Chapter 27

Archangel Jophiel:

Healing Depression

Depression is a very serious illness that should never go unchecked, for it affects not only yourself but all those around you. Archangel Jophiel will bring his great love to heal your soul if you feel depressed or down about something, and regular meditation with him will lift your spirits out of the darkness and bring joy to your heart once again.

Archangel Jophiel can bring relief from serious depression, for he is able to penetrate the thick black blanket of depression that seems to envelop you when it really gets a hold. He can bring the warmth and vigor of the sun to dispel those dark clouds and dissolve the blackness you feel you are drowning in.

Depression is a very debilitating illness and can affect all areas of your life. It can affect your work by interfering with your power to concentrate and communicate, and can also have a damaging effect on relationships. Sometimes when you are feeling depressed you just don’t want to relate to anyone else. All the joy of living has gone from you, and you feel unable to perform even the simplest of tasks.

When depression comes upon you, it is difficult to have the enthusiasm to do anything, particularly meditation, but just imagining the joyous golden light of Archangel Jophiel enfolding you in loving understanding can have miraculous effects. If you suffer from deep depression, seek medical advice, for there are many prescription drugs available that can really help the condition. If you don’t wish to take antidepressants, it may be beneficial to practice the meditation with Jophiel in this chapter when you are feeling up to it. If you imagine yourself wrapped in golden light, this will work on the disharmony within that is causing the depression.

Meditation may just be too much of an effort when you are in a deeply depressive mood, but just imagining yourself wrapped in the warm golden light of Archangel Jophiel will help lift that black cloud. Imagine the light as glorious sunshine permeating every part of your being. The power of Jophiel will radiate deep into your soul, where the seeds of the depression lie, and the powerful light will bring healing and a new enthusiasm to live life to the full.

As a sufferer of depression, I can vouch for the uplifting effect of the light of Jophiel, for it really does break through that thick dark cloud that seems to envelop you when you sink into depression. I have found that I cannot practice meditation at such times, but just trying to make the effort to imagine the golden light of Jophiel radiating throughout my whole being, body and soul, does have a very healing effect. It opens the way for true healing to take place, which can be done through meditation with Archangel Jophiel, for his strong golden light can shine on the darkest of places within the soul and transform the darkness into light and joy.

It is worthwhile to remember that when the black cloud sinks upon you, the angels do not abandon you. Indeed, they are with you in force to help uplift and heal you and bring their joyous message of love to bear upon your soul. You may not be aware of angel presence when you are in the clutches of the darkness, but Archangel Jophiel is beside you, as is your Guardian Angel, and they are both working to lift the cloud of depression and bring joy and enthusiasm back to your life.

Depression can come about due to bereavement or the loss of a job, and these are very difficult situations to deal with. But the love of the angels is always with you to bring acceptance, hope, and optimism for the future. Know that the angels are always by your side whispering words of encouragement. However difficult the situation you find yourself in, know that the love of the angels is there to help and guide you. Working with your Guardian Angel can also be really helpful and rewarding when faced with a difficult problem.

Depression is an illness that can affect anyone at any time for no apparent reason. But often there is an underlying problem that causes the depression. The power of Jophiel can uncover the causes of the depression, and this in itself can be very healing, for you then have the opportunity to heal the root of your illness. Working with Archangel Jophiel every day will bring enlightenment as to why you feel as you do, and he will bring all his love and wisdom to bear upon the problem. Jophiel will bring all his power and love to you if you seriously try to heal this root cause, and it can be done safely and powerfully in the knowledge that the angel’s healing power is uplifting you and protecting you from negative sources. Seeing the cause of depression clearly will weaken the hold it has on you, and having Jophiel’s support will bring healing ever closer. Archangel Jophiel will be with you as you look at the causes of your depression, and he will help you deal with the problem.

It may be helpful to write out a description of the causes of your depression and work out some positive affirmations to counteract them. Writing down the causes can be very cathartic, as this process is in effect getting the problem out of your system. Letting go of the root causes of depression can be a very great help. Say to yourself, “I let go of all negative influences in my life.” Working with Archangel Jophiel will help you look at your life with a greater understanding, and his love will support you and help you work through your demons. Remember that we are all very powerful beings with powerful minds that, when guided by angels, can heal even the deepest depression.

Keep a depression diary and make a note of how you are feeling from day to day. The healing of Archangel Jophiel is very powerful, and you should notice a difference quite soon. Practice the meditation every day if you can, and you will soon find that you once more feel joy and enthusiasm for your daily tasks. The pessimistic outlook on life will be transformed into a new and exciting optimism for the future, and you will experience the attacks of the dark clouds less and less.

Prayer to Archangel Jophiel

Dearest Archangel Jophiel, I pray that your healing light will shine on the darkness within me and transform that darkness into light so that depressive moods cannot take hold of me. I thank you for your healing power to lift me above the dark clouds that limit my life. Your beautiful light brings me to a place of healing and joy where darkness has been banished.

Meditation with Archangel Jophiel to Heal Depression

Sit comfortably before your altar and light your candle. Concentrate on the flame for a while, and remind yourself that it represents the flame of God within your spirit. That little flame within has a very healing effect when activated and can banish depression and sadness. Take a few deep breaths, and then do the relaxation exercise as detailed in chapter 2. Say the prayer to Archangel Jophiel, then imagine yourself in your inner temple with your Guardian Angel beside you to give love and support. You feel very safe and happy in your inner temple, and your Guardian Angel bathes you in a golden light to help you with your work with the Archangel Jophiel.

See before you a beautiful golden angel radiating a bright golden light. This light fills your whole temple with sunshine and enfolds you in a lovely warm and calm feeling. You feel that all is well with your life. Feel this golden light radiating throughout your whole being—physical, mental, and spiritual. Feel this light penetrating to the darkest areas of your soul where the depression lies, and feel it healing you. Know that the illness will be diminished and eventually healed by the golden light of Jophiel. Hold yourself in the glorious golden light of Jophiel for as long as you feel comfortable. You feel very safe and uplifted by this glorious light and know that a wonderful healing is taking place.

When you feel ready, bring your awareness back to your actual surroundings and take a few deep breaths. Close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2, and take a few sips of water to properly ground yourself. Give thanks to Archangel Jophiel for his healing power, and know that this power will continue to heal and uplift you long after your meditation is finished. Don’t forget to put out your candle.

Know that all will be well and that the golden light of Jophiel will reveal to you the causes of the depression you suffer. Know that he will give to you the courage and ability to safely deal with this and bring healing where there is darkness in your soul.

You should always seek medical advice about depression. If you have been prescribed medication, do not give this up when practicing the meditation with Jophiel. The work you do with Jophiel will bring about a wonderful healing, and if you feel you can now live without medication, this should be done gradually under medical supervision. I speak from experience and know that my own healing was brought about by the wonderful loving help of this beautiful angel and also with the help of my Guardian Angel working with Jophiel.

Have confidence in the healing of the angels, for it really does work, and know that the dark clouds can be lifted and vanquished by the light of angels. Enjoyment of life will return, and the dark clouds will descend less and less as you persevere with this meditation. Perform the meditation every day at the same time for maximum benefit.
