Chapter 28

Archangel Raguel:

Gaining Self-Confidence

Holding back from life can have a very detrimental effect on your development and progress and lead you to miss golden opportunities that could create wonderful successes and achievements. Lack of self-confidence is an ego issue, for it is the ego that lacks the confidence to take hold of life with a confident and happy heart. The spirit deep within has all the confidence you need to lead a full and glorious life, but fear is at the root of a lack of self-confidence and you need to understand what you are actually afraid of. It can be fear of making a fool of yourself or, more commonly, fear of failure that triggers the negative feelings of lack of confidence.

When you are working from the spirit within, fear is abolished, for the spirit knows you have the power to achieve all you wish to achieve. The spirit can guide you to tackle difficult issues and take opportunities as they present themselves. The spirit understands that failure does not mean making a fool of yourself and that failure is not the end of opportunity. So-called failure means that something was not right for you at a particular time, and there is no harm at all in trying again at a later date. Archangel Raguel will connect you to your inner spirit and enfold you in love and healing, which will bring confidence to your heart and mind.

Meditation with Archangel Raguel will bring the knowledge that all is well with your life and that you do have the courage to overcome any failures that occur. Practicing the meditation with Raguel will bring a newfound confidence to your heart, the kind of confidence that can only come from the Divine.

When setting out on a new course of action, there is always the nagging doubt that it will result in failure. But you can never know at the beginning if your efforts will fail. Why should they? More than likely you will be successful, and with the help of the angels this is very likely to be the case. Your own dear Guardian Angel will be with you as you tackle life’s challenges to help you through and bring you to a place of happiness and success. Sometimes things work out differently from what you expected; this should never be seen as failure but rather as another golden opportunity that can take you in an exciting direction you had not anticipated.

Shying away from challenges will get you nowhere, but Archangel Raguel will always be by your side if you ask for his help to bring you the confidence you need as you face up to life and take on challenges as they appear. Raguel will bring a peace to your heart and a sense of well-being with the knowledge that all is well in your life. Nothing can go drastically wrong if you have the courage to face up to mistakes without fear and with the joyful knowledge that so-called mistakes are simply lessons to be happily learned before moving on.

No one likes failure, and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression, but the power of Archangel Raguel will lift your spirits from these negative feelings and bring a renewed hope to your being that will encourage you to take on your tasks with a fresh enthusiasm and lack of fear.

The person who experiences a lack of confidence expects every action and decision to fail, and this breeds a very negative attitude toward life that attracts negativity. If you expect to fail, then it is very likely that you will fail, for you will not be putting your whole heart and spirit into the task. There may be a deep-rooted reason for these negative beliefs. Maybe you were brought up to look at life in a negative way and believe that good things do not happen to you but only to other people who are more worthy. These are destructive feelings and are corrosive to your life, but the Archangel Raguel can bring his light of understanding to shine on these beliefs and let you see them for what they are—just negative beliefs that have no basis in reality. Archangel Raguel will heal this negativity that is deep within your soul and enfold you in his healing light to bring you a new happiness and the knowledge that things can go right for you and that you have as much right as anyone else to achieve your goals and have happy experiences.

Archangel Raguel brings healing love to the frightened soul and enables you to view life with a positive outlook. He brings healing deep into your soul where negativity lies and brings a sense of well-being and joy that enables you to do things you never thought possible! When you accept Archangel Raguel’s healing, your life will take on a new and happier course that you never thought possible. Feelings of self-doubt will diminish daily when you practice the meditation with Raguel in this chapter, and these negative feelings will be replaced with feelings of confidence and joy that will bring exciting experiences to your life. Courage will replace fear and lack of confidence, and new inspiration and hope will fill your life. You will have the confidence to see setbacks for what they are—simply setbacks and not the end of the world.

Meditation with Archangel Raguel will help develop the divine spark of God within that does not know failure and can only bring a joyous success to everything you do. When working from the divine spark within, you will always succeed, for the divine spark brings divine power to all your efforts. Success is guaranteed when working with angels, and confidence will grow daily as you practice the meditation and work more and more from the ever-brightening spark of the Divine within.

Never fear that failure is the end of all your dreams, for Raguel will reveal to you the joy of positive hope and bring to you the knowledge that you will get where you want to be with the wondrous help of angels. Newfound confidence will flood your being and happiness will fill your days when working with angels. Lack of self-confidence will become a thing of the past, and your life will take on a new momentum and meaning that you never thought possible.

The belief that you are not good enough will be replaced with the knowledge that you are good enough and are capable of achieving your most precious dreams.

Lack of confidence often makes you unable to speak up for yourself when in the company of others, and this can seriously blight your relationships. Perhaps your lack of confidence makes it difficult to make friends, but the meditation with Archangel Raguel will bring a new confidence to this negative condition. Lack of friends often stems again from fear—the fear of being hurt—and this is again a fault in the ego. You will find that your relationships and friendships flourish when you have the confidence in yourself to join in conversations and contribute your own unique viewpoint.

Practice the meditation with Archangel Raguel daily to bring this newfound confidence to your heart and make your life a happy adventure free of fear and failure. The meditation works on the ego, which is afraid of failure and hurts, and it unites you with your inner being that knows all is well and that you do have the ability to speak up for yourself and achieve your dreams.

Your lack of confidence may well be a result of low self-esteem, and the Archangel Raguel can help you overcome such a debilitating belief. Low self-esteem lies in a mistaken belief of the ego that you are not worthy or important. The spirit within knows that you are a magnificent and beautiful being and that you have the great love of the angels. Every individual is important in the eyes of the angels and in the eyes of God or you would not be here. All of us have some part to play in the grand scheme of things, and everyone has a unique contribution to make to the whole.

No one should have the belief that they are worthless, and the angels are beside you with their love and encouragement to bring you to the belief that you are worthy and that you are a unique human being. We are all unique in a very special way, and the love of the angels will bring out this uniqueness and bring healing to your life. To the angels, you are very important indeed, for you help bring their healing power to the world.

Low self-esteem usually stems from childhood experiences where you were in some way made to feel worthless or unimportant. Archangel Raguel brings you the truth that we are all important in our own way and that no one on earth is unworthy. Archangel Raguel brings healing to your soul with the belief that you are a magnificent spiritual being. Self-confidence and good self-esteem are the natural states of your being, and when these are restored by the angels, you will be able to live life to the full in a joyous and worthwhile manner.

Prayer to Archangel Raguel

Dearest Archangel Raguel, I give thanks for your help in overcoming lack of confidence in my life and know that your wondrous power and love are always there for me whenever I need them. I pray and give thanks that you are able to take away my fears and help me build a happy and inspirational life.

Meditation with Archangel Raguel for Self-Confidence

Sit comfortably before your angel altar, either on the floor or in a chair. Light a candle on your altar to remind yourself of the little light that shines within that is part of the divine power. Say the prayer to Archangel Raguel and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before doing the relaxation exercise as detailed in chapter 2. Imagine yourself in your inner temple, where your Guardian Angel greets you with outstretched arms and enfolds you in a glorious golden light. You feel safe and secure in your inner temple and know that the meditation with Archangel Raguel will bring happiness and achievement to your life.

Imagine standing in front of you a magnificent angel clothed in golden robes and radiating a beautiful golden light. This light envelops you in a warm glow and uplifts you with a feeling of safety and joy. Feel the light from Archangel Raguel penetrating deep into your soul where fear and lack of confidence lie, and know that the light is gradually melting these feelings away, leaving you happy and self-confident about your life. Archangel Raguel brings you the truth that you are good enough and that you have great abilities and the power to accomplish all you set out to do. Fear and lack of confidence are things of the past, and with Archangel Raguel by your side, you can accomplish great things and make all your dreams come true. You feel very calm and happy bathed in the golden light of Raguel.

Hold yourself in this light for as long as you feel comfortable, and then bring your awareness back to your actual surroundings. Give thanks to Archangel Raguel for his work and his love for you. Take a few deep breaths, then close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water to further ground yourself, and don’t forget to snuff out your candle!

Whenever fear or lack of confidence returns, just imagine Archangel Raguel by your side and you will feel a surge of confidence that you are capable of great achievements. Your Guardian Angel, too, is always with you to give you that extra bit of confidence when you need it and will help you through difficult times. You have the courage now to communicate fully with people where in the past you would hold back. You have the confidence to engage socially, and your relationships and friendships flourish. One of the worst aspects of a lack of confidence is that it can cut you off from other people and limit friendships. With the help of Archangel Raguel, you can now enjoy good relationships and banish loneliness and feelings of isolation forever.

The following affirmations may well be an extra help in your fight against lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem:

I am worthy and live my life to the full.

I have confidence in my abilities.

I am a unique and worthwhile person.

I give immeasurable help to the angels,
who appreciate my unique abilities.

Know that lack of confidence is a thing of the past. You can now move forward with all the confidence needed to develop your true potential and live a rewarding and joyous life.
