Chapter 14

Powers Angels:

Combating Evil in the World

Whether or not you believe in evil, the work of the Powers angels is to bring forth the love and goodness that rest deeply in the human heart and to eradicate negativity, or evil, in all its forms. There are many forms of evil in the world where vulnerable people are exploited by those in power. Children in particular are especially vulnerable. If you feel strongly about a particular type of evil you wish to help combat, focusing on this and asking the Powers angels for help will make a big difference. Powers angels are very powerful, and it is a joy to work with them, for they are the angels who combat evil in our world. To undertake such work with the angels will bring you an everlasting peace deep within your soul and will bring great joy to the angels.

Evil can come about due to the desire for power and greed, which often stems from fear of some kind. The ego is afraid, and power can give comfort to a frightened ego. The thirst for power is one of the most common causes of evil in our world.

Never underestimate the work of the angels, for someone, somewhere, will be touched by angel light and a little bit of evil will be eradicated. Always have confidence in the power of angels and in your own work of helping to radiate angel light and healing on the earth plane. Send out the angel light and know that the angels are working for good in the world, and have faith in this work. Know that you can make a difference through your positive thoughts and healing work, and give thanks for the work the angels do in the world.

Powers angels do not stand in judgment of anyone, however negative or evil the person may appear. They work to bring understanding and love to the world. Their task is to heighten awareness of the spark of the Divine within each soul, a spark that can bring true goodness and love to the consciousness of all humankind. This is the tireless work of the Power angels, and helping them bring this work to the earth plane is very valuable work indeed and will bring an everlasting peace to your soul.

Sending angel healing into the world when there seems to be so much evil and negative power may seem futile, but always believe in the work of the angels. It may take time, but angel work will have an effect somewhere in the world. Do the meditation in this chapter to assist the Powers angels in their work of fighting evil and you will find it most rewarding, for it is some of the most important work you can do. Remember, you are a being of great power, and your work with angels does have a great effect in the world.

Perhaps there is a particular cause that is close to your heart. You can help more than you will ever know by sending angel love into the world.

By doing this work, you will be uniting with the divine spark within you, and this divine spark will grow brighter each time you practice this meditation. Indeed, working with the angels on the various meditations in this book will help the divine spark within to grow more and more on a daily basis until the peace and love of the Divine floods your whole being and you find your life taking on a happier and more worthwhile aspect. Sending angel healing into the world will bring a subtle healing to your life, and any negativity and disappointments will gradually melt away and transform into wonderful positive opportunities that bring a happiness and contentment you never thought you could acquire.

The news media do tend to concentrate on all the negative aspects of the world, which can be rather depressing. Someone said to me recently, “I wish we could have some good news for a change.” Well, there is good news! Angels walk with us and enfold us in their love every moment of every day and are always there for us when we feel down. They are combating negative conditions and so-called evil in all its forms, and your work with them will make their work so much easier.

Always remember that there is a lot of positive energy in the world that manifests in many ways and combats the evil and injustices that afflict so many. There are many individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to bring comfort and help to both humans and animals who are in some way suffering. Contemplate the goodness that is in the world, and add your own little divine spark to the many divine sparks that light the world. Evil and injustice can be overcome by the goodwill of people everywhere. The angels are with everyone, including those who perpetrate the evil and injustice, and they lift humankind above the negative view of the minority. The angels’ love is there for all to experience and is all-powerful.

Prayer to the Powers Angels

Dearest Powers angels, we thank you for your valuable work in fighting evil in the world and know that your work has great effect. Allow us to help you in this most important of work. We pray that our hearts will join with yours in sending healing into the world.

Meditation with Powers Angels
to Combat Evil in the World

Sit in a chair or on the floor, whichever is the most comfortable, and have your angel altar in front of you. Light your candle and concentrate on the flame for a few moments, remembering that this flame represents the spark of God that is deep within the soul of every living being. Say the prayer to the Powers angels, then relax yourself as detailed in chapter 2. Imagine yourself in your own special temple, where your Guardian Angel awaits you. He or she stands behind you with hands on your shoulders to give you support in the work you are about to do.

Imagine in front of you a powerful angel dressed in violet, the color of goodness and power. This angel is full of love and extends his or her arms in welcome to you. You feel very happy that you are able to share in this important work. See the violet rays radiating out from the angel and flooding your temple. Imagine this light spreading out, flooding the whole world in angel light. You may wish to focus on one particular type of evil, in which case just say to yourself a few words that sum it up and don’t dwell on the particular issue, for this might distress you. The angel will know exactly what you are thinking and will send his or her love and power appropriately. Otherwise, don’t think of any particular thing or person, for the angels know where their help is needed.

Don’t dwell on the evil, or negativity, that is in the world, but think instead of all the millions of people in the world who live by the goodness in their hearts and think also of the organizations that work to combat negative conditions. Feel your heart center expanding as you think of them. Send out the light from the angel and the light of your heart center, and feel yourself becoming one with all that is good and positive. See this positive goodness as a glorious light shining over all the earth, and feel yourself become as one with this light. Feel the joy and love it brings to your heart, and know that your work is making a great difference in the world.

Hold this vision for as long as you feel comfortable with it, then let your attention return to your actual surroundings. Know that you have given invaluable help to the Powers angels in their continuous fight against evil in the world. Know that someone, somewhere, will be touched by the light and a difference will be made by your work.

Take a few deep breaths to bring your awareness fully back to the present, and close your chakras to fully ground yourself, as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water, as this will also help to ground you and bring you fully back from the meditation. You can do this meditation every day if you wish. By doing it at the same time each day, it will focus your mind and you will find it easier to do the work. Alternatively, you can do this meditation once a week on the same day and at the same time, and the work will be just as powerful.
