Chapter 22

Archangel Gabriel:

Making Major Changes
in Life with Ease

Even with the help of angels, making major changes in your life can be daunting and they can fill your mind with doubts and misgivings about whether you are doing the right thing. You can be particularly vulnerable at such times and open to negative conditions, but asking Archangel Gabriel for his guidance and help will greatly assist you in facing the changes that need to be made and give you protection from any negative influences. His love and power can help things run smoothly and can help you feel calm and have the strength to cope with the transition period.

If you have been practicing the meditation with Archangel Uriel seeking direction in life from chapter 21 and are now prepared to make major changes to your life and need the courage to put your ideas into action, then Archangel Gabriel is the angel to seek to help you on your journey.

Major changes can be very positive and exciting, but it is still advisable to seek the power of the angels to bring their positive influence to bear on the situation.

Perhaps the change in your life is very challenging and is causing you some trepidation, and you are not sure what the future will bring. This may be starting a new job, moving to a new area, having a baby, or ending a relationship that you are no longer happy with. Whatever the change is, angels will be by your side to uplift and guide you and give their love to assist you in adapting to your new situation.

Major change can be quite stressful, but Archangel Gabriel will surround you in his protecting love and ensure that all changes run smoothly in your life. When Archangel Gabriel is actively involved in your life, there is no need for concern that change will be anything but positive. His love and power will protect you and ensure that you make the right decisions. The changes you make will be exciting and worthwhile and will bring about good fortune and all that you hoped for.

Change in your life can also bring changes in your relationships, for people can react when friends or relatives make a major change in their lives. Often, friends or relatives are very positive and supportive, but sometimes they feel quite threatened and then react negatively. Archangel Gabriel is always by your side when you tune in to him, and he will help you deal with these situations. Change in your life can be quite frightening for others who perhaps feel that their own way of life is being challenged. Archangel Gabriel will give you the wisdom to heal these negative feelings in others and also the courage to show your joy at the changes you are making. If someone does react in a negative way, just hold them in the light of Archangel Gabriel and you will be surprised at how quickly their reaction becomes one of positive support!

The following meditation with Archangel Gabriel will help at all times in your life when a major change is happening.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Dearest Archangel Gabriel, please allow your power and strength to guide me at this time and protect me from negative influences. With your help, I know this will be an exciting and positive time, free from stress and difficulties.

Meditation with Archangel Gabriel
for Help in Making Major Changes

Prepare yourself by sitting in front of your altar, and lighting your candle. The flame represents the spark of the Divine within that gives you the courage and strength to adjust to this time of transition in your life. Perform the relaxation exercise as detailed in chapter 2. Say the prayer to Archangel Gabriel, and then imagine yourself in your inner temple. Know that your Guardian Angel is beside you to give you all the love and support you need.

Before you stands Archangel Gabriel in a beautiful radiant light of gold. Feel this light enfolding you in a comforting aura of love and protective power. Know that all will be well and that you will adjust to this major transition in your life with the greatest of ease. Archangel Gabriel will protect you and support you through this time. Hold yourself in the golden light of the archangel and feel his loving power permeating every cell of your being. All is well in your life, and changes will be completed without any problems or stress.

Hold this feeling for as long as you feel comfortable, then bring yourself back to your actual surroundings. Close your chakras as detailed in chapter 2, and take a sip of water. It is best to do this meditation at least once a week until you feel you are through the change and you have adjusted to your new way of life.

The love and power of Archangel Gabriel will guide you to a positive and successful way of living and bring you great happiness and satisfaction. Life will feel worthwhile and exciting, and the angels will bring you the fulfillment of your dearest dreams.
