of minions.

Donna Fuentes for cupcakes, zombie apocalypse survival tips, and being the best bad influence anyone could ask for.

Karen Jensen for the first reading of a dreadfully long manuscript and having the grace to say she liked it.

Melanie Perez for always laughing even when my jokes weren’t funny.

Alisha Fairley for being the Best. Cheerleader. Ever. 

Jonathan MacLean-Lambie, the Wizard Paradox for his vast knowledge of all things Celtic. Moran taing!

and last but not least—

Had to shuck a bunch of oysters before finally finding a pearl. Thank you for the smiles, ET.