Virtue Angels:
Bringing Peace and Harmony
to the World
Disharmony between nations poses the greatest risks to humankind and can cause distress to millions of people. Virtue angels do not stand in judgment of anyone but bring their healing love to bear on world leaders where there is disharmony, war, and conflict on a national or international scale. You can take part in this healing work by bringing the angels’ power to the earth level and giving it extra potency.
World leaders are in positions of great power and can attract to themselves the negative forces that are at large in the world. They are very vulnerable in this respect. But Virtue angels can bring positivity and peace to bear where there is disharmony, and this energy is made even more powerful by dedicated workers on the earth plane. This is very worthwhile work, and if you would like to contribute your power to the angels’ work, it should only take about five or ten minutes a day in meditation. Ideally you can do this work weekly on the same day each week and at the same time of day, so your mind gets used to doing the work at that time.
The work may seem daunting, and you may think that it is useless, for how can any individual bring about any real changes in the world? But work with the angels is never wasted and angel power is very real. There really are angels working for world peace, and we cannot know how many times a serious situation has been averted through the intervention of angels.
It is true that every individual in the world matters and has the power to change the world, and with the help of angels this is even more so. Every human being has the power of the Divine within them, and this power should not be underestimated. You may think you cannot possibly make a difference in the world, but you cannot know that this is true. Working with angels does make a difference, and someone, somewhere, will be touched by angel wings and feel the peace and wisdom of the angels in their heart. If this power is directed at those in positions of power in the world, the angels can work their magic tenfold. Don’t be disheartened if you feel your work is of no use. All work with angels has some effect somewhere and builds on the positivity and love of the Divine that abounds in the world.
This work will put you in touch with your divine nature, the little spark within, and bring a deep peace to your soul. By sending out the harmonious energy of the angels, you will attract harmony into your own life, and you will feel the benefits of this work in more ways than you thought imaginable. Miracles can happen when angels are involved, and by working with angels for peace and harmony, a deep peace will envelop your soul and your life. Never fear that your efforts are useless, for all angel work makes a difference somewhere in the world.
Wherever there is conflict in the world, angel power can be brought to bear upon it. The altruistic love that you send out when working with angels can bring much-needed wisdom and understanding to difficult situations and will have definite results, for no angel work is ever wasted.
Prayer to the Virtues
Dearest Virtue angels, bring your wisdom and peace where there is disharmony in the world. We pray that our own efforts will bring positive good to bear. Where there is darkness, bring your light, and where there is misunderstanding, bring your wisdom.
Meditation with the Virtues
for World Harmony
Sit comfortably either in a chair or on the floor, and have your angel altar in front of you. Contemplate your altar for a few moments, and light your candle to remind yourself of the light that lives within you that is the spark of God. Say the prayer to the Virtue angels to focus your mind on the work you are about to do, then do the relaxation exercise detailed in chapter 2.
When you feel ready and focused, imagine yourself in your inner temple with your Guardian Angel, who welcomes you with outstretched arms of love and joy. He or she stands beside you to support you in the work you are about to undertake.
See before you a beautiful angel radiating a brilliant emerald-green light, the color of harmony, and feel yourself filled with this light in every part of your being. Your whole temple is filled with this light. See this light going out into the world to bring harmony and understanding where it is needed. If you wish, think of a particular world situation that needs angel harmony and love at the present time. Otherwise, just see the light flooding the whole earth and know that the angels will direct the power where it is needed most. Keep this image in your mind for as long as you feel comfortable with it, then bring your attention back to your inner temple and then your actual surroundings. Thank the angel for being there and sending this healing light into the world to bring peace and harmony. Give thanks to yourself also for being able to do this vital work with the angels.
Close your chakras as detailed in chapter 2, paying particular attention to this ritual to really ground yourself, and take a few sips of water to help ground yourself further. Know that your work will not be wasted and that the angels will continue their work of bringing harmony and peace to the world.
The more you do this meditation, the more you will attract harmony into your own life. It is not necessary to perform the meditation every day, but it can be done once a week if you wish. The power of angel magic will not be diminished. Indeed, the more focused and empowered you are, the more effective the angel power will be in the world.