2 Brattius: The Snarling Sister Stars
3 The Face-Eating Zombie Constellation
10 A Situation of Infinite Gravity
11 Terror: The Alpha Star in the Neighbor Constellation
12 The Hidden Universe of Lights and Prisoners
13 The Intergalactic Association of I Heart Faces
14 The Greatest (or at Least Pretty Cool) Space Discovery of all Time
16 Official Mission: Bread and Jam
17 The Surprisius Meteor Shower
20 Tripp’s Atmosphere is Starting to Look Weightless
26 The Silent But Deadly Nebula
28 Two Moons Named Fear and Panic
29 A Comet’s Tail (Not the Dog’s, But Just as Smelly)
30 Huey and the Great Space Explosion
31 The Unexpected Solar Flare of Love
32 Cashius Kiddius: The Friendship Constellation
33 The Gravitational Pull of the Mother, Er … Father Planet