Chapter 3

How to Receive
Angel Messages

Angel messages can come to us in many different ways, for angels know no bounds when it comes to contacting us. They can be quite inventive in how they choose to communicate with us.

One of the most common ways for angels to contact us is for an idea or answer to just come into our head when we have turned off the daily chatter of our mind. It is a good idea to have an “angel communication” time each day when you still your mind and think about any problems or questions you may have. Then clear your mind of any thoughts and concentrate on the angel you are working with at the present moment. Relax and don’t try too hard to receive messages, for this may block the communication. And don’t worry if no answers or ideas come to you, for angels work in many ways and can give you messages when you least expect it. Ideas can come into your head at any time of the day, when your mind is completely involved with something else, so it’s a good idea to carry a notebook and pencil with you at all times so you are ready to deal with the thoughts and ideas that come to you.

It is easy to recognize angel messages when they pop into your head, for you will have a good feeling about them, an almost Why didn’t I think of that before? sort of feeling. The message will answer your question in a very sensible way, and you will know it is angel inspiration, for you will often get a surge of joy in your solar plexus or heart center.

Sometimes the messages or answers can come through other people, who may say something that is the answer you have been looking for. Other people are probably not aware that they are giving you angel messages. They just feel inspired to say something to you at that particular moment, and it is something that strikes a chord with you.

The best time to receive angel messages is during meditation, when the mind is totally focused on angel power and it is easier for the angel concerned to communicate with you. Let your mind go blank for a few minutes and relax. Focusing on a candle flame is a good way to relax and prepare the mind to receive messages. This technique has worked for me on numerous occasions when I needed answers to a problem.

Spontaneous writing is another way to receive angel messages. Just relax with a notepad and pen and let your mind go blank. Then think about the problem or question you need an angel response to, and hold your pen ready for writing. Write anything that comes into your mind, no matter what it is, and you will be surprised at what can emerge. Just let a spontaneous train of thought lead your hand in writing.

Emma, a friend of mine who works with angels on a regular basis, had a dilemma involving her work. She had a very good job with good prospects, but she was wondering whether to give that all up and do volunteer work abroad helping the poor. She was torn between the two and worried that if she went for the volunteer work, it would not turn out as she hoped.

Emma decided to stay with her current job, in which she was sure she was soon to get a promotion and an increase in salary, but just out of curiosity she decided to try spontaneous writing. She had been working with Archangel Uriel, who helps people find direction in life, and asked him if she had made the right decision. She got out her notebook and pen and prepared to write. She found, to her surprise, that she wrote, “Go for it, volunteer work,” “Go for it, volunteer work,” over and over again. She took this as a sign from the angels that she should pursue the volunteer work, which she did and found that it made her happier and more satisfied than she had ever felt in her whole life. She also worked with Archangel Michael to protect the weak and vulnerable, which brought an extra dimension to her life. She did not have any regrets and made lots of new friends and met her husband-to-be while working abroad. It was a truly life-changing choice.

Angela, another friend of mine, asked a question while meditating with the Throne angels on relationship issues. She was not sure of the current relationship she was in and had nagging doubts about whether it was right for her. She asked the Throne angel for guidance and meditated on the problem. She focused on a lighted candle and heard the words “end it” very clearly. She decided to trust in the angel’s guidance and ended the relationship.

Some months later, Angela met up with a friend of hers who was now going out with her old boyfriend. This woman told Angela that it was an abusive relationship and that she was scared to end it for fear that he would become even more abusive. Angela felt relieved that she had ended the relationship when she did, or she could have ended up a victim as well. She suggested working with angels to her friend to help her find the courage to end the relationship. She thought perhaps her friend would think her silly to suggest such a thing, but the woman was very open to the idea. Angela suggested she work with the Throne angels to give her the courage to end the relationship and also work with the Cherubim angels for protection. The last Angela heard was that the friend was in a much happier relationship and had no further problems with her former abusive boyfriend.

Another example is my friend Amanda, who felt that her life was going nowhere and desperately needed to change, but couldn’t make up her mind which way to go. She decided to work with Archangel Uriel to find some direction in her life, for she had several options. One was to go back to college to learn new skills, and another was to start her own business, though she didn’t know what type of business to start. She felt daunted at the prospect of making such a major change in her life but knew she must move ahead and give up her job, which was a dead end and made her feel hopeless and drained of energy.

Amanda asked Archangel Uriel to give her some direction, and very soon she found herself feeling very good and excited about the idea of starting her own business. She didn’t know what that business would be, so she asked Archangel Uriel for some ideas. The answer came to her quite suddenly when she was at work and not thinking of anything in particular. The word “flowers” suddenly popped into her head, and she knew immediately that it was the reply from Archangel Uriel. She loved flowers and flower arranging, and she knew then that her new venture would be that of a florist. She had a very good feeling in her solar plexus about the idea.

At first the idea seemed a little out of reach, as she did not have the capital needed to start such a business. But she believed in the angels and started meditating with Archangel Gabriel to help her make this major change in her life. He gave her the courage to take the first steps toward her goals, but she felt that acquiring a bank loan would not be possible. To her surprise, the bank manager was very supportive of the idea, and she got the loan she needed. She found a good location for her floral shop and took the final step of handing in her notice at work. She kept meditating with Archangel Gabriel and found that all went smoothly. Soon after, to her delight, she had a very prosperous business and felt much more satisfied and happy with her life.

Angel help can come in many ways. Constance, an acquaintance of mine, found she was in need of such help when applying for a job. The new position was very important to her, but while driving to the interview she found herself lost after taking a wrong turn. Unfortunately, she did not have a map with her, so her written directions were useless. She stopped and asked a passer-by how to get to the building, but that person did not know. Time was running out, and she began to worry that she would miss the appointment.

Constance said a silent prayer to her Guardian Angel to help her and felt a strange sense of relief. She was about to stop to ask another pedestrian when a voice in her head told her to take a right turn. The voice continued to give her directions until she was back on the correct route and she knew where she was. She knew it was her Guardian Angel who had directed her and had come to her aid in her hour of need. After such a worrying time, she needed to relax and prepare for the interview, so she imagined herself in the loving wings and light of her Guardian Angel. She felt a renewed sense of confidence and handled the interview in a very positive way. When she got the job, she thanked her Guardian Angel for the support and help.

Another friend of mine was working with the Dominion angels on her inner wisdom and had asked them a question about her spiritual path. She waited nearly two weeks for an answer, and when it came, it was pretty dramatic. She was in a library when a book fell off a shelf she was passing and hit her on the head. When she picked up the book and looked at the page that was open, there was the answer to her question!

Not all replies from angels arrive in such a dramatic fashion, thank goodness, and hopefully your answers will come in a less flamboyant manner. But when the answers do come, always trust the guidance of angels, for they are never wrong. Have courage and take the course of action they advise, and you will find yourself experiencing hope and inspiration that will bring a newfound joy to your life.
