Chapter 6


“You want your limits pushed?” asked Poz after she finished stripping in the barn.

“Yes.” That was exactly what she wanted. She had talked to Vicky with some basic parameters. Galatéa didn’t know exactly what was going to happen, but she was eager to see how Poz would hurt her and then make her body sing.

He nodded and circled around her once.

“Lace your fingers behind your neck.”

She did so. The posture raised up her breasts and she felt on display. He continued to circle her, inspecting with eyes first and then his hands.

As always Poz was dressed in all black: boots, pants, t-shirt. The shirt was tight, showing off his muscles, but Galatéa felt no real attraction to him. He did what she wanted.

The physical inspection of her body was supposed to be humiliating. It was and it wasn’t. Galatéa was getting used to Poz touching her and she knew that eventually she would need so much more to feel humiliated.

His hands weighed her tits. His fingertips trailed across her smooth skin. He gripped her fleshy ass and then smacked it. She jumped a little but didn’t cry out. The slap wasn’t painful. His hand went between her legs and touched her bare pussy. Her pubic hair was gone at his demand. She liked being denuded there now. He didn’t penetrate her, however.

“You aren’t wet.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized.

“I’ll fix it,” he noted and gently rubbed her.

Unbidden, she spread her legs wider to give him access. After a moment her lips parted as her body responded. He inserted a single finger in her tunnel but then quickly withdrew it.

“I have a new restraint for you today,” he said and led her over to the far side of the barn. 

The restraint wasn’t all that different from what she had used before. It was essentially a set of metal stocks bent at a right angle with places for her neck and wrists. There were little projections on the wrist enclosures.

He helped her put the stiff metal collar around her neck and closed it with a latch. He went one step further and put a small padlock on the latch. It was easy to do the same with her hands. She was helping. She wanted this.

It was an awkward set of stocks to wear while standing. It wasn’t heavy, but it was difficult to wear.

“Kneel down,” he ordered her.

As she did so, she realized why she had been brought to this end of the barn. There were metal bolts sunk into the thick floorboards. It took a bit of maneuvering, but Poz got the bolts lined up with the projections on the wrist cuffs and secured them with a Clevis pin. The custom-made metal stocks forced her head low to the floor. Poz placed a set of black metal pipes arranged into an upside down U under her hips. This forced her ass into the air. The crossbar of the U was padded but it was still uncomfortable.

She surmised that was the point.

Poz inspected her tits. They hung nearly to the floor. He went behind her and pushed a finger into her pussy. She happily suffered this. 

Then he pushed a finger into her ass.

She grunted in surprise.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

“No. Just…just when you used that hook on me last time.”

He didn’t reply to her.

Once more he got out the modified breast pump and set about putting it on her tits. She was used to this now. The bruising had mostly faded. The collection cones went on her tits and started pulling her milk from her.

Her new position made her think of a cow. She knew that was intentional.

She welcomed the sensation of being milked. It was oddly pleasant to the point of having to stifle the moans that threatened to escape her lips. He watched the pump work for a minute and she knew that more was coming.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.


Poz disappeared from her sight. He could hear him moving around behind her, moving some piece of equipment. The metal stocks kept her from turning her head enough to see. The only thing to do was to focus on the pleasure given to her by the pumps. Her milk was starting to accumulate in the collection bottle.

“This is on the smaller size. A good starting place for you.” As Poz spoke the words she felt him touching her anus again. He was wearing latex gloves and the wetness he applied had to be lube. His finger went inside her again and just as quickly retreated.

Before she could fully react, he pressed something against her tightly puckered muscle. She didn’t have the wherewithal to resist; she was relaxed by the breast pump. 

The dildo he put in her ass was smooth and went in easily with the lube he used. Galatéa gasped at the violation of her body…but then she started to enjoy it. Anal sex couldn’t be all that bad if so many people were obsessed with it. 

It wasn’t bad at all.

Maybe not enjoyable, but she wanted the harsh treatment and humiliation just as much as she wanted the sexual pleasure. 

Much to her surprise she was disappointed when he withdrew the dildo. It was hard. She wondered if it was made of silicone like the vibrator she kept hidden away at home but she had her doubts. It felt more like metal. That was something new.

“You took it well. Just relax while I set this up. You’ll like it. Or maybe not. It doesn’t matter. It’s what you’re getting today.”

Poz positioned a machine behind her and attached it to another set of bolts on the floor. 

“I’ll start you off slow,” he said after a series of adjustments. 

Once more the dildo went into her ass. Galatéa was starting to enjoy having it there. It wasn’t at all unpleasant. 

Poz moved it around a bit, changing the angle and adjusting it. At first she wasn’t sure what he was doing, but when it dawned upon her, she was rewarded with the familiar thrill of fear and anticipation of sex. Her pussy suddenly moistened though that was not the body part that was currently being used.

If Poz saw or sensed her reaction to the warm up, he said nothing. Finally all the adjustments were done.

“Don’t move,” he warned her. 

The dildo started sliding in and out of her. Well, almost all the way out. She couldn’t tell exactly how long it was, but Poz knew what he was doing. The electric motor running the fucking machine to which the dildo was mounted withdrew it most of the way and then pushed it all the way in. 

Galatéa grunted as the machine had its way with her.

It wasn’t what she had expected. 

It wasn’t unpleasant.

Poz watched her with a careful eye. 

Anal sex was something new to Galatéa. But was this really anal sex? Didn’t that involve the use of a real cock? Did it matter?

All too quickly Galatéa found herself swept away by these new sensations. The pumps pulled on her tits. The machine fucked her ass. Was she really having sex if it didn’t involve another person? Poz was watching but he wasn’t really participating, was he? 

Turning her head to the side she was able to see where he had set up the ring light and phone recording her use and humiliation. She couldn’t wait to see the video that Vicky would send her. 

When Galatéa orgasmed it always involved her clit either being rubbed and stimulated directly or indirectly through a nice cock slamming into her. She recognized the signs of an impending orgasm but it made no sense to her. She never would have guessed that her ass or her tits were such centers of erotic stimulation.

She wondered what it meant that she liked getting fucked in the ass, even if it was being fucked by a machine.

Then she came and she didn’t care at all.

The machine didn’t stop.

Her orgasm seemed to go on forever and ever. She cried out at the abuse of her ass. Her tits were screaming in pain because the pump was just working the soft flesh now; her milk supply had been fully expended.

As she climaxed Poz just watched. He didn’t stop the fucking machine or slow it or turn off the breast pump. He waited patiently.

“Please,” she begged him, gasping for breath.

Poz drizzled some liquid lube on her asshole. She felt the slickness and there was a renewal to the thrill of being fucked in the ass. For half a second she considered struggling out of the way, moving her hips to get out of the way of the pistoning dildo, but then she gave in. 

“Let it happen,” said Poz.

She started to hyperventilate. The second orgasm was just as good as the first. Poz continued to watch dispassionately and let her have a third orgasm before switching off the fucking machine and the breast pump. 

He eased the dildo out of her ass and released the cones from her tits.

“That was incredible,” she told him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After he freed her from the stocks he took a close look at her face. “You got a piercing,” he said.

Her hands went to her nose. The retainer she had put in that morning had turned over while she was bent down in the stocks. She’d have to remember that for future reference. “Yes. Do you like it?”

Poz shrugged. It then occurred to her that he didn’t have any visible piercings or tattoos. Not even a single earlobe. “I can integrate it into your play next time if you want.”

She blinked. “You can? Will it hurt?”

“Only if you want it to.”


Galatéa dressed up for her date with Gordon and it made her feel like a prostitute going to visit her client. It was the middle of the day and she was dressed far too sexy for early afternoon. There was no one at the security desk of his apartment and that gave her some relief. Gordon buzzed her up on the intercom. She ran into an elderly couple exiting the elevator. Maybe they gave her a dirty look when they saw her. Maybe it was just her perception.

Gordon greeted her at his apartment door with a small bouquet of flowers. That truly surprised her. 

“Is this an actual date?” she asked him.

“If you want it to be,” he said. “I’m sorry the flowers are so lame. I got them from the store down the street. It’s not a real florist but it was the best I could do on short notice.”

He had told her that he mostly worked from home which helped with parenting his son. She figured he was taking an hour or two for their sex date. It was only now that she noted the kid toys in the living room and the closed door to what must have been Gordon’s son’s room. She didn’t comment on it.

“They’re lovely,” she said. He already had a vase on the counter for her to put them in. 

“I don’t want to sound stupid, but did you have this the last time we met?” He touched his upper lip, indicating the curved barbell she wore in her septum piercing.

Maybe that was what upset the older couple.

“I had the piercing,” she told him, “but I was wearing a retainer because I was seeing my therapist. She doesn’t need to know everything about me.” She paused. “Do you not like it?”

“I never would have guessed you would be the sort of woman who wore one, but I find it sort of sexy.”

“Thank you.” She was eager and wanted to get beyond the awkward small talk. “Would you like me to give you a blowjob?”

He laughed nervously. “Actually, I wanted to do something else first, if you don’t mind.”

“What’s that?” she asked with a knowing smile on her lips. “Do you want to go down on me?”

“Uh…I wouldn’t mind that. But I was hoping to get another taste of your milk.”

Gordon was looking directly at her tits. 

She realized she was showing a little bit of cleavage, nothing untoward, but she suddenly wanted to cover herself with her hands. Maybe she was dressed a little bit sexy, but his words made her feel vulnerable. Her white silk blouse was the most obvious thing about her intentions. Just a bit of flesh showing. Her red skirt was modest enough, coming down to her knees, but tight enough to send a message while not being questionable. Perhaps the waist was a bit high, but that was the style. She wore matching red shoes and no stockings; she didn’t want to waste time. 

It took Galatéa a moment to realize he wasn’t joking. “You’re serious?”

Gordon nodded slowly. “Yes. I thought you understood…”

“It’s just…”

“Wrong? Kinky? Perverted?”

“Uh…I was going to say I didn’t think anyone would actually want that.” She thought about Poz and him draining her tits with his pump, but that was different. At least, that’s what she told herself.

“It’s half the reason I asked you out on a date. I missed doing it with my wife.” He winced as soon as he said the words. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Galatéa shook her head. She wanted to do this much more than he realized. “It’s fine.” Her fingers went to the top button of her blouse, the top button that was still closed. “There’s no reason to play games, right?”

She surprised herself by unfastening the button. Gordon stared but said nothing. Then she unbuttoned the next one.

“Are we really going to do this?” asked Gordon.

“You asked…”

“I thought the first time was just a reward for having had a shitty few years…”

“We’re doing this,” Galatéa said firmly and finished opening up her blouse. Underneath she wore a pale pink bra that revealed the top halves of the globes of her tits. She stepped forward and Gordon took her in his arms. They kissed and their bodies pressed together. His tongue probed at her mouth and she wanted everything he had to offer. 

Pulling back from her, Gordon asked, “Where?”

She wanted to say, “Right here,” but they were in the kitchen. Maybe not the sexiest choice.


He pulled her out of the kitchen. In the bedroom there was a bit of kissing before they made it to the bed. She shed her blouse. He showed he retained the skills of every high school senior who had practiced for years and managed to smoothly release the back hooks of her bra.

There was no reason to be shy. Her bra was discarded and in a moment he was kissing his way down to her tits.

Though she had been milked by Poz’s pump and Gordon had sucked on her before, this time the entire focus was her tits and her milk. It was a strange realization to make but that didn’t get her to stop Gordon.

If anything, it made her encourage him.

His lips on her nipple was merely nice at first. Then it became enjoyable. Then her milk let down and she could feel her essence flowing into him. He moaned into her soft flesh. Her body shivered with pleasure.

It should have been wrong to encourage a grown man to nurse from her tits, but it felt so right in the moment. Galatéa wanted out of her skirt. She wanted Gordon naked and his cock inside her pussy while he continued to nurse from her. 

She had stepped out of her shoes before getting on the bed. He hadn’t been wearing any when he admitted her to his apartment. Indicating her passion, she pulled at his shirt, trying to get him naked but he was too focused on her tits, drawing out the milk. It was distracting. She didn’t want him to stop and at the same time she needed him to stop to get naked.

Weeks earlier Galatéa was barely aware of her sexuality. Now she was hyper-attuned to it. She was too aware of her body. When the orgasm started building she was momentarily confused. She could have stopped it, but that was stupid. She wanted to cum. She just didn’t understand how she was cumming when her pussy hadn’t even been touched yet.

Galatéa came. Galatéa came hard. Her body shook and she gasped for breath and couldn’t get Gordon to stop sucking on one breast while he pinched the other nipple.

Maybe her milk gave out or maybe he needed to pause but Gordon finally released her tit from his mouth.

She let out one long shuddering gasp, her hand on his shoulders to keep him away from her.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. You made me cum.”

He smiled. “So you liked it.”

“I need you to fuck me.” She said it matter-of-factly and moved quickly to unzip her skirt, pulling it down along with her panties. She didn’t even get the chance to show off the small and pretty pink panties she had worn for him. It didn’t matter. They were already soaked with her amrita. She didn’t care. She just needed his cock inside her.

Gordon was slower to respond, mostly due to confusion. He couldn’t understand why she was so eager. It didn’t matter. He got undressed with her. They didn’t even play the game of undressing each other. 

She was on her back with her knees up and legs parted by the time he got his underwear off. His cock was hard, brought to that state by his eager sucking and her willingness and eager response. Galatéa wrapped her fingers around his length and drew him to her. 

“I want you so bad,” she moaned, guiding his cock to her entrance.

He resisted for half a moment. “I want you to work for it.”

She moaned out her frustration. “Isn’t my milk enough?”

Shaking his head, Gordon said, “No. You need to be on top. You’re going to make me cum.”

There was no reason to argue with him. She wanted to fuck him and would have done anything to make that happen. 

Reversing their positions, she got on top of him but didn’t let go of his cock. She slid his length back and forth along her slit getting him wet but not letting him enter her pussy.

He enjoyed the tease at first, but then it became frustrating. The only thing to do was grab his cock with one hand and her hip with the other, steadying her body so that he could thrust upwards. 

His hardness easily entered her warm pussy as if invited. Their bodies joined once more and they groaned in triumph together.

Galatéa leaned forward and started riding his cock. They were silent for a minute, getting used to the other’s body and savoring the pleasure of flesh. Galatéa was aware of every inch of her skin and the position of her body. She felt his eyes upon her and she leaned back, showing off her large tits for Gordon to admire. 

“Beautiful,” he sighed. 

It took all her will not to cover herself. She had never been so wanton and so free with any man—not even her husband. Galatéa winced at that thought and moved her hips faster, distracting herself with carnal pleasure.

Gordon reached up and took her tits in his hands. She welcomed his touch and leaned into him, offering everything she had. He pulled her down and sucked one nipple and then the other, getting the milk to flow again.

Her body responded. When he sucked, her milk filled his mouth. There was no way to stop it from dripping out of the other nipple. He switched back and forth, consuming as much as he could, but it still dripped down onto him and the sheets. 

Galatéa continued to ride his cock. She knew her body well and she knew she was going to cum again. As much as she tried to stop it, she knew it was going to happen. She had to brace her arms on his shoulders once again to keep from collapsing, which pulled her nipple from his mouth. Her orgasm caused her milk to eject from her nipples, spraying Gordon’s chest.

She saw it but couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t stop the orgasm. She couldn’t help herself.

“Oh I’m so sorry!” she managed once the orgasm had faded away.

“Don’t be. It’s fine. It’s great!” He grabbed her hips and thrusted up into her as hard and fast as he could. Galatéa could only kneel there above him in shock.

When he came, filling her pussy, she came a third time. She wondered how many more times she’d be able to cum before they were done for the session.

“Sorry,” he panted when he was done. “I didn’t mean to just do that. I should have asked or at least warned you.”

“No. It’s fine. It’s good. It’s what I wanted.”

“Are you sure?”


“Want to take a break and then go again?”

She did and they did.

The only thing missing from their encounter was spending the night. It didn’t make sense for either of them. They both had children. It was the middle of the afternoon. He had a job. When she left she gave him a kiss like he was her only lover.

Was he?