The Colors of Your Guardian Angel
The color in which your Guardian Angel appears to you is an indicator of what you are lacking or needing at the present moment. For instance, green is a cleansing color and may indicate that cleansing of some sort is necessary at this time. This may be cleansing of dis-ease of the body, such as an infection or other illness, or it may be cleansing of negative thoughts that go round and round in your mind. Whatever needs cleansing, a meditation with your Guardian Angel in this color will greatly relieve such problems and lift the negativity from your mind.
When meditating with your Guardian Angel, imagine yourself bathed in green light and feel it flowing throughout your entire being. This can be a very powerful meditation for cleansing unwanted thoughts or infections of any kind. I have found that it clears up viral infections very quickly. The next time you have a cold or a similar infection, try meditating with your Guardian Angel bathed in green. This can speed up the healing process and bring you a new vitality.
Green is also the color of harmony, and seeing your Guardian Angel bathed in a beautiful emerald-green light can indicate that you live your life in a very harmonious manner or that you need some harmony in your life. Disharmony can take many forms, one of which is not maintaining the right balance between work and leisure. If this is a problem for you, the meditation with the Cherubim angels in chapter 9 will help enormously by bringing you the wisdom to restore balance to your life.
If there is disharmony between you and someone else, be it a friend, partner, or work colleague, the meditation with the Throne angels in chapter 10 will be of great benefit to restore harmony to the relationship. Disharmony between ourselves and others can happen for many reasons, often because we feel under attack or criticized, or maybe a misunderstanding has caused distress. Throne angels will bring understanding and healing to such situations, indicating to you the best course of action to take to restore harmony.
Blue is a very peaceful color, and if your Guardian Angel comes to you bathed in blue light, this indicates a need for peace and tranquility in your life. It may be that you have a very hectic lifestyle and need to slow down a little. Meditating with your Guardian Angel and absorbing the blue light into your aura will help a great deal in finding peace and tranquility. The very act of meditating will bring a deep calm to your life and help you maintain that calm in all you do.
A Guardian Angel appearing to you bathed in blue light can mean the opposite in that you are someone who has found the deep peace of the spirit within and you lead a very happy life. Deep peace comes from accepting yourself and dealing with your faults in a positive manner. No one is perfect, but accepting ourselves as we are is a very difficult thing to do. We accept others with all their faults and are willing to forgive another person’s irritating little habits, but that is often not the case with ourselves. We are only too ready to accuse ourselves and judge ourselves as guilty.
If you have found peace within, you are very advanced on the spiritual path, for accepting ourselves as we are is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to leading a happy and positive life. Meditating with your Guardian Angel enveloping you in blue light will bring you to that place of peace by encouraging you to forgive your faults and accept yourself unconditionally. You can also work with the Virtue angels to bring peace and harmony to the world, as described in chapter 13, for this peace and harmony will envelop your soul and bring a deep peace and fulfillment within.
Yellow light around your Guardian Angel indicates wisdom, and it may be that you are a soul with great wisdom or it may indicate that you need some wisdom in your life right now. Perhaps you have a problem that needs solving or a situation that is complicating your life, and a little wisdom would help sort it out. Meditate on your Guardian Angel radiating a yellow light and wait for answers and insights that will help you in your endeavors. Alternatively, meditate with the Dominion angels for inner wisdom, as detailed in chapter 11, for they will help you contact that spark of the Divine within that holds all the answers you need to lead a harmonious and happy life.
Yellow is also associated with courage or the lack of it, so maybe there is a situation in your life that fills you with dread and a feeling of not knowing which way to turn. Meditating with your Guardian Angel radiating the color yellow will bring courage to your soul and help you face any situation that is causing you difficulties and show you the way to deal with it and move on.
A Guardian Angel bathed in a rose-colored light indicates love. Perhaps you are a person with a lot of love to give, in which case you must be a very happy and contented person, for love is the most powerful of emotions, and, if given freely to everyone you know, must make for a very contented life. Practice the meditation with the angels as detailed in chapter 29, and send your love into the world with the love of the angels. This love brings healing where it is needed and brings hope where there is none. Love is a very powerful emotion, and sending it into the world brings help and healing to many who so badly need it. This is very uplifting and satisfying work to do and will bring untold joy to your heart if you share your love with humanity.
It may be that you are missing love in your life at the moment and are in need of some TLC. If that is the case, meditate with your Guardian Angel bathed in a beautiful rose-colored light and you will notice a great difference in your life. Imagine your Guardian Angel enveloping you in wings of love and comforting you, and you will feel much better and more positive. If love is lacking in your life, this meditation will attract loving people into your life or perhaps change the way your associates, family members, and friends react to you. Love also brings wisdom, so you may find you have ideas on how to change your attitude to attract love into your life. The meditation with the Throne angels in chapter 10 will also help resolve specific issues between yourself and others and will help diminish loneliness if this is something that particularly distresses you.
Gold is a powerful color and indicates warmth, positive energy, and wisdom. If your Guardian Angel is radiating a golden light, it indicates that you are a warm, positive person who has little problem dealing with the difficulties of life. You have found your true pathway and enjoy the satisfaction and enjoyment this brings.
Gold can also indicate that you need the power of gold in your life at present, for you have a negative attitude for some reason. Meditate with your Guardian Angel enfolding you in a glorious golden light and feel the warmth of this color radiating throughout your whole being. It will restore a positive attitude to life and bring clarity to your mental and emotional outlook and a warmth of being that will change your perception of life. The meditation with the Cherubim angels in chapter 9 will also have a very powerful effect on negative attitudes and bring positive energy where needed.
Gold is a very beneficial color if you are feeling depressed for some reason. Meditate with your Guardian Angel and feel yourself enfolded in a beautiful golden ray of love that completely wraps around you from your toes to your head. It will bring you the wisdom to understand why you are depressed and what you can do about it. This is a lovely color to meditate with on a winter’s evening when you may be feeling a bit down, for the golden rays will bring the sunshine of summer to your soul and lift you up to face life with a new vigor. In fact, if you suffer from the winter blues, this is a good color to bathe yourself in to feel the positive upliftment of the golden sun. I suffered from the winter blues for several years before I started working with my Guardian Angel and the golden ray. It really helps lift me up and fills me with positive energy and happiness.
Should you have a serious problem with depression, meditation with the Archangel Jophiel, as described in chapter 27, can be very healing and uplifting. He is a powerful angel, and with the help of your Guardian Angel, Archangel Jophiel can really lift your spirits and bring about a wonderful healing, for depression is a serious illness. Always consult your doctor if you are seriously depressed, as there may be an underlying cause.
The color violet is associated with the higher self, so if your Guardian Angel comes to you bathed in violet light, it means that you are very close to that divine spark within. Violet indicates someone quite well developed on the spiritual path and means that you are making a determined effort to discover the Divine within you. Meditating with your Guardian Angel and the violet light will bring you closer to your goal and bring wisdom, courage, and altruistic love for all humankind and all creatures of the earth. This can only bring great happiness and joy, for to connect with the higher self within is to find, and live through, your true self, that spark within that is of the Divine. You will discover the truth of your being, which will bring everlasting contentment and a great deal of happiness in the service of others. The self, or ego, can finally be put aside, and the truth of your being can shine forth to heal and help where you find there is need. The meditations in this book that send love and healing into the world for specific problems will be especially satisfying work for you and will bring you the greatest happiness and joy and bring you closer still to the spark of the Divine within.
Violet is the color of healing, as Christ was the Great Healer, so if your Guardian Angel comes to you bathed in violet, it may be that you have healing powers. It will bring the greatest satisfaction to your soul to develop these powers and bring healing into the world on an individual and worldwide basis. Try working with the Archangel Raphael to send healing to those who need it, as detailed in chapter 20. This is very rewarding work and will develop your healing abilities.
If your Guardian Angel is bathed in orange or red light, this indicates that physical energy may be lacking in your life. Perhaps you are feeling run-down after an illness or after a particularly stressful time in your life and your energy is at a low ebb. It could also indicate a lack of exercise in your life that you are aware of but doing nothing about! Meditating with your Guardian Angel radiating a vibrant orange light will help restore balance to your energy level and bring about a beautiful healing to your body and mind.
Orange is the color of energy, so filling yourself with the orange light of your Guardian Angel can only rejuvenate your spirit and soul. When a person becomes run-down, it can be very difficult to get back to a normal energy level. Meditating with your Guardian Angel radiating an orange light can rebalance your energy and bring renewed vigor to your body. The meditation with the Cherubim angels in chapter 9 is also beneficial if you are experiencing a low energy level, for the Cherubim bring powerful healing and positive energy to the tired soul.
If your Guardian Angel comes to you bathed in a beautiful silver light, this indicates that you are taking the right path in life and progressing well on the spiritual path. Silver indicates spiritual progress, and meditating with your Guardian Angel bathed in silver will give you the wisdom and the help you need to grow spiritually. Working with the Powers angels to help combat evil in the world, as described in chapter 14, will bring great spiritual satisfaction and will help you grow in love and wisdom.
Silver is also an indicator of pain, whether physical or emotional, and is a very healing color in this respect. Whenever I have a sharp pain, such as discomfort due to indigestion or a muscular pain somewhere, I imagine a strong silver ray radiating from my Guardian Angel to the painful spot, and the pain usually goes away fairly quickly. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong, so I recommend that persistent pain be checked out by a doctor.
If you are suffering from emotional pain, then meditating with your Guardian Angel bathed in a strong silver light can help heal the hurts that are causing you such distress and bring you the wisdom to know how to deal with it. Emotional pain can be very difficult to deal with, for it sends negative thoughts into your mind that go round and round and only serve to make the pain worse. The mind finds it difficult to let go of the hurt and constantly goes over the situation that is to blame. The silver light of your Guardian Angel can heal this negative mental problem and bring healing to the hurt that is so depressing. If forgiveness is needed, your Guardian Angel can give you the strength and understanding to find this in your heart, for forgiveness is the only way to find true healing in such situations. Working with the Throne angels, as detailed in chapter 10, is also very powerful where forgiveness is necessary, for they in particular bring help where there is a relationship issue.
If your Guardian Angel comes to you bathed in pure white, this indicates a purity of heart and mind. It suggests that you are a very advanced soul who knows exactly where you are going in life. You feel sure of your way on the spiritual path, and this pathway brings you great fulfillment and joy. The practice of the meditations in this book that concentrate on sending harmony, healing, and love will bring a special satisfaction to the soul and help you advance further on your chosen pathway.
However, a Guardian Angel bathed in white can also mean the opposite and indicate confusion in your heart and mind about the correct spiritual path for you to take. If you meditate on your Guardian Angel dressed in white and enfolding you in a pure white light, your questions will be answered and your self-doubt will be healed. A new path will open before you, and you will finally feel that you have found the right way for you. Be open to signs and indications. These can come in many ways, such as being in a bookshop and finding a book that immediately resonates with you and shows you the way to go, or it may be a friend who opens your eyes to a new way of living. You will know you are going in the right direction because it will give you a good feeling—a feeling of satisfaction and excitement that you are on the right path at last.
The meditation with Archangel Chamuel in chapter 24 will help you if you are confused about your spiritual path, for his wisdom and love will bring clarity to muddled thoughts. He will give a clear indication of the best route for you to follow, for Archangel Chamuel helps where inner wisdom is needed. He will bring his clear guidance to bear upon your questions and confusion about the spiritual path that is right for you.
Guardian Angels may come bathed in several colors, for several issues may be relevant in your life at any given time. If your Guardian Angel comes to you with all the colors of the rainbow, don’t be confused, for this means that you are a very balanced person, so you are obviously doing something right! It means you are sure of your pathway in life and have everything well balanced between work and rest, material and spiritual.
As with all colors, the opposite can also be true. If this is the case here, then spend some time meditating on your Guardian Angel bathed in the colors of the rainbow to get your life more evenly balanced. You must be feeling pretty stressed out, so achieving a balance between work and relaxation is very important. Try meditating with your Guardian Angel radiating a green light, for this is the color of harmony and will give you the wisdom to rebalance your life. Meditating with the Cherubim, as detailed in chapter 9, will also greatly help in restoring the balance between work and leisure, thereby restoring your energy level and equilibrium of mind, body, and spirit.
Whatever your problem, your Guardian Angel is there for you at any time of the day. He or she will never abandon you and is only too willing to bring his or her magic to influence your life. This magic can be truly wondrous and healing. To have a friend in whom you can confide anything is a wonderful gift and will make life joyful and inspiring. When you feel down, confused, or at a loss as to the right way to turn, imagine yourself enveloped in the wings of your Guardian Angel and you will feel yourself uplifted by the most powerful love—a love that will bring you new enthusiasm for life and clarity of mind as to the right decisions to make. It is really wonderful to have such a friend who can work true magic in your life.