Chapter 12

Virtue Angels:

Helping with Green Issues

Virtue angels are very much concerned with looking after the earth in all its aspects, from the deepest of the oceans to the tiniest wildflower. Their care for the planet is limitless and all-encompassing. The awareness of green issues that has grown over the past years may be because we are more in touch with angels and they have been able to bring their care of the planet to human attention. As awareness of angels over the past hundred years or so has grown, so have our minds been opened to the needs of the earth and all that grows and lives upon it. Most of us today would say that we are aware of green issues and that we do our bit to help heal and safeguard the planet, be it only recycling.

Virtue angels bring the light of wisdom to those in positions of power in the world to heighten their awareness of green issues. They have the whole earth very much in their care, and they work tirelessly to heal the planet. We can partner with the angels in this respect to give extra power to their work.

If you lead a busy life with little free time, it is easy to think that other people can give their time more easily, particularly those who carry out much-needed conservation work. But if you are unable to give any time in such a way, it only takes five or ten minutes to make contact with the Virtue angels and send their healing into the world. It will make their work so much more powerful, and the work will not be wasted in any way whatsoever.

The angels do not apportion any blame for things that go wrong in the world, and in no way do they stand in judgment of us. They accept and are pleased that human beings are now taking positive action to rectify much of the damage done to the earth by human progress in all its guises.

So, if angels are working ceaselessly to heal the planet, how and why do accidents like oil spills happen, causing devastation to local environments and suffering to wildlife? We should remember that humans have free will—that is, free will to use oil in their everyday lives, free will to drill for oil and to transport it, and so forth. Accidents happen, but the love of angels is not diminished in any way when there is such an occurrence. Indeed, angels work tirelessly to help humans clean up the mess. Part of their work is to stimulate the hearts and minds of human beings to restore harmony and balance to the earth.

Virtue angels work very closely with the ninth choir of angels, the angels that look after all wildlife and individual plants. Their love is for every living creature and plant that inhabits the earth. Many nature spirits, or faeries, help the angels in this work.

Here is a beautiful example of how angels look after all the plants and trees on the planet. It was related to me by my friend Doreen, who is a firm believer in angels and also works with them on a regular basis.

Doreen’s back garden adjoined land that was to be redeveloped. A hazel tree that overhung her garden needed to be cut down to make way for the new development. She was very fond of this tree and was very sad that it needed to be cut down. On the day prior to the work being carried out, Doreen spoke to the angel of the tree and warned him of the impending work, and held the tree in healing angel light.

On the evening after the tree had been cut down, Doreen had the most beautiful vision. She saw the angel of the tree standing where the tree had been, holding a large staff. He knocked it on the ground a couple of times, and fairies appeared from the undergrowth and twirled around the staff. The tree angel seemed to use his staff to “scoop up” the fairies and tree spirits that had belonged to the tree. They fluttered and twirled around the staff like little lights, and then the tree angel walked off into the distance with his little out-of-work and homeless band, maybe to find them a new home and another tree to look after.

Before he left, the angel of the tree acknowledged Doreen’s presence by giving a slight nod of his head. Maybe that was a thank you for Doreen’s care and love for the tree.

This demonstrates how every living plant and creature, including humans, are looked after by angels every minute of every day. The angels’ love and support are there waiting for us to tap in to, a love and support that will make such a difference in the everyday trials and tribulations of our lives. Working with the Virtue angels to heal the world will especially bring a sense of contentment and wonderment and bring insights into how the angels go about their work. You may even be fortunate enough to have a vision like Doreen’s.

I had a wonderful vision of a Virtue angel when on a hilltop in Dorset. The hill was quite high and afforded great views of the surrounding countryside. There was no one else around, and as soon as I reached the top of the hill, I became very aware of an angel’s presence. I don’t think I have ever felt so attuned to angels as I did that day. The angel I “saw” was of immense size, a beautiful creature of white light, and this light covered the whole hilltop and much of the surrounding countryside. I felt a great love in my heart not only for the angel but for everyone on earth. My feeling of love for all living things was immeasurable. I wanted the vision to last forever, for I felt as light as a feather and felt that I, too, was soaring above the hill swathed in the lovely white light of the angel.

The vision gradually receded, but I was left with a wonderful feeling in my heart center that I can recall to this day. My awareness of the beauty of nature was also much sharper than before, and I marveled at each wildflower and plant as though I was seeing them for the first time. The sky, the grass, the trees, and the flowers all resonated with an exquisite beauty and made me feel a wonderful love for all creation. I wanted the feeling to last forever, but it gradually faded and I felt a peace within myself that I had not known for a long time. When I feel a bit depressed or down, I can recall this wonderful feeling and draw it up from my heart center to fill my entire being. I can appreciate the beauty around me regardless of where I am, be it in my garden or walking along a crowded street.

The Virtue angels don’t just work in the countryside; they work on all levels and will give their love and support to your own garden if you have one. To bring angel power to your garden, hold each plant in angel light and remember the little fairies and spirits of the plant who are looking after it and know that the angels are watching over them. Send them your love and give thanks to them for the work they do, and feel their love flowing back to you. This will turn your garden into a wonderful place of peace and tranquility, full of angel power, where you can revitalize yourself during the busy days. Working with these nature angels brings its own kind of satisfaction, especially if you work on the land, for this will make your work flow effortlessly and bring you a great sense of achievement.

Even if you don’t have a garden of your own, you can still tune in to the Virtue angels and their faerie helpers. If there is a park nearby, practice sending your light to all the trees, shrubs, and plants, and you will experience a great upliftment of your spirit. You can help maintain the area as a haven of peace and tranquility for all who use it, and this will give your soul a wonderful feeling of joy, for you will be working from the divine spark within. The park will flourish as a restorative place for all who go there. Nature has a very restorative effect on our busy lives, and tuning in to nature in this way will bring peace and healing to your soul.

Remember, too, the wildlife in your garden and in the park, and hold them in the beautiful light of the angels. Enjoy the birdsong and know that the angels are working to make a haven for wildlife, which will intensify the joy of using such areas.

Virtue angels send power to all organizations that work for the good of the planet, from worldwide organizations to local nature conservation groups. So if you do not have any time to give but want to help in their work, spend ten minutes a day doing the following meditation. By sending these organizations much-needed support and power with the angels, you will be doing far more than you can possibly imagine. Alternatively, you can practice the meditation once a week if you are short on time, and it will still have the same effect.

Prayer to the Virtues

Dearest Virtue angels, open our hearts and minds to the needs of the earth. We thank you for the work you do to restore harmony and healing to our world. We pray that our work with you will bring healing where it is needed most and benefit all those who work to heal the planet.

Meditation with the Virtues
for Help with Green Issues

Sit comfortably before your angel altar and prepare yourself for meditation by concentrating on your natural breathing rhythm. Light your candle to remind yourself of the spark of the Divine that shines within you. Make sure your back is straight and your feet are firmly on the floor if sitting on a chair. You may feel more at ease by crossing your feet. Close your eyes and do the relaxation exercise detailed in chapter 2.

When doing this meditation, I always imagine myself on the hilltop where I saw the vision of the Virtue angel, so you may find it appropriate to imagine yourself also sitting on a hilltop surrounded by wildflowers and trees and with a beautiful blue sky above. Imagine the countryside around the hill, and hear the birds singing and crickets and other insects buzzing around you. Alternatively, there may be a special place of your own where you feel very close to nature and at peace with all creation, so visualize yourself there with as much detail as possible.

Say the prayer to the Virtue angels to focus your mind on the work you are about to undertake. Feel the presence of your Guardian Angel, who gives you all the love and support you need in your work for the planet.

Imagine a great angel of sparkling white light before you. This angel holds the well-being of the whole earth in his or her heart. Tune in to that love, and feel yourself filled with a great love for all creation. Just concentrate on this love and the light of the angel, and see this light as beautiful rays radiating out to encompass the whole world. The whole world is held in the healing light of the Virtue angel.

If there is an organization you wish to support, say its name quietly to yourself and know that the angel is holding all workers of that organization in light and power. Perhaps there has been an environmental disaster, such as an oil spill or a forest fire, to which you would like to send healing light. Either say the name of the particular location to yourself or visualize the scene and know that the angel is sending light and love to all those involved in dealing with it. The light of the angel will also bring healing and new growth where there has been destruction. You can continue this meditation every day until you feel the situation is resolved and your work is complete. Otherwise, practicing the meditation once a week on the same day and at the same time will suffice to bring the angel healing to the planet.

When you feel ready, direct your attention back to your actual surroundings and close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water to really ground yourself, and know that your light and power will continue to work with the angels long after you have finished your meditation. Don’t forget to put out your candle!
