Seraphim Angels:
Healing when Disasters Strike
Natural disasters make us aware of our oneness with all people on earth. We can feel helpless observing the despair and difficulties faced by the survivors and rescue workers, and while we can donate money to relief efforts, that may feel insufficient. Giving money is a great help on the physical level, but we may want to help heal the grief and trauma suffered by the survivors.
Prayer through meditation with the Seraphim angels, who watch over humanity at such times, is a very powerful way to constructively help all involved in such disasters. The Seraphim are also the angels to tune in to when there has been a terrorist attack in which many people were injured or died.
Wherever there is human suffering on a large scale, the Seraphim angels are there to bring their love and healing. Over recent years, there seems to have been a large increase in the number of terrorist attacks and natural disasters, such as flooding, tsunamis, and earthquakes. So when either a natural or a humanmade disaster happens, endangering the lives of hundreds or thousands of people, you can tune in to the Seraphim, who are pure love, and see the light from them enfolding the whole disaster area. You won’t feel so helpless and will feel that you are actually doing something physical to help.
The Seraphim will bring encouragement to the hearts of all those involved with rescue and aid work, and they will also bring their great love to those who survive and feel the grief of having lost loved ones. Seraphim angels can help heal the trauma of living through such disasters, and if this is done through the dedicated medium of someone on the earth plane, their work is so much more powerful.
Working with angels in this way brings powerful healing on the spiritual level to every human being involved in the disaster and can fill the void of helplessness that we feel due to the overwhelming despair of such events.
It is worth remembering that each individual involved in a disaster has a Guardian Angel to help, but when a person is involved in such events, it is difficult to keep contact with the spiritual reality of his or her being. This is where the powerful love of the Seraphim can help so much by breaking through the shock and grief and bringing comfort, hope, and upliftment to the despairing.
By practicing this work with the Seraphim angels, you will be contacting the divine heart of your soul, which will bring a deep satisfaction and love that will flood your whole being. It is this divine love that you need to send into the world to heal and uplift all those caught up in the darkest of hours. This love will also penetrate your own life, and you will feel more at peace as you go about your daily tasks. Working from the divine love at the center of your being will bring its own rewards.
The Seraphim angels sing a beautiful song: “Glory, glory, glory, the earth is full of His glory.” This means that everyone on earth, all living creatures, are glorious creatures of great power and beauty. This is the truth about ourselves. We are beings of great power, and however small you think your contribution may be to the healing of humankind, you are in fact making a big, positive difference. Never forget the song of the Seraphim as you go about your work with the angels to bring healing not only to yourself but to all humanity and the planet.
Prayer to the Seraphim
Dearest Seraphim angels, bring your light to the darkness that strikes humankind and shine this wondrous light on their fears and despair. We thank you for your love that brings upliftment in the darkest of hours and pray that our own light within can contribute to the healing work.
Meditation with the
Seraphim for Healing
Prepare yourself for meditation by sitting before your angel altar and concentrating on your natural breathing rhythm. Light your candle and remember that the flame represents the light of God that shines in every soul on earth. Make sure your back is straight and your feet are firmly on the floor, if sitting on a chair. You may feel more at ease by crossing your feet. Say the prayer to the Seraphim angels to focus your mind on the work you are about to undertake. Close your eyes and do the relaxation exercise detailed in chapter 2, then imagine yourself in your own special temple. Your Guardian Angel welcomes you joyously and enfolds you in a loving golden light.
Bring to mind the name of the area you wish to help. Say it quietly to yourself or visualize a scene of it and concentrate on your intention to work with the angels. Imagine a beautiful angel standing before you dressed in violet, for this is the color of the Seraphim, the color of healing power. Feel at one with the angel in his or her love for all humanity. See a beautiful violet light surrounding the angel and filling the whole of your temple. Say again quietly to yourself the name of the disaster area, and see the light of the angel shining over the whole area.
Besides the Guardian Angel of each individual involved in the disaster, there are also the angels of the particular region. This is a lot of angel power that can be called upon to assist the Seraphim in their work. Imagine the whole area awash with the light of angels, a beautiful yet powerful light. If you wish, imagine the light to be violet in color, the color of the Seraphim.
Try to put aside any emotional feelings you have regarding the disaster, such as sadness or horror at the scale of it, or hate and anger at the perpetrators of such a crime, for this will make the angels’ work more difficult. Try to remain detached, and imagine with sharp clarity the light of angels surrounding the whole scene. Know that this light will assist the survivors and rescue workers alike.
Concentrate on this image for as long as you feel comfortable, and then bring your attention back to your breathing. Give thanks that you are able to assist the Seraphim angels in their work for humankind in this way, and also send the angels your love. You can do this by saying the words “My love to you, dear angels” quietly to yourself, or send a ray of rose light from your heart center to the angel concerned, whichever you feel most at ease with. Close down your chakras as detailed in chapter 2.
This meditation can be performed for any natural disaster, such as an earthquake, a tsunami, a rail or plane disaster, or any act of terrorism. If possible, repeat this meditation daily until you feel your work is done in the matter. Do not doubt your ability to help the angels in this work, for the angels bring the truth to us that we are very powerful beings, and our work with angels in this way always brings comfort and support. Your work with angels and the light will bring hope to the hearts of many and courage to start anew and rebuild shattered lives with a positive heart.