Chapter 23

Archangel Gabriel:

Healing Anxiety

Anxiety is a very debilitating illness and is closely linked to depression. Like depression, anxiety seriously affects your life and stops you from doing many of the things that gave you pleasure and joy. Anxiety affects all areas of your life and can come upon you for varying reasons. It is very difficult to get rid of once it has got a grip on you. It can make everyday tasks difficult to perform, as the fear grips your stomach and makes even the simplest of tasks a major effort.

Depression is greatly healed by Archangel Jophiel, as detailed in chapter 28, and Archangel Gabriel can bring the strength of the Divine to help ease the crippling hold of anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety, you should always seek medical advice, for there is a range of prescription drugs available that can greatly help the condition.

The healing of Archangel Gabriel goes hand in hand with medication to bring a resolution to the problem, which seems to take over your life. Just getting through the day is an effort, but the healing light of Gabriel will break through the darkness that has you in its grip and bring gentle healing. With anxiety, instead of embracing the challenge of each new day, you feel unable to cope with anything and the day becomes a struggle to get through. The purpose of the day becomes not “What can I achieve?” but “How can I get through it?” This is a situation that doesn’t help anyone and can place great stress on your relationships.

Anxiety is an all-consuming illness that is very difficult to break out of without help. Once it has you in its grip, the smallest problem can grow totally out of proportion and create more anxiety. Anxiety feeds on anxiety, but the power of Archangel Gabriel will give you the strength to break out of its grip and give you the courage to face your tasks and problems. When suffering from anxiety, those things that once gave you excitement and pleasure no longer do so. Indeed, the thought of doing such things creates its own anxiety, but Archangel Gabriel can heal these negative feelings and return to you the pleasure you once enjoyed. Archangel Gabriel’s power is the strength of the Divine and can heal and put in perspective all your problems that cause anxiety. Meditation with Gabriel will bring his deep wisdom to your soul and you will be able to see ways around your problems, thereby healing the anxiety such problems cause.

When in the grip of anxiety, you often visualize the future filled with unimaginable horrors, with all your worst fears coming true. But you cannot know what the future will bring. Focusing on one day at a time will help bring such thoughts under control, and with the help of Archangel Gabriel and your Guardian Angel you will be able to turn these fears around and look forward to an exciting future. Your future depends on your thoughts and actions in the present moment, so it is important to keep your thoughts healthy and positive.

The love and light of Gabriel will bring healing to your thoughts and fears and bring the realization that the future does not have to be as you imagine. You can do something positive about it with Gabriel’s help. The angels will never let you down but will see you through difficult situations to a positive conclusion. Never fear, for with angels by your side, all will be well in your life. The angels are with you always, looking after you and helping to steer you along a positive and happy route. Your worst nightmares have no basis in reality, for they are only figments of your imagination, and with angels by your side, you have nothing to fear. You are cherished and loved by an almighty power that has the ability to bring positivity out of whatever negative conditions you currently find yourself in.

Finding the cause for your anxiety is of great help, for if you know the cause, you are halfway there to healing the situation. Money is a major concern for many people, and money problems can lead to great stress on the nervous system. By bringing the healing power of Gabriel into your life, you will find the inspiration and courage to take whatever steps are necessary to resolve the problems you face. It is truly amazing what can happen when Archangel Gabriel brings his healing power to your life. Miracles do indeed happen!

The meditation with Gabriel in this chapter will bring upliftment from the crippling anxiety that blocks inspiration and joy from being a part of your life. Once the anxiety is under control, the way is clear for a more positive outlook, which will bring its own healing to enable you to take positive action and once more lead a fulfilling and joyful life.

Gabriel’s healing of anxiety is truly magical. He is a bringer of inspiration and joy, and you will find that all those things that gave you pleasure in the past now do so again. Angelic healing will help you live a truly inspirational life, with the power and love of Gabriel always by your side. While you need him, he will never leave you but will always be there to bring upliftment and hope and the knowledge that all will be well in your life. Archangel Gabriel knows the suffering anxiety brings and does not stand in judgment of you in any way whatsoever. His only purpose is to heal and restore happiness to the depleted soul, and this he does in the most miraculous ways.

You can feel very alone when suffering from extreme anxiety, for it is a difficult condition to talk about with anyone. Those who don’t suffer from it do not understand how debilitating an illness it is. But Archangel Gabriel does understand and knows that it is something you cannot just shake yourself out of. It is good to know that right by your side is this angel who completely understands your plight and brings his love to you as a healing balm upon your illness. Healing will take place when you actively join with Gabriel in meditation to heal and uplift your soul. The healing of Gabriel will be manifold, for he will heal deeply into your soul, where the seed of the illness lies. He will also heal your mental body, where thoughts of a negative nature go round and round, feeding the anxiety. His loving touch will also heal your emotional body, which holds all the fear associated with anxiety, and he will bring you the courage and strength to face up to things and gain insight and inspiration into how to deal with them.

Miracles occur when you actively seek the healing of angels, and Gabriel will bring magic and miracles to your life that will once again bring joy and happiness to your soul. Practice the following meditation with Gabriel on a daily basis and gradually the anxiety will fade and a new positive outlook will take its place. You will know that the future holds only inspiration and joy, for nothing can go wrong when you have angel love to uphold you.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Dearest Archangel Gabriel, I thank you for your healing power that comes to me as I struggle with anxiety. Your love and inspiration uplift me and lead me through the darkness to a joyous and fulfilling life.

Meditation with Archangel Gabriel
to Heal Anxiety

Sit before your angel altar with your back straight, and make sure you are warm and comfortable. Light your candle to remind yourself of the light that shines within you that is the spark of the Divine. Say the prayer to Archangel Gabriel to focus your mind on the work you are about to do. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, then do the relaxation exercise as detailed in chapter 2. When fully relaxed, imagine yourself in your inner temple. Take a few moments to look around and fully imagine yourself there. Your Guardian Angel welcomes you with outstretched arms and envelops you in a beautiful golden light. He or she stands behind you with hands resting on your shoulders to give you support during the meditation.

See standing before you a magnificent angel bathed in a soft golden light. This is the Archangel Gabriel, who gives you all his love. Feel the light radiating from Gabriel and enveloping you in its power. Feel this wonderful light calming your fears and anxieties and replacing such negative feelings with joy and courage. Know that all will be well in your life and nothing can go wrong, for you are looked after by angels twenty-four hours a day. You feel a great surge of happiness at this realization that floods your whole being—mind, body, and soul—and brings a profound healing to your battered emotions. Gabriel continues to flood you with his golden light, a light that heals and uplifts and brings inspiration. You know that each day henceforth will be a day of happiness and courage and that your anxiety and fears will melt away in the light of Gabriel.

Hold yourself in the golden light of Gabriel for as long as you feel comfortable, then bring your awareness back to your actual surroundings. Give thanks to Gabriel for his healing of your mind, body, and soul. Take a few deep breaths, then close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water to further ground yourself, and don’t forget to snuff out your candle!

The healing of Gabriel will continue long after the meditation has ended, and each day you will feel a little more confident, a little more at peace with yourself and your life. Practice this meditation daily until you feel that your anxieties and fears are a thing of the past and that a full healing has taken place. It is a relief to feel strong about the future instead of fearing what it will bring. You now feel happy and able to face all of life’s challenges with a joyful heart, knowing that the Archangel Gabriel will never desert you, but will always be there for you with his love and healing.
