Abellino (privateer)
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
and Ghent, negotiations at
and peace treaty
Adams, William
Addington, Henry
Adonis (Swedish brig)
Alexander (czar)
and Napoleon
Alfred (privateer)
Allen, Henry
Allen, Howard
Allen, William H.
Alliance. See Military alliance
American Revolution
Amiens, Treaty of
Arbuthnot, James
Armistead, George
Armistice. See also Ghent, negotiations at; Peace treaty
Armstrong, John
and Canada
and Montreal
and Washington (capital)
Army, expansion of
Astor, John Jacob
Atlantic (whaler)
Aylwin, John

Backus, Electus
Bainbridge, Joseph
Bainbridge, William
and Algeria
and Decatur
and military strategy
vs. Lambert
Baker, Anthony
Ballard, Edward J.
Barclay, Robert Heriot
Barclay (whaler)
Barlow, Joel
Barnaby, Pitt
Barney, Joshua
and Baltimore
and Washington (capital)
Barrie, Robert
Barring, Alexander
Barron, James
Bastard, John
Bathurst, Henry
and Ghent, negotiations at
Bayard, James
Baynes, Edward
Beckwith, Sir Sydney
Beresford, John
Berkeley, Sir George
Bernadotte (of Sweden)
Biddle, James
vs. Dickinson
Bingham, Arthur
Black, William
Bladen, Thomas
Blakeley, Johnston
Bloomfield, Joseph
Blount, Willie
Blyth, Samuel
Boerstler, Charles
Bonaparte, Joseph
Boundaries, revision of
Boyd, John
Braimer, David
Brine, Augustus
Brock, Isaac
and Canada
Broke, Philip B. V.
vs. Hull (Isaac)
Brooke, Arthur
Broom, James
Brown, Jacob
and Canada
Brown, Thomas
Brush, Henry
Budd, George
Burrows, William Ward II,
Bush, William
Bushnell, David
Byron, Richard

Cabot, George
Calhoun, John C.
Campbell, John B.
Canning, George
Cannon, underwater. See also Weapons, unconventional
Card, John
Carden, John S.
Carroll, William
Cass, Lewis
Cassin, John
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart
and Ghent, negotiations at
and Orders in Council, repeal of
and peace treaty
and prisoners of war
and United States, peaceful relationship with
Chads, Henry D.
Chandler, John
Chauncey, Isaac
and Canada
and Perry
vs. Yeo
Cheves, Langdon
Chichagov, Pavel
Christie, John
Clay, Henry
and Ghent, negotiations at
and peace treaty
Clinton, DeWitt
Cochrane, Alexander F. I.
and Baltimore
and New Orleans
and Washington (capital)
Cockburn, George
and Baltimore
and Chesapeake Bay
and Washington (capital)
Coffee, John
Collier, Sir George
Conkling, Augustus H. M.
Constitution (U.S.)
amendments to
Convoy Act
Cox, William
Crane, William
Crawford, William
Creighton, John O.
Croghan, George
Croker, John W.
Crowninshield, Benjamin William
Crysler’s Farm, Battle of

Dacres, James
Dallas, Alexander
Dallas, George M.
De Rottenburg, Francis
De Salaberry, Charles
Dearborn, Henry
and Canada
and Hull, court-martial of
Decatur, Stephen
and Algeria
and Bainbridge
and British blockade
and military strategy
surrender of
vs. Carden
vs. Oliver
and weapons, unconventional
Declaration of war
and armistice
and impressment
and Orders in Council, repeal of
and public opinion
Denison, Henry
Dent, John H.
Dickinson, James
Dickson, Alexander
Dobbins, Daniel
Dobbs, Alexander
Douglas, George
Downie, George
Drummond, Gordon
Duckworth, Sir John T.
Dwight, Theodore

Earl, Hugh
Eckford, Henry
Elliott, Jesse D.
and Canada
and Jefferson
Embargo Act
Emery, George
Enterprize (steamboat)
Eppes, John W.
Epworth, Farmery P.
Erskine, David
Estedio (Algerian warship)
Eustis, William
and Canada
Evans, Samuel
Everard, Thomas

Falcon, Gordon
Farragut, David
Finlay, James
Finnis, Robert A.
Fisher, Peter
Foreign Seamen’s Act
Fort Jackson, Treaty of
Fort Wayne, Treaty of
Foster, Sir John Augustus
Fox, Charles James
Frankfurt Proposals
Frederick William
French Revolution
Fulton, Robert

Gale, Thadeus
Gallatin, Albert
and Ghent, negotiations at
and military strategy
and Russia as mediator
Gambier, James
Gamble, John
Gates, Horatio
Ghent, negotiations at
and boundaries, revision of
and impressment
and Indian buffer state
See also Armistice; Peace treaty
Ghent, Treaty of. See also Peace treaty
Gibbs, Sir Samuel
Giles, William
Goldsborough, Charles
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, James
Goulburn, Henry
Grenville, Lord
Griffith, Edward
Grundy, Felix

Hall, Amos
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Paul
and military strategy
Hampton, Wade
Hanks, Porter
Hanson, Alexander C.
Haraden, Nathaniel “Jumping Billy,”
Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman
and New England
Harper, John Adams
Harper, William
Harris, John Levett
Harrison, George
Harrison, William Henry
and Canada
Hartford Convention
Hawkins, Benjamin
Hawkins, Richard
Henley, John D.
and New Orleans
Henley, Robert
Henry, Patrick
Hillyar, James
HMS Acasta
HMS Aeolus
vs. USS Constitution
HMS Aetna
HMS Africa
vs. USS Constitution
HMS Alert
vs. USS Essex
HMS Alexandria
HMS Anaconda
HMS Anna Maria
HMS Argo
HMS Armada
HMS Atlanta
HMS Avenger
vs. USS Constitution
vs. USS Dolphin
HMS Avon
HMS Bacchante
HMS Barbados
vs. USS Madison
HMS Barossa
HMS Belvidera
vs. USS Constitution
vs. USS President
HMS Bloodhound
HMS Bonne Citoyenne
vs. USS Hornet
HMS Boxer
vs. USS Enterprise
HMS Bramble
HMS Brothers
HMS Bulwark
HMS Caledonia
HMS Cambria
HMS Carron
HMS Castillian
HMS Cherub
vs. USS Essex
HMS Childets
HMS Chippewa
HMS Chub
vs. USS Eagle
HMS Colibri
HMS Columbine
HMS Confiance
vs. USS Saratoga
HMS Cornwallis
vs. USS Hornet
HMS Crysler
HMS Cyane
HMS Detroit
vs. USS Lawrence
HMS Devastation
HMS Dispatch
HMS Dolphin
HMS Dragon
HMS Driver
HMS Duke of Gloucester
HMS Dutchess of Portland
HMS Earl of Moira
HMS Elizabeth
HMS Ellen
HMS Endymion
vs. USS United States
HMS Epervier
vs. USS Peacock
HMS Erebus
HMS Erie
HMS Espiegle
HMS Euryalus
HMS Favorite
HMS Finch
vs. USS Preble
vs. USS Ticonderoga
HMS Fowey
HMS Frolic
vs. USS Wasp
HMS Galatea
HMS General Beresford
HMS Growler
HMS Guerriere
vs. USS Constitution
HMS Havannah
HMS Hebrus
HMS Hermes
HMS Hero
HMS High Flyer
vs. USS President
HMS Hunter
HMS Sir Isaac Brock
HMS Jaseur
HMS Java
vs. USS Constitition
HMS Jeannie
vs. USS Rossie
HMS John
vs. USS President
HMS Julia
HMS Junon
HMS King George
HMS La Hogue
HMS Lady Francis
HMS Lady Prevost
HMS Lamprey
vs. USS Essex
HMS Leander
HMS Leopard
HMS Levant
HMS Linnet
vs. USS Eagle
HMS Little Belt
vs. USS President
HMS Loire
vs. USS President
HMS Lord Nelson
HMS Loup-Cervier
HMS Lyra
HMS Macedonian
vs. USS United States
HMS Magicienne
HMS Maidstone
HMS Majestic
HMS Marlborough
HMS Martin
HMS Mary
HMS Medway
HMS Melampus
HMS Menelaus
HMS Meteor
HMS Minerva
vs. USS Essex
HMS Montagu
vs. USS Hornet
HMS Morgiana
HMS Mosquito
HMS Nancy
HMS Narcissus
vs. USS Viper
HMS Nelson
HMS Niagara
HMS Nimrod
HMS Nocton
HMS Nymph
HMS Nymphe
HMS Orpheus
HMS Pactolus
HMS Pauline
HMS Peacock
vs. USS Hornet
HMS Pelican
vs. USS Argus
HMS Penguin
vs. USS Hornet
HMS Peruvian
HMS Phoebe
vs. USS Essex
HMS Picton
HMS Pique
HMS Plantagenet
HMS Poictiers
vs. USS Wasp
HMS Pomone
HMS Prince Regent
HMS Princess Armelia
HMS Princess Charlotte
HMS Queen Charlotte
vs. USS Lawrence
vs. USS Niagra
HMS Queenston
HMS Racoon
HMS Ramillies
HMS Reindeer
vs. USS Wasp
HMS Resolution
HMS Rifleman
HMS Royal George
HMS Samuel & Sarah
vs. USS Essex
HMS San Domingo
HMS Santa Margaretta
HMS Saturn
HMS Seahorse
HMS Seneca
HMS Severn
HMS Shannon
vs. USS Chesapeake
vs. USS Constitution
vs. USS Nautilus
HMS Shelburne
HMS Simcoe
HMS Sir Andrew Hammond
HMS Sophie
HMS Southampton
vs. USS Vixen
HMS Spitfire
HMS St. Lawrence
HMS Statira
vs. USS Macedonian
HMS Surprise
HMS Swallow
vs. USS President
HMS Sylph
HMS Tartarus
HMS Tenedos
HMS Terror
HMS Thalia
HMS Tigris
HMS Tionella
HMS Tonnant
HMS Undaunted
HMS Valiant
vs. USS United States
HMS Victorious
HMS Volcano
HMS Wolfe
Hoffman, B. V.
Hope, Henry
Hotham, Henry
Hull, Isaac
and Burrows
and navy, expansion of
and USS Congress
vs. Broke
vs. Dacres
vs. Laugharne
Hull, William
court-martial of
vs. Brock
Humphreys, Salusbury Pryce
Hutchinson, George

of Americans
and declaration of war
and Ghent, negotiations at
and Liverpool
Indian buffer state
Indian tribes
and Canada
and New Orleans
See also Tecumseh
Inventions. See Weapons, unconventional
Irvine, Robert
Izard, Ralph

Jackson, Andrew
and Indians
and Pensacola
vs. Keane
vs. Pakenham
Jackson, Francis, J.
Jamaica convoy
Jay, John
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Thomas
Chesapeake-Leopard affair
and embargo
and French Revolution
and impressment
and Indian tribes
and Napoleon
and navy, building of
and navy, size of
and tax reduction
and trade
John, Henry
Johnson, Richard M.
Jones, Jacob
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby
Jones, William
and Canada
and Chesapeake Bay
and military strategy

Keane (general)
Kerr, Alexander
King, William
Kosciusko, Thaddeus
Kutuzov, Mikhail

Lafitte, Jean
Lambert, Henry
Lambert, John
Laugharne, Thomas L. P.
Lawrence, James
vs. Barnaby
vs. Broke
vs. Peake
Lawrence, William
Lee, Henry (aka Light-Horse Harry)
Leech, Samuel
Letters of marque
Lewis, Morgan
Lingan, James
Liverpool, Lord
and Ghent, negotiations at
and impressment
and Madison
and military strategy
and Napoleon
and New Orleans
and Orders in Council
and peace treaty
and United States, peaceful relationship with
Lockyer, Nicholas
Loomis, Jairus
Louisiana Purchase
Lowndes, William
Ludlow, Augustus
Lyman, James R.

Macdonnell, John
Macdonough, Thomas
and Canada
and Lake Champlain
and Plattsburgh
Macomb, Alexander
Macon, Nathaniel
Macon’s Bill No. 2
Madison, James
and Alexander, as mediator
and armistice
and army, expansion of
and Canada
and Chesapeake Bay
and Chesapeake-Shannon affair
and Clinton
and declaration of war
and disarmament, rejection of
and embargo
and generals, appointment of
and Ghent, negotiations at
and Great Britain, peaceful relationship with
and Hull (William), court-martial of
and Lawrence (James)
and Liverpool
and military strategy
and Montreal
and Napoleon
and navy, expansion of
and New England
and non-intercourse
and political appointments
and public opinion
and reelection bid
and secession
and war, continuance of
and war, funding for
and war, management of
and Washington (capital)
Manners, William
Maples, John F.
Mashuda (Algerian warship)
McArthur, Duncan
McCall, Edward
McClure, George
McCrery, David
McDouall, Robert
McFeeley, George
McKnight, Stephen Decatur
Mead, David
Meigs, Return J.
Metternich (prince)
Military alliance (Austria; Great Britain; Prussia; Russia)
Miller, James
Mines. See also Weapons, unconventional
Mitchell, George
Mix, Elijah
Monroe, James
and Canada
and Cochrane
and declaration of war
and Great Britain, peaceful relationship with
and impressment
and Napoleon
and trade
and Washington (capital)
Monroe-Pinkney Treaty
Morgan, David
Morris, Charles
and navy, expansion of
Morrison, Joseph
Mulcaster, William Howe
Murray, Alexander
Murray, John
Murray’s Raid

Napier, Charles
Napoleon Bonaparte
and Alexander
and armistice
and blockade
defeat of
and Liverpool
and Madison
and power, return to
and Russia
vs. military alliance
National bank
Naval Expansion Act
Navy (American)
and board of commissioners
building of
cost of
expansion of
and navy department
size of
Navy (Royal)
and sailors, treatment of
Nelson, Horatio
Nereyda (privateer)
Nicholls, Edward
Nicholls, William
Nicholson, Nathaniel D.
Nicoll, Samuel
Non-Importation Act
Non-Intercourse Act

Oliver, Robert Dudley
Orders in Council
and armistice
and Liverpool
repeal of
See also Trade
Otis, Harrison Gray

Pakenham, Sir Edward
Parker, George
Parker, Sir Hyde
Parker, Sir Peter
Patterson, Daniel T.
and Jones (Thomas)
Peace treaty
and prisoners of war
and war, continuance of
See also Armistice; Ghent, negotiations at
Peake, William
Peninsula War
Perceval, Spencer
assassination of
and declaration of war
and non-intercourse
and trade
Percy, William
Perkins, Thomas
Perry, James Alexander
Perry, Oliver Hazard
and Baltimore
and Canada
and Harrison
vs. Barclay
vs. Chauncey
vs. Gordon
Pickering, Timothy
Pigot, Hugh
Pike, Zebulon
Pinckney, Thomas
Pinkney, William
Pitt, William
and French Revolution
and Napoleon
Popham, Stephen
Porter, David
and Baltimore
vs. Gordon
vs. Hawkins
vs. Hillyar
Porter, Peter B.
Preble, Edward
Prevost, Sir George
and Canada
and declaration of war
and Montreal
and Plattsburgh
vs. Macdonough
vs. Macomb
and Washington (capital)
Price, Chandler
Pring, Daniel
and Plattsburgh
vs. Macdonough
Prisoners of war
Proctor, Henry
and Canada
vs. Harrison
Prophet (aka Tenskwatawa). See also Tecumseh

Quincy, Josiah

Randolph, John
Ratford, Jenkin
Rattlesnake (privateer)
Red Eagle (aka William
Reed, George
Renshaw, James
Riall, Phineas
Ripley, Eleazer
Roberts, Charles
Rodgers, John
and Baltimore
and British blockade
and declaration of war
and military strategy
and USS Guerriere
vs. Bingham
vs. Broke
vs. Brown (Thomas)
vs. Byron
vs. Gordon
vs. Hutchinson
vs. Jamaica convoy
vs. Warren
Rodmond, Solomon
Ross, Robert
and Baltimore
and New Orleans
and Washington (capital)
Rossie (privateer)
Rule of 1756,
Rumiantsev, Nikolai
Russell, Jonathan
and declaration of war
as mediator
Rutledge, John, Jr.
Rutter, Solomon

St. George, Thomas Bligh
Sanders, James
Sawyer, Herbert
Scott, Winfield
and Canada
Scourge (privateer)
Scutter, John, Jr.
Seybert, Adam
Sheaffe, Roger Hale
Shelby, Isaac
Sherbrooke, Sir John
Sinclair, Arthur
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph E.
Smith, Samuel
and Baltimore
Smith, Sidney
Smyth, Alexander
Spence, Robert T.
Stewart, Charles
and Chesapeake Bay
and military strategy
and navy, expansion of
Stoddert, Benjamin
Stokoe, Thomas
Stricker, John
Strong, Caleb
Submarines. See also Weapons, unconventional
Sullivan, William

Talbot, Silas
Talleyrand (foreign minister)
Tarbell, Joseph
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Zachary
and Canada
and Thames, Battle of the
See also Indian tribes
Tenskwatawa. See the Prophet
Thames, Battle of the
Thompson, Charles C. B.
Thornborough, Edward
Thornton, William
Tingey, Thomas
Tippecanoe, Battle of
Tompkins, Daniel
Torpedo Act
Torpedoes. See also Weapons, unconventional
Townsend, Lord James
Trade. See also Orders in Council
Trafalgar, Battle of
Tripoli, war with
Troup, George M.
Truxtun, Thomas
Tucker, Thomas
Turtle (submarine)

USS Adams
USS Allen
USS Alligator
USS Alwyn
USS Amelia
USS Argus
vs. HMS Pelican
USS Ariadne
USS Ariel
USS Ballard
USS Borer
USS Boston
USS Boxer
USS Burrows
USS Caledonia
USS Carolina
USS Centipede
USS Chauncey
USS Chesapeake
vs. HMS Leopard
vs. HMS Shannon
USS Chesapeake’s Revenge
USS Chippewa
USS Columbia
USS Comet
USS Congress
USS Constellation
vs. L’Insurgent
USS Constitution
vs. HMS Avenger
vs. HMS Cyane
vs. HMS Guerriere
vs. HMS Java
vs. HMS Levant
vs. HMS Nelson
vs. HMS Santa Margaretta
vs. HMS Shannon
USS Detroit
USS Eagle
vs. HMS Chub
vs. HMS Linnet
USS Enterprise
vs. HMS Boxer
USS Epervier
USS Erie
USS Essex
vs. HMS Alert
vs. HMS Cherub
vs. HMS Minerva
vs. HMS Phoebe
USS Essex Junior
USS Fair American
USS Ferret
USS Firefly
USS Flambeau
USS Franklin
USS Frolic
USS Fulton the First
USS General Pike
USS George Washington
USS Growler
USS Guerriere
USS Hamilton
USS Hornet
vs. HMS Bonne Citoyenne
vs. HMS Cornwallis
vs. HMS Montagu
vs. HMS Peacock
vs. HMS Penguin
USS Independence
USS Intrepid
USS Java
USS Jefferson
USS John Adams
USS Jones
USS Julia
USS Julie
USS Lawrence
vs. HMS Detroit
vs. HMS Queen Charlotte
USS Louisiana
USS Ludlow
USS Lynx
USS Madison
vs. HMS Barbados
USS Mohawk
USS Montgomery
USS Nautilus
vs. HMS Shannon
USS Neptune
USS Nettle
USS New York
USS Niagara
vs. HMS Queen Charlotte
USS Ohio
USS Oneida
USS Ontario
USS Peacock
vs. HMS Epervier
USS Pert
USS Philadelphia
USS Porcupine
USS Preble
vs. HMS Finch
USS President
and declaration of war
surrender of
vs. HMS Belvidera
vs. HMS High Flyer
vs. HMS Little Belt
vs. HMS Loire
vs. HMS Swallow
vs. Letter of Margue John
USS Rattlesnake
USS Saranac
USS Saratoga
vs. HMS Confiance
USS Scorpion
USS Scourge
USS Seahorse
USS Siren
USS Somers
USS Spark
USS Spitfire
USS Superior
USS Sylph
USS Syren
USS Ticonderoga
vs. HMS Finch
USS Tigress
USS Tom Bowline
USS Tompkins
USS Torch
USS Trippe
USS United States
vs. HMS Endymion
vs. HMS Macedonian
vs. HMS Valiant
USS Viper
vs. HMS Narcissus
USS Vixen
vs. HMS Southampton
USS Washington
USS Wasp
vs. HMS Frolic
vs. HMS Poictiers
vs. HMS Reindeer
USS Wilmer

Van Horne, Thomas
Van Rensselaer, Solomon
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Vashon, James
Villeneuve (admiral)
Villeré, Gabriel
Vincent, John

Wadsworth, William
Wagner, Jacob
Wales, Richard
War Department
War Hawks
Warren, Sir John Borlase
and Chesapeake Bay
vs. Rodgers
Warren, Joseph
Warrington, Lewis
Washington, George
Waterhouse, Benjamin
Watts, George
Weapons, unconventional
Weatherford, William. See Red Eagle
Webster, Daniel
Wellington, Duke of
and Napoleon
and peace treaty
and United States, peaceful relationship with
Whinyates, Thomas
Whitbread, Samuel
Wilkinson, James
and Montreal
Williams, David R.
Williams, John
Winchester, James
Winder, William
and Canada
and Washington (capital)
Wittgenstein, Peter
Woodbridge (East Indiaman)
Wool, John
Woolsey, Melancthon
and Canada
Worsley, Miller
Wright, Frederick A.

Yarnall, John
Yeo, Sir James
and Canada
and Plattsburgh
vs. Chauncey