Archangel Chamuel:
Help on the Spiritual Path
Maybe you have come to a point in your life where you are looking for meaning above and beyond the materialistic world of everyday living. There are many routes to finding the divine spark within you and many ways to work with the Divine. It can be difficult to know which one is right, but you should always follow your heart and do what feels right for you. Once on the spiritual path, there are many distractions and many misleading side roads you can go down, for the ego will feel under threat, but working with angels will always guide you along a beautiful and true pathway that is right for you. All people are different and have different needs, and that includes spiritual needs. “All roads lead to God” is something to be remembered, which makes religious intolerance so absurd.
The spiritual quest can be confusing at times, but Archangel Chamuel will guide you through it to find the right answers to your questions and bring you to a place of knowing and deep peace. If you feel confused or are not sure about a particular spiritual path you are following, ask Chamuel for guidance by doing the simple meditation in this chapter. You will soon have answers to your questions, and confusion will be turned into a deep knowing that you are on the right path.
Finding the divine spark within is the sole purpose of our lives, and angels are ever by our side to help us in this quest. It is the search for the Holy Grail, and angels are our guides and helpers. Archangel Chamuel is by your side as soon as you purposefully seek spiritual enlightenment and search for that spark within. Chamuel will guide you and lead you to the path that best suits your needs, and he will always be by your side to whisper words of encouragement and inspiration. There often comes a time on the spiritual path when you feel confused as to whether you are doing the right thing or not. Archangel Chamuel will uplift you at such times and bring you an inner confidence and knowing that all is well and that you are on the right path, for you are guided by angels.
You may have many questions once you endeavor to follow a spiritual path, and Chamuel will be there for you with answers. Always have a notebook and pen handy, for Chamuel can bring you answers at any time, sometimes when you least expect it. The following meditation will bring the wisdom of Chamuel to your heart and mind and bring answers where there is confusion and questions.
Prayer to Archangel Chamuel
Dearest Archangel Chamuel, you know that the spiritual path has many pitfalls. We ask for your love and guidance as we continue our journey and pray that we have your wisdom to guide us. We thank you for this guidance and know that your love clears our vision as we walk our chosen path.
Meditation with Archangel Chamuel for Spiritual Help
This is an important meditation, for it will give you clearer vision and bring many insights and answers to questions you may have about your spiritual path. Chamuel guides all those who make the determined effort to seek spiritual enlightenment, and his love and wisdom will guide you every day of your life.
Sit comfortably, either in a chair or on the floor, with your back straight. Have your altar in front of you, and light your candle. Focus on the flame for a few moments, remembering that it symbolizes the flame of the Divine at your heart center. The aim of this meditation is for this little spark to grow and flood your whole life and being with divine love and wisdom.
Relax yourself as detailed in chapter 2, then say the prayer to Archangel Chamuel. Imagine yourself in your temple with your Guardian Angel beside you to help and inspire you. Before you stands Archangel Chamuel in a glorious white light. Hold this image and feel the light flooding your whole being. There is no need to think of anything; just hold yourself in the beautiful light and know that divine guidance will ensure that your questions will be answered. The pure white light of Archangel Chamuel makes you feel very happy and uplifted because you know that you are on the right path, which leads to fulfillment and enlightenment.
When you feel ready, bring your attention back to your actual surroundings and give thanks to Archangel Chamuel for his help and guidance. Close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2, and take a sip of water to further ground yourself. Over the next few days, you will receive many insights and answers to problems that have been troubling you. If you have felt doubts about which path to follow, these doubts will be clarified and you will feel a newfound confidence in the path you have chosen.