
Thanks to our agent, Brettne Bloom, for plucking us from the Internet and giving us the opportunity to write this book, and for being eternally supportive and helpful throughout the process.

Thanks to Sara Weiss, Karen Murgolo, and our publisher, Grand Central Life & Style, for taking a chance on us.

To our editor, Brittany McInerney, and our designer, Lisa Honerkamp, we’d like to express gratitude for all of your hard work.

To Naomi Levine, a Cher among mortals. We love you.

Nancy, Jimmy, Gloria, Emma, and Olivia, you are the best family Tram could have hoped for.

Romeo, you already know.

To Jane and Chris, for being loving and infinitely patient, and for teaching Lucy how to cook. To Gummy, for being a constant inspiration. To Bennett and Devon for giving Lucy so much material.

Rob: See dedication.

A big thank-you to our friends and family members too numerous to name, who listened to our constant hand-wringing, who ate our failed experiments in the kitchen, and who talked us down from the ledge time after time.