Chapter 21

Archangel Uriel:

Finding Direction in Life
and Following Your Dreams

If you come to a point in life where you don’t know what to do or which way to turn, Archangel Uriel is the angel to ask for help, for his great love and wisdom will guide you to do what is right and positive.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need ideas, Uriel will give you that inspiration. There are many situations in life where inspiration is needed or a fresh approach is required because your life is getting stale or not going as well as you had hoped. You might well find yourself in a situation where you feel stuck in a way of living that you know is not right for you, but you can see no way out and all ways out are blocked for some reason. Your life seems dull and lacking in purpose. You have dreams of how you would like to be living, but these dreams seem unobtainable. Such a negative way of life can be soul-destroying, especially if you cannot see how to change things for the better. This is where the power of Archangel Uriel will help, for he can bring fresh ideas and illuminate ways of living that you perhaps had not thought of. Archangel Uriel can unblock that which seems hopeless and show the way to a more positive and happier way of life.

Sometimes being stuck in a rut can feel like a safe option in life, and any changes to routine can seem scary, even though you know that change is the right thing for you. Archangel Uriel will give you the courage to take steps to change your life and follow your dreams with a positive outlook.

Life should feel good and positive, and it is our birthright to feel joy and happiness in our daily living, so if your life does not reflect these states of being, if life is dull, then a radical change is the only way forward. Angels are always by your side to support you in your endeavors and point the way to a better way of living. Archangel Uriel is there for you to help you achieve your dreams in life and find the direction you are lacking. He is beside you to whisper words of encouragement and bring inspiration. He will bring fresh ideas and hope and help you find the correct path to living a happy and joyful life.

You may know that change is important in your life, but if you are overworked and stressed, sometimes it is difficult to see the forest from the trees. Uriel will bring a deep peace to your heart and mind and help you see which is the best path forward for you.

You may know what you wish to achieve in life but don’t know how to achieve those dreams. Archangel Uriel can make your dreams come true. He can unlock the great power that is the truth of your being and set you on the path to success and prosperity. Whatever you dream of, it can become a reality with the help of Archangel Uriel, who will be with you every step of the way showing you the right course to take. He will give you the courage to take the first step to realizing your dream and to continue pursuing your dream with a positive heart.

Sometimes it is difficult to see which course of action would be the best to take when several are offered to you. Again, Archangel Uriel can help by guiding you to the option that will have the most positive effect in your life. Sometimes in life you come to a crossroads, where two different paths, or more, are open to you and you don’t know which option to choose. All routes may look good, and worry can set in as to which way to go. Thoughts go round and round in your head over the advantages and disadvantages of the different paths that could be taken. Potential opportunities lost if you take the wrong way come to mind, and this can intensify the worry even further and cause distressing confusion in your mind.

Archangel Uriel can bring peace to the worried and confused mind and shine a light of clarity upon the situation, thereby showing a clear way of progress.

Archangel Uriel has the wisdom to know what is best for you and can see the situation from a different viewpoint. He can see all angles and the results of taking different routes, and he knows what will bring the greatest happiness to you and what will have the most profound effect on your life. He will show you the safest and most appropriate course to take, a path that will bring rewards of great happiness and contentment. If you find yourself with several options, just imagine a great angel in front of you and send him your love, and then ask what is the correct path to follow. This will be Archangel Uriel, and he will guide you to the best way to move forward. Think of each option in turn and feel your reaction to each in your solar plexus. Archangel Uriel will guide you by making you feel really good about one particular option, which you will instinctively know is right for you. Make changes to your life with the confidence that with the help of the angels you have made the right decision and have the courage to follow Archangel Uriel’s guidance.

Alternatively, keep a notebook handy, for you might receive messages in the form of thoughts as to why a particular choice is right for you or why it is not such a good idea. Trust the angels and you will find yourself on a pathway to success and happiness.

Meditation with Archangel Uriel will bring his great love and power to guide you to make the best decision and ensure that you take the most advantageous route.

If a radical change is called for in your life because you feel stuck in a situation that seemingly has no way out, try the meditation in this chapter and you will find yourself inspired to try new things that bring about a positive and happier pathway in life, one that is right for you, bringing a fulfillment and joy you may once have thought impossible. Archangel Uriel will also provide you with the courage to take the necessary steps to achieve this new way of life, and by working with Archangel Uriel, you will soon find that your life becomes fulfilling and very exciting! This is the truth of working with angels. You will find that angel power can bring the most surprising results that are never boring but are always exciting!

I do the meditation in this chapter when I feel I have lost my direction and am making no progress in achieving my goals in life. It always helps me to make a breakthrough and set me on a positive path. If I have a particular goal I want to achieve but don’t know where to start, I practice this meditation to give me the courage and inspiration to move forward.

Sometimes it can be scary to make a big change in your life and to take the first steps to realizing your dreams, but the meditation with Archangel Uriel will help give you the courage and determination to start on the path to happiness, success, and prosperity.

You need to have a very clear idea of what your dreams are in order to realize them. Sometimes we have a vague idea of what we would like to be doing, but to make dreams come true, you need to focus on them with clarity. As you go about your daily business, keep a positive thought in your mind about what you wish to achieve, and with the help of Archangel Uriel, you will soon be on the way to making your dream a reality. For the purposes of this meditation, have a clear thought or image in your mind that represents your dream, and focus the light of Archangel Uriel upon it.

Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Dearest Archangel Uriel, show me the right path in life, one that will bring upliftment to my soul and inspire my spirit. Shine your light on my life and my dreams. Bring direction where there is none and answers where I have questions.

Meditation with Archangel Uriel
to Find Direction in Life

Prepare yourself by sitting comfortably in front of your altar, and breathe deeply for a few moments. Light your candle and concentrate on the flame, remembering that it represents the spark of the Divine with you. Then say the prayer to Archangel Uriel and perform the relaxation exercise as detailed in chapter 2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your inner temple, where your Guardian Angel welcomes you with love and warmth and stands beside you ready to give you help and support.

See before you a beautiful angel bathed in a beautiful green and golden light. This light radiates forth from the angel and enfolds you. The green light cleanses away the dullness and negativity that are so stifling to your spirit, and the golden light brings inspiration and wisdom to set you on the right path. This new pathway will bring the greatest happiness and joy to your life. Feel the glorious golden light of Uriel filling every cell of your being, bringing fresh ideas for a new way of living. You feel at peace with yourself and know that from now on your life will be fulfilling and you will have the joy of feeling alive. Uriel’s wisdom enables you to make the right decisions to bring about positive change and the fulfillment of your dearest dreams. Feel this golden light illuminating your whole being, and know that all is well in your life.

If you have a particular dream you wish to work on, shine the golden light of Archangel Uriel on the image that represents it, or hold the clear thought of the dream in your mind as you bathe yourself in the golden light of the Archangel.

Hold yourself in the light of Archangel Uriel for as long as you feel able, then bring your awareness back to your actual surroundings. Take a few deep breaths, then close your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water to fully ground yourself. Give thanks to Archangel Uriel for his help at this time in your life, and send him your love by radiating a rose-colored ray of light from your heart or by saying the words “My love to you, dear Archangel Uriel,” whichever you feel most comfortable with.

Have a notebook and pen handy to jot down any ideas that come to you. Ideas will definitely come to you about how you can change your life for the better and achieve your goals in life that have been eluding you. If you are faced with several choices about the direction to go in, think about each option in turn. You will feel a surge of joy when you come to the one that is best for you, or you will feel stronger about one course of action than others. This can happen immediately after the meditation or over the next few days. Be aware of your feelings, and jot down any ideas. Know that Archangel Uriel and your Guardian Angel are right by your side to support you as you go about making changes to your life. You may need to practice this meditation a few times before definite ideas come to you, but don’t give up, for angel power will never let you down. Know that there are exciting times ahead!

Repeat the meditation until you feel you are well on your way to achieving your goals, then practice the meditation with Archangel Gabriel in the next chapter. Archangel Gabriel is the angel to ask for help when you are going through a major change in your life. His love and power will ensure that all runs smoothly and positively. He and Archangel Uriel will be with you throughout your journey to give their love and support as you move toward completion of your dreams.
