Cherubim Angels:
Accessing Positive Energy
and Finding Balance
We all feel that we could benefit from some positive energy at certain times in our lives, but how to get it is quite a problem when we are feeling overworked, stressed out, or run-down physically. When we feel like this, it is easy to adopt a negative outlook on life, and even the smallest of problems can seem overwhelming. This, in turn, makes us feel unable to cope, which brings more negativity to our thinking and feeling, and so a vicious circle of negative energy is created that is very difficult to break out of.
The Cherubim angels understand how easy it is to fall into a trap of negativity, and they have the ability to cut through this vicious circle and restore well-being and harmony to your life. They are angels of boundless love and are capable of bringing a renewed energy to your mind and body. A simple meditation with the Cherubim angels is a safe and productive way to bring enthusiasm and excitement back into your life, which will in turn create a positive outlook and bring fresh energy and a renewed vitality.
This positive energy of the Divine is the energy that vitalizes the whole universe and creates all things that are good and constructive. This same power that keeps the planets moving and the seasons turning flows through us and comes directly from the Divine. The Cherubim can help us access this divine energy for our positive good when we feel cut off from it and depleted in some way.
The Cherubim angels will help replace feelings of fatigue and an inability to cope with a new sense of enthusiasm and joy. Their gentle wisdom will give you insights into how you can slow down and sort out your priorities, thereby bringing about a more balanced lifestyle. A healthy balance between work and leisure is essential to harmonious living, and the meditation with the Cherubim in this chapter will help restore this balance by bringing you the wisdom to sort out and rebalance your life. This will give you a positive outlook on life, which will energize your whole being, and so a circle of positive energy is created instead of a negative one.
It may be that you are not overworked or stressed but quite the opposite, and are just in a lethargic and negative state of mind and physical being that makes you give up and feel “What’s the use?” toward many things that once gave you pleasure. It is very difficult to break out of this state of mind, for negativity feeds on negative thought patterns, just as positivity feeds on positive thought patterns. Lethargy comes all too easily with a negative outlook on life, but the positive energy of the Cherubim angels can break through this damaging cycle of negative thoughts and bring motivation and joy back to your heart and mind.
This is the special magic of the Cherubim: the ability to break the vicious cycle of negativity and heal the mind and body of their lackluster state. The Cherubim bring the power and warmth of the sun to our lives to transmute lethargy and negative feelings into joyous energy and enthusiasm for life. The Cherubim reconnect us to our inner selves, where the boundless energy of the spirit lies, that energy which is of God and which is our birthright.
With the help of the Cherubim, we feel once again the positive energy that brings fresh determination to take on life’s challenges and the inspiration to live our lives to the full.
Feelings of lethargy may also come to us if we are run-down after an illness. The gentle golden light of the Cherubim will bring about a marvelous healing. It will feel as though the summer sun is gently flooding the body and soul, bringing about a wonderful healing and renewed energy. I have often used this meditation when I have been run-down after a viral infection or cold. It is a remarkable pick-me-up and puts some zing back into my life!
The following meditation with the Cherubim will revitalize your mind and body and bring insights on how to live your life in a more balanced and joyful manner.
Prayer to the Cherubim
Dearest Cherubim angels, we give thanks for your positive energy that warms our hearts and brings a refreshed energy back to our tired souls. Remind us of the light that shines within us that is of God, and help us realize the potential of our spirit. Show us the way to use our energy wisely, for our good and for the good of others.
Meditation with the
Cherubim for Positive Energy
Sit comfortably with a straight back before your altar, and take a few deep breaths to relax yourself. If you wish, light your candle and remind yourself that the flame represents the light and energy within that is part of the Divine. Say the prayer to the Cherubim angels to focus your mind, and prepare yourself with the relaxation technique detailed in chapter 2.
Imagine the temple you have created for yourself, and feel yourself sitting in it before its simple altar. Your Guardian Angel is with you to offer support. Before you stands a beautiful angel radiating a golden light that enfolds you and makes you feel very safe and warm. This golden light permeates your whole being—mind, body, and soul—and brings a refreshing energy to your heart and mind. Feel this golden light revitalizing every cell of your body, bringing positivity and inspiration to heal your life of negative tendencies, disharmony, and lethargy.
If overwork is your problem, know that the golden light of the Cherubim brings wisdom to your mind and soul to help heal disharmony and bring about a more balanced way of living. You know that you have the energy to cope with all of life’s ups and downs.
If lethargy and fatigue are your problem, feel the golden light of the Cherubim angel stimulating every cell of your being, transforming your negative state into one of renewed positive energy.
This powerful golden light brings back motivation and enthusiasm to your soul and gives you insight into how you can make your life happier and more interesting. Lethargy and its negative outlook dissolve away in this golden light, and you know that this is the start of a more joyful way of living.
Bathe yourself in this golden light for as long as you feel comfortable, then bring your awareness back to your breathing. Become aware of your actual surroundings, and close your chakras as detailed in chapter 2. Take a few sips of water to ground yourself further, and don’t forget to put out your candle!
Give thanks to the Cherubim angel for his or her positive help, which will bring so much healing to your life. Make a note of any insights that came to you during the meditation, and also be alert over the next day or so for any ideas that come to you about leading a more positive and joyous life.