Chapter 29


Seeking Individual Help and Sending Love into the World

Angels of the ninth choir are known simply as angels and include our Guardian Angels, who are with us all our lives. Angels are also very closely associated with nature, and it is these angels who look after and encourage the flowering and growing of individual plants and trees. They work closely with the Virtue angels in this respect.

Angels offer protection and advice and are very much concerned with matters that affect individual human beings. If you have had an “angel experience,” it was probably one of these angels who came to you.

Angels work ceaselessly to bring the love of the Divine to the hearts of all humankind. Love is the greatest healer, and the angels have the deepest love for all humankind regardless of religion or whether someone is good or “bad.” Sending angel love into the world is the most satisfying work you can do. When you tune in to these angels, you feel a great love and compassion for the whole of humankind and creation. When you experience the true love of the Divine in your heart, you feel the desire to send this love into the world where it is so badly needed to help those in distress through whatever conditions they are experiencing in life. Love heals the damaged hearts and minds of humankind. Love is the most potent of healers and can bring great comfort to people who are in despair, shattered by conflicts, homeless, bereaved, weary, or sorrowful.

The love of the angels will bring hope to those who feel hopeless and in despair, newfound energy and enthusiasm to those who feel weary, and inspiration and healing to those who feel down and depressed.

This love of the angels is very powerful and can work miracles in lives that are torn apart by negative influences. This may seem like ineffective work, for so many in the world need this help of the angels, but your work with the angels will heal someone somewhere.

If you are feeling down, in despair, or hopeless, then the meditation with the angels in this chapter will bring a new vitality to your life and awaken inspiration and love within your heart to lead a fulfilling and exciting life.

When you think of the cruelty and injustice in the world, it may seem like futile work to send out angel love, but the work of angels is never futile and always wins out in the end, however long it takes.

When sending out the love and light of the angels, never think of a particular person or group of people. Always just concentrate on sending this great love into the world and the angels will do the rest, for they will know where it is needed most.

Rest assured that someone, somewhere, will be touched by angels and be uplifted. The work will be made so much more powerful by your work on the earth plane. Your work will never, ever be wasted, for angel work is powerful and always works for good somewhere.

The angels are the angels who most often appear to humankind and give their help. They often appear as ordinary people who give assistance in some way and disappear as quickly as they appeared. It is not until they have gone that you are left wondering who they were and the realization dawns on you that they were angels.

Angels are the ones who give their help on an everyday basis to help us through the minor problems and tribulations of our lives. Nothing is too small for an angel to help you with, and they work closely with your Guardian Angel to bring you healing, inspiration, and upliftment. Call on the angels when you are in need of help for whatever reason, and you will feel the soft touch of angel wings to guide you along a positive path. Angels will also bring you messages, so always be open to thoughts and ideas that pop into your mind. If they are positive and give you a good feeling, they more than likely came from angels.

When working with angels to send love into the world, you are awakening the divine spark at the center of your being, and this can have a profound effect on your life. By sending out love, you attract love and positive elements to yourself, which can only make for a better and more rewarding life. Sending out the love of angels is the most satisfying work for the soul, and you will feel more fulfilled and inspired as you continue with this work. Practice the meditation in this chapter once a week if every day is too much, and know that you are making a great difference in the world. The pleasure you get from working with angels in this way will be life-changing for you, and the love you send out will be returned tenfold.

Prayer to the Angels

Beloved angels, reveal to us your great love for all humankind and help us to nurture this love within ourselves. We give thanks that we can help you in your work of bringing the love of the Divine to all humankind to ease suffering and despair.

Meditation with the Angels
to Send Their Love into the World

Sit comfortably with your back straight, and light your candle. Focus on the flame for a few moments and remind yourself of the spark of divine love that dwells deep within you. Say the prayer to the angels to focus your mind on the work you are about to do. Perform the relaxation exercise detailed in chapter 2, then close your eyes and imagine yourself in your own special temple. Your Guardian Angel welcomes you with open arms and enfolds you in a lovely golden light. He or she stands behind you with hands resting on your shoulders to give you help and support during the meditation.

See before you a magnificent angel bathed in a rose-colored light, the light of love. Feel this light enfolding you and permeating every cell of your being. You feel uplifted and sharply focused on the special love of this angel. Feel yourself full of love for all humankind and send this love out into the world as a wonderful light that heals and uplifts where there is suffering, sorrow, and despair. By doing this work, you will be bringing light where there is darkness and helping the angels awaken the spark of the Divine that is in every one of us. Hold this feeling of sending love and light out into the world for as long as you feel comfortable.

If you are feeling particularly distressed, in despair, or just a bit down, feel this rose-colored light filling every cell of your being, bringing upliftment and healing. Know that you are never alone and that the angels are always by your side to bring hope and upliftment to your soul. Give thanks to the angels that you are able to share in their work of sending love into the world, and also give thanks for the healing they bring to your soul.

When you feel ready, concentrate once again on your breathing and become aware of your actual surroundings. Close your chakras as detailed in chapter 2 to ground and protect yourself. Take a few sips of water, and don’t forget to snuff out your candle!

It is the purpose of our lives to work with angels and partner them in their work of bringing the love and wisdom of the Divine to all humankind. This is the work that our spirit yearns for and that can bring us the greatest satisfaction and reward as well as a profound healing in our own lives.
