Chapter 1

Working with Angels

There is nothing mystical about working with angels, for they are always right beside us every minute of every day and they are only too happy to help us. In fact, they help us all the time without our asking, but we usually fail to notice and regard something good happening to us as just “good luck.” However, focusing on a specific problem and concentrating on an appropriate angel will bring powerful guidance and help from the angel concerned. Your active involvement in the healing process will enable the angels to concentrate their efforts more accurately and powerfully.

Angels bring magic into our lives and can work miracles to make things right when things go wrong. They can sort out our most difficult problems and bring healing and harmony where there is disharmony and distress. They bring comfort where there is sorrow and bring their unconditional love to uplift us, regardless of how many mistakes we feel we have made in life. They are always by our side to bring help and inspiration when needed.

Working with individuals to bring divine love and wisdom into the world gives the angels particular joy. It is the angels’ wish to work with human beings in this way. Their healing balm will resolve difficulties in your life and aid healing in the world where there is hardship, conflict, and despair.

We can greatly assist the angels in their work on our behalf by tuning in to their power, for their power is on the ethereal planes and we can provide a link from the ethereal to the denser matter of earth. We can help channel the angel light wherever it is needed on earth and, by being on earth ourselves, give greater power to that light. It is the purpose of our lives to work with angels and partner with them in their work of bringing divine love and wisdom to all of humankind. This is the work that our spirit yearns for and that can bring us the greatest satisfaction and reward.

Whatever the problem, and however big and difficult it may seem, angels can give us the ability to deal with it and move on. Solutions can easily be found to problems that appear insurmountable with the help of angels. Their soft touch of support and words of wisdom bring inspiration and upliftment when we are feeling down and out of our depth. If circumstances seem difficult, angel healing can help us regain control of our lives and pass through the difficulties with ease.

However you visualize angels, they are always positive energies who have the welfare of all humankind, the earth, and all living creatures as their sole purpose of being. Acknowledging their existence and the work they do for humankind can open the door to a wonderful creative relationship that will bring a deep happiness and fulfillment to your life. They work tirelessly behind the scenes wherever there is disharmony on a personal as well as a global level, and constantly send guidance to us to enable us to live happy and fulfilling lives. But we are often too busy and distracted by the material world to be aware of angel presence and guidance. When we “switch off” our ego and allow our spiritual self to make contact with angels, the results can be amazing and life-changing. Awareness of angelic help in any given situation will give that help extra potency because we are opening a direct channel to allow the angels’ power to flow through.

The angels’ purpose as messengers is to reveal to each one of us the truth that we are perfect beings of great power and that there is nothing to fear in life, for we are divinely guided and supported by angels every moment of our lives. Angels view all of humankind as beautiful spiritual beings and do not sit in judgment of any of us. They understand how dense the matter of earth is and how easy it is for us to become negative when trying to deal with everyday living. This is the message that angels bring, and their love, guidance, and support are the love, guidance, and support of the Divine.

Angels wish for us to view them as friends who are totally nonjudgmental of our failings and weaknesses and are only too ready to assist us to grow and prosper in life. Their magic can make our dreams come true and make our lives so much happier. This is a wonderful truth to keep in mind as we go about our daily lives. Angel messages are always inspirational, positive, and full of hope.

Angel healing works on our emotional and mental bodies to bring a deeper understanding of our spiritual selves. By helping to put us in touch with our spiritual selves, angels can bring us a deep peace and knowledge that all is well in our lives.

Angel healing will put us in touch with our higher self (as opposed to the lower self of everyday life), the core of our being that holds all the answers to the questions we have about our lives. This higher self holds the secrets of our true path in life, a path that can bring only happiness and joy. It is these secrets of our inner being that the angels can reveal to us, for they know everything about us, good and not so good, and they know the path we should be taking to attain this divine joy.

Angels know our true selves better than we do and understand the fears and lack of confidence that can lead us down a negative path. Angels gently steer us away from these negative patterns and put us in touch with our true, positive selves that can bring us to a happy pathway in life.

When working with angels, it is important to remember that they cannot interfere with our karma, but they can certainly make things easier and less painful for us. Karma is the law of cause and effect, which means we reap what we sow. Our karma gives us opportunities to grow and learn, and there is good and positive karma as well as so-called negative karma. Working with angels and allowing their love and wisdom to enter our lives can turn any negative karma we may have into positive opportunities, and the angels are always with us to help us work through problems.

If you are going through a difficult time or have what seems to be an insurmountable problem, there is an angel who can help you through it. By working with angels, you will overcome your problems with the greatest of ease. Karma is not a negative law, and in no way should it be seen as punishment for previous so-called sins. We always act to the best of our ability and knowledge at any given time, and the law of karma helps us to understand ourselves and to learn and grow spiritually.

The meditations detailed in this book will bring the angels to your side to share their wisdom and healing love with you with the most surprising results. Whatever your problem may be, there is an angel who will pour healing balm upon it and bring inspiration and upliftment to your life. However upset you may feel about something, there is an angel only too ready to enfold you in wings of love and light, bringing comfort and healing joy to your heart. Whenever I feel upset about something, I imagine myself enfolded in the wings of my Guardian Angel and I immediately feel uplifted and can almost hear the words of wisdom the angel is bringing to me about the situation. The daily meditations in this book will help you become very attuned to angel energy as you go about your daily life. This is a beautiful energy that can inspire you and work miracles to make your life happier and more joyful.

To begin this wonderful and creative journey of working with angels, you need only dedicate as little as ten minutes a day to making contact with them. Enjoy your work with them, for it is the wish of all angels to bring joy and happiness to every soul on earth through their healing and guidance.
