Chapter 11

Dominion Angels:

Accessing Inner Wisdom

Inner wisdom is something we all seek at some time in our lives, especially when we have made mistakes. We often find ourselves in a position where a little wisdom would help to sort out some problem, but our ego can lead us along a negative path that goes nowhere. Perhaps you have come to a point in your life where you realize there is more to you than just the everyday ego personality and you wish to find the divine spark within that will give you the wisdom to realize your true potential in life.

Dominions are angels of intuition and wisdom and are the angels to contact if you want to work on your inner wisdom. They also have in their care all religious organizations on earth, and they bring their divine wisdom to church leaders and also to political leaders. If you find yourself in a situation where you need some divine wisdom to help you sort things out, call upon the Dominion angels in meditation to bring you the guidance you need. Likewise, if there is a situation in the world that needs divine wisdom, meditate with the Dominion angels and help them bring their guidance to the situation.

Dominion angels remind us that we are spiritual beings and the sole purpose of our lives on earth is to grow spiritually and find our true selves. Our true selves reveal altruistic love for all humankind, which we can send out into the world for the good of all. Finding our true spiritual selves can bring us the greatest joy and peace, for we know that all is well in our lives and life’s problems melt away or become easier to deal with when seen in the light of the spirit. Our true inner selves bring us divine wisdom with which we can work miracles in our lives.

The layers of material life grow thick and prevent us from seeing our true inner nature, but the meditations in this book will open us up to that true self. Remember the song of the Seraphim, “the earth is full of His glory,” and remember that we are truly glorious beings capable of great things and partners to the angels in their tireless work for humankind and all living creatures on the earth.

Our true spiritual self is not something we “put on” just for one day a week or when we meditate; it is not something different from our everyday self. Realizing our true inner self is living our everyday life to the best of our ability and appreciating the abundance and magnificence of our world. It is relating to people in the kindest and most thoughtful way, be they friends, work colleagues, or strangers, however much they might annoy us, and being as kind and understanding as we possibly can. Finding our true spiritual self won’t turn us into saints, but our spiritual self can give us the understanding and patience to put annoying and irritating matters into perspective and bring us to a place of peace. That sums up our spiritual self: it is always acting and reacting from a place of joy and peace within, no matter how irritating or hurtful someone is being or however tedious the task at hand is.

When we come up against a problem or a brick wall in our plans, our spiritual self can lead us to that inner wisdom within that can shine the light of the spirit on problems and help sort them out. Dominion angels can help us find our “still, small voice within” that whispers to us of the joy and magnificence of our true selves. It is a voice that speaks to us of how false our fears and worries are that torment us so. Dominion angels remind us that we are truly glorious beings.

Dominion angels can give us the courage to act when action is needed and also give us the wisdom and insight to act creatively and thoughtfully. By connecting us to that inner spiritual self, Dominion angels can help us live a harmonious life by not overreacting to the trials and tribulations that everyday life brings. They tell us that all is well in our lives and fears and worries are groundless. By bringing us to that place of peace within, Dominion angels help us realize that all is as it should be and all is working out according to a divine plan for our lives. Dominions bring us a message of joy and point out that the wisdom of our spiritual self can direct us safely through any problems we have.

Only our spiritual self can bring us the peace and joy we search for in life through material possessions. Material acquisitions may bring us a limited degree of peace and joy, but there is always something that comes along to upset the equilibrium of life. The deep peace we find through connecting to our spiritual self is always there for us and will never let us down. It will bring us the wisdom needed to deal with life’s upsets, and joy will always be in our hearts when we connect to that spark of the Divine within. Dominion angels connect us to the truth of our real self that knows the divine and eternal peace and joy of our spirit. Our divine spirit will bring to our hearts that which is everlasting and positive. It is complete in itself, unlike the materialistic, which cannot satisfy our true needs.

Dominion angels help us achieve this deep, everlasting peace that can steer our lives through untroubled waters and make every day a joyful adventure.

Dominion angels can give us the help we need to still the mind of its worries that go round and round, causing unnecessary turmoil in our hearts. By revealing to us the magic of our spiritual selves, Dominion angels help us take control of our thoughts, and thereby our lives, and the peace within shows us the way to keep our thoughts positive and healthy. When we have a difficult situation to deal with, it is very difficult to keep our thoughts about it positive. All sorts of feelings can make our thoughts negative and unhealthy. But by actively seeking the wisdom of the still, small voice within, with the help of the Dominion angels, positive thoughts can take control, and it is amazing how problems can dissolve away or seem small when the light of the spirit is shone on them. By uniting with the divine self within, difficult karma can be dissolved and we can find that our life is much happier and trouble-free.

Meditation with the Dominion angels will give us the ability to access our spiritual self at will, and regular practice of the meditation in this chapter will bring the peace and joy of the inner self to our hearts for longer and longer periods.

Our spiritual self is not something remote that is only accessible by meditation. Our spiritual self is as naturally a part of us as our eyes and ears are, but it is hidden under layers of the ego. The meditation with the Dominion angels will melt these layers away, revealing to us the true beauty and power of our real selves. This power is a true and positive power that can work miracles in our lives, and Dominion angels can help us access it.

This power is far greater than any power of the ego, or the earth self, and it is the divine purpose of the Dominion angels to help humankind find and use this positive power for the good of the individual and the good of all humankind. When we access this divine power through our inner spiritual self, we not only feel a great love for ourselves that brings an understanding of our so-called faults, but we also feel at peace with ourselves. This spiritual peace brings a strength and wisdom that can help us overcome the problems of life and make us realize that we are good enough.

The following meditation will bring the Dominion angels to your side to assist you in accessing the wonderful love, wisdom, and peace of your inner spirit.

Prayer to the Dominions

Beloved Dominion angels, bring your sweet presence to our lives and reveal to us the true loving nature of our spiritual selves. Reveal to us the deep peace and wisdom that is ours to work with for good in our lives and for the good of humankind, and help us have confidence in the inner light that is of divine power.

Meditation with the Dominions to Find Divine Wisdom Within

Sit comfortably either in a chair or on the floor in front of your altar, and breathe deeply for a few moments to clear your mind. Light your candle as a reminder of the little light that glows within you as a part of the Divine. Say the prayer to the Dominion angels to focus your mind and relax your body, particularly your shoulders, as detailed in chapter 2. Imagine yourself in your own special temple. You feel very safe and happy in your temple, with your Guardian Angel beside you to give help and support.

Before you stands a beautiful angel surrounded by a soft white light tinged with rose and yellow, the colors of love and wisdom. Feel this light filling every cell of your being and opening your heart center to the love of the Divine. You feel a great love flooding through you and illuminating your whole being. Feel your aura being filled with the beautiful light from the Dominion angel. A great peace fills your heart and mind, and you feel more relaxed and happy and at peace with the world than you have been in a long time. Bathe yourself in this light and enjoy the peace and love that fill your heart. Relax into this light for as long as you feel comfortable. Know that all is well in your life and that life’s problems can be transformed into positive endeavors when viewed from the peace of the spirit.

If you have a particular problem and feel in need of some divine wisdom to help you through it, gently focus on it without getting emotionally involved and feel the light of the Dominion angels flooding your whole being. Answers and inspiration will come to you, if not immediately, then in the next day or so.

When you feel ready, imagine the light from your heart center mingling with the light from the angel, and see this light filling your whole temple and the surrounding area. Then imagine this light going out into the world to bring wisdom and love where they are needed most. This angel light will heal the hearts and minds of all humankind and bring peace and love where there is distress and disharmony for whatever reasons. Enjoy working with the angels in this way to bring peace and love to humankind. Send this light into the world for as long as you feel able, then slowly bring your attention back to your actual surroundings. Take a few deep breaths to bring yourself fully back, and close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a sip of water, if necessary, to fully ground yourself. Remember to snuff out your candle if you lit one!

Thank the Dominion angel for his or her love and wisdom that has penetrated your heart, and also for radiating this love and wisdom to all of humankind.

Connecting with the spark of the Divine within will bring great spiritual rewards to you, for the greatest peace will flow through you and will bring harmony to your life where there is disharmony and peace where there is turmoil. The more you practice this meditation, the more you will feel in tune with your spiritual self and feel guided and protected by a great strength and love. I found that I experienced a very warm and happy feeling in my heart center when I began practicing this meditation, and I found I had more wisdom to deal with difficult situations in my life. Sending the light of the angel into the world also brings a wonderful feeling of fulfillment, for it is the work our spirits yearn for.
