
By becoming more aware of the influence of angels in our daily lives, we become more aware of our spiritual self, a part of us that can bring deep peace and joy, for it connects us to Heaven. This can bring us the fulfillment and peace we search for and the realization that material things cannot bridge the gap between the desires of earth and the joys of Heaven.

The daily meditations detailed in this book will help you become attuned to angel energy as you go about your daily life. It is a beautiful energy that can inspire and work miracles to make your life happier and more joyful, for this is the role of the angels: to support humankind through the trials and tribulations of their earthly lives. Working with angels in this way will bring a new dimension of love and joy to your life. The meditations are designed to bring much-needed healing, comfort, and inspiration to humanity and healing to the environment and to bring personal healing on a deep level. Working in this way with angels will lead you to a deeper understanding of your true self and the spiritual nature of all humankind.

Angels appear in all major religions of the world. This gives them a very “religious” aspect, which can be off-putting for some people. But angels have no religion. Indeed, their love and guidance are given freely to every human being on earth, regardless of the religious beliefs of the person. You don’t need to be religious to work with angels, for everyone can feel their soft touch and hear their words of wisdom. Everyone can receive angel messages and experience their healing power in their lives. For the sake of ease, I have used the term “the Divine” in relation to a higher power in this book, but you can substitute your own name for a higher power when working with angels.

Angels are messengers of the Divine, and as such their message is for every single human being on earth and is one of love and joy, for their wish is for us to know the joy of Heaven during our lives on earth.

Our vision of angels is largely influenced by Renaissance artists who painted magnificent beings with glorious wings, no doubt giving them the ability to fly between Heaven and earth. This gives the impression that Heaven is a long way off and angels have to fly a great distance to reach us.

This is just not so, for angels exist on the ethereal planes, a sphere of life that is very close to our own; some would say that it is interconnected with our own world. Angels bring us the truth that Heaven is not a far-off place to be reached through good behavior and the correct religious beliefs, but rather is a state of being within ourselves. It is this truth that angels bring to us through their endeavors to lift us above the everyday aspects of our lives and reveal to us another way of looking at life.

Angels do not have a particular form, as human beings do, but are made of energy, for they vibrate at a much higher level than we do. Their light is the light of pure energy and love. This does not mean that angels are insubstantial in any way. Indeed, they are very strong and powerful beings with the ability to manifest in our world when necessary.

There have been many angel experiences recorded, especially over the last hundred years or so, for as humankind has moved toward the New Age of Aquarius, human consciousness has expanded, resulting in a deeper understanding and awareness of the angelic realms. As our consciousness has expanded, so have angels been able to come closer to bring their message of divine love and support that can heal our troubles and bring light where there is darkness in our lives.

I have worked with angels for many years and know the magic and miracles they can bring to one’s life. Working with angels is a particularly satisfying part of my life and brings soul contentment and spiritual growth in the most beautiful of ways. Working with angels will bring to you a great sense of personal achievement and joy. Angels reveal to us our true potential and show us a magical path to follow in life—a pathway where you are accompanied by angels every moment of your life.
