Chapter 7


Galatéa was torn between telling Gordon everything about her life and telling him nothing. He didn’t need to know everything. It wasn’t like she was in an actual relationship with him. They just had sex.

She was much less torn about telling Connie everything she had been concealing or outright lying about.

“I have a confession to make,” she said as soon as she sat down on Connie’s couch. Her therapist hadn’t noticed anything yet; maybe Connie was just being polite and waiting for Galatéa to say something first.

“I’m not your priest, Téa. You don’t have to confess anything to me.” She smiled at her small joke. “I’m not even Catholic.”

Galatéa gave the other woman a polite chuckle and then pointed at her face, right under her nose. “I got this done recently.”

“I noticed it when you came in,” said Connie. “Is there some special reason you had a piercing done? Lots of women change their hair or go on a shopping spree when they’ve gone through something that was life-altering for them. It gives them a sense of control over their own bodies or destiny.”

Galatéa was taken aback. Connie was normally averse to psychoanalyzing her in such a straightforward fashion. She also hated the fact that Connie was accurate in her assessment.

Focusing herself, she answered her therapist’s question. “It’s something I have been thinking a lot about lately. I’ve never done anything…extreme in my life.”

“I’d hardly call a nose piercing extreme, not today. It’s rather pretty.”

Galatéa couldn’t tell if Connie was just being polite or was giving her an honest opinion.

“But tell me why you felt the need to hide this from me. I’m not here to judge.”

“It feels…extreme.”

“That’s probably a good thing. You need to feel like your life has direction and meaning.”

“I was hiding something else from you.”

Connie’s smile was polite. “You know, therapy only works if you’re honest with me.”

“I fucked a guy.”

“You already told me that.”

Shaking her head, Galatéa said, “No. Another guy. Practically a stranger. I met him…I met him online and we hooked up and had sex. It felt…dangerous.”

“If you’re worried about being safe, you don’t need to worry much. You’re more likely to be hit by lightning than to be assaulted or killed by a person you met on a dating app.”

“I’m lactating,” Galatéa blurted out.

Connie was unruffled. “That’s not surprising. Your baby is only a year old. It takes some women many months to completely dry up.”

“When I had sex with Gordon he sucked on me and drank my milk.”

Connie sat with that information for a moment. 

“How did that make you feel?”

After a deep inhale, Galatéa said, “I liked it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“I want to do it again.”

“I’d say that’s fine.”

Galatéa wondered what she’d have to say to shock her therapist. 

That made her determined to do whatever it took to shock Connie.


“Vicky said to surprise you,” said Poz as he opened the door to the barn.

Galatéa had gotten accustomed to coming to the barn. She was starting to crave it. She could afford it and had the time so what did it matter?

“Just nothing that leaves any obvious or permanent marks,” Galatéa heard herself saying. 

She had given Vicky that restriction because it seemed common sense. Vicky readily agreed. It made Galatéa wonder what Vicky’s reaction would have been if she had said Poz could do whatever he wanted to her, no restrictions.

That caused a shiver of worry and thrill to run down her spine.

“Strip,” he said the moment they were in the barn proper. He hadn’t needed to give the order. Galatéa was already pulling up her shirt and kicking off her sneakers. There was no reason to dress up for a visit to the barn with Poz. The experience was about pushing her limits and enduring pain; she wanted to be comfortable before and after. Even the bra she wore was soft and more a suggestion of function than any true engineering marvel to keep her tits under control. 

That bra was halfway off before Galatéa realized she wasn’t alone in the barn with Poz. 

Her eyes met the other woman’s and Galatéa froze. This wasn’t what she was expecting, but nothing of what she had asked for had been violated. Not yet.

Poz was at the table getting some equipment ready when Galatéa stopped undressing. Sensing something was amiss, he turned around. A small smile pulled at his lips. 

“Galatéa, this is Kelly. You don’t need to shake hands. She’s just going to watch.”

It was like Kelly could do more than watch.

The main play space of the barn was generally empty except for whatever equipment that Poz had readied. There was a low wall twenty feet away from where Galatéa had always been bound and she sensed more than knew that other pieces of equipment were stored there. It wasn’t lit so the dimness made it dangerous and mysterious. Along the far wall there were cabinets and a pair of cages. Never before had the cages been occupied. Galatéa had never taken note of the cages. 

She now saw the one cage that was occupied was unique, but then again so was everything in the barn. It was made of iron bars, the sort that would be used on iron railings and fences around fancier homes. Roughly six feet high it was a rectangle bolted to the wall six inches off the floor. The woman was standing on a metal plate that formed the bottom of the cage. At six feet high, just over two feet wide, and maybe a foot deep, it was like an open standing coffin.

The woman inside the cage was naked. That wasn’t shocking. Neither was the ball gag in her mouth. She wore metal cuffs on her ankles and wrists; the cuffs were chained to the bars of the cage. The only way for her to occupy the cage was to stand upright. 

Kelly was rather plain. Brown hair to her shoulders. Unremarkable face. Maybe five pounds overweight for her frame. Pierced belly button. No visible tattoos. Completely shaved pussy. Full breasts that touched the bars of the cage even when her back was pressed to the wooden wall. 

Galatéa didn’t know what to do or say to her. 

Was there anything to say?

“Why…why is she here?”

“Just to watch,” said Poz. “Finish undressing.”

She didn’t know why, but she was suddenly shy about being naked in front of someone she didn’t know. Her breasts were full and she felt that Kelly was staring at them. It was all she could do to not cross her arms in front of her chest.

When she pulled down her black leggings and underwear, she turned to the side so that Kelly couldn’t fully see her.

 ”Give me your wrist,” said Poz.

Galatéa did so willingly. The two women stared at each other as Poz put leather cuffs on Galatéa’s wrists and then a collar around her neck. He attached the cuffs to the collar, forcing her to keep her arms raised. He then brought her over to a small seat he had prepared while she had been stripping and eyeing Kelly.

It was almost like a saddle but the intent was obvious. There was a small phallus projecting upward from the middle of the saddle. Either Poz had designed this seat and essentially glued a dildo to a seat or it was a custom made device.

He put some lube on the dildo and sat her down on the device. She was excited because she knew she was going to get to cum during her session. The dildo didn’t exactly slide easily into her, but her anticipation and lube allowed it to penetrate her sex. She felt a little silly in front of a stranger, riding a fake cock on an elaborate chair but she trusted—perhaps with no basis—Poz.

The chair was between two of the heavy upright timbers. Poz attached chains to Galatéa’s collar, holding her in position. She almost wished he had restrained her ankles as well. The chair wasn’t a flat bottomed kitchen chair, but more of a saddle that held her pelvis in place. She discovered why a moment later.

“You’ll like this,” he told her. She had missed the control pad attached to the chair with a cord. He pressed a button and the chair buzzed to life.

Galatéa gasped in surprise and delight. At first she couldn’t tell where the vibrations were coming from. The entire saddle chair seemed to be pulsing. Taking a moment to breathe she focused herself and realized the saddle itself was softly humming, but the real source of her pleasure was the active vibrations from the dildo in her pussy.

She opened her mouth to say something, but only a soft moan escaped her lips.

“I was right,” Poz said smugly. 

“This isn’t torture,” she finally managed to say.

“Not yet,” he said. 

The breast pump setup they had used in the past was on the work table. He set to attaching it to her tits.

Galatéa exchanged glances with Kelly. The other woman, predictably, remained silent, mostly due to the ball gag. The dark-haired woman noted that the caged one was now drooling around the red ball, her saliva dripping down on her chest. Not knowing what to think, Galatéa looked away and focused on the pleasure in her pussy.

It only took Poz a minute to get the pump properly positioned. When he switched it on, she sighed. The pressure was strong, but she had been anticipating it so much that it was a relief when it started sucking her milk out of her tits.

Kelly watched for a bit, puzzled and then alarmed when she saw the white liquid being drawn from Galatéa’s nipples. She couldn’t say or do anything but just kept watching. 

Galatéa could feel her orgasm slowly building up. She wished that Poz would turn up the intensity of the dildo’s vibrations, or the chair’s vibrations, or both.

She wished that he’d do the same for the breast pump.

Then he was touching her breasts, attaching sticky pads to either side of each breast. 

“Supposedly this will stimulate milk production,” he said. “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but you’ll feel it in your tits.”

She didn’t have any time to ask what the hell he was doing before it felt like her tits were on fire. Then they were prickling with intense energy, like she was getting pins and needles inserted into her flesh. Her body shook faintly; she felt her chest muscles contracting.

Then the sensations went away. She saw Poz was holding another control in his hand. 

“Electro-stimulation,” he explained. “Just a mild current through your tits. Did you like it?”

“N-n-no,” she complained, shaking her head as much as she was able.

“Too bad. I’m setting it to give you a five second shock and then a five second rest. Let’s see how much milk we get this time.”

He pressed a couple of buttons and the electricity flowed into her again. 

It wasn’t exactly painful, but it wasn’t exactly fun either. She moaned in protest. It was intense.

This was what she was looking for during her sessions.

“Let’s give that a few minutes to work, shall we?” Poz said conversationally. “Now onto Kelly.”

The brunette shook her head. She saw what Poz was holding and it was obvious she had been through this before.

He stood in front of her, looking at her through the iron bars. “If you didn’t want this, why did you come back, hmm?” he asked.

Even in her excited state, Galatéa could see that Poz was holding a second electro-stim controller. The device was built into the iron cage holding Kelly.

She shook her head as much as she was able and pressed her back against the wooden wall. Her hands had been gripping the bars but now she let go and pressed her palms to the wall. She couldn’t lift her feet from the metal pad on which she stood.

Worse, she couldn’t pull her breasts away from the iron bars either. There wasn’t sufficient space.

Poz clipped the cords of the device to two of the bars near the metal pad. 

“You once told me you were a good dancer, Kelly. Is that still true?”

The woman tried to say something around her ball gag but the words were garbled. Poz activated the device and she moaned and shook. She tried to lift her feet from the metal plate, but that was impossible inside the cage. Her body vibrated.

Galatéa wondered if Poz had helpfully put a vibrator in her pussy before caging her. She didn’t think so.

“That’s a terrible dance, Kelly,” Poz reprimanded her. “Let’s try something different.”

He moved the clips to the bars nearest her tits. Again she tried to shy away, but it was impossible. Her body lit up when he flicked the button.

As much as she hated it, Kelly could feel the effects working on her.

Poz turned back to Galatéa.

“Enjoying the show?”

The vibrator was working on her pussy and the electro-stim was working on her tits. Galatéa was loving the show. She wanted to cum and knew it would happen soon. She nodded. She wished the shocks would come faster and were more intense but didn’t voice her wish.


Poz turned back to Kelly who was clearly not having a good time, but there must have been something else going on that Galatéa couldn’t see. The device was cycling and giving her stimulation. Poz carefully reached between the bars and felt Kelly’s pussy.

She moaned.

He pushed a finger into her slit and inside her body.

“You’re wet,” he told her.

Despite the torture, Kelly nodded.

“Are you going to cum?”

Kelly shook her head. 

“That’s too bad.”

Kelly’s eyes were desperate. She was trying to communicate something to Poz and either he didn’t understand or care.

“Are you going to humiliate yourself again?” he asked her.

Kelly let out a whining moan from behind her gag and nodded.

Poz yanked his hand away.

For just a moment Galatéa thought that maybe Kelly was cumming and she was squirting from her pussy. 

She wasn’t.

She was peeing.

Poz shook his head. “Very bad girl,” he said.

Kelly tried to say something else and started crying.

“I’ll just leave the machine on until I’m done with Téa,” he said, turning his back on her.

Galatéa felt awful for the other woman, but she was right on the edge. She was going to cum and it was going to be glorious. 

Poz fiddled with the electro-stim controller for a second altering the pace and intensity of energy coursing through her tits. Galatéa gasped at the change. Looking down, she saw her breasts were being pumped as hard as they had ever been. Each time the pump cycled the milky fluid sprayed from her nipples. The attached bottles collected the milk. After a year of lactating, Galatéa had a good idea of how much her breasts produced. Even so, she was taken aback at the amount of milk she had made.

Poz handled her tits, inspecting the seal and efficiency of the pump. “Good girl,” he complimented her. “Have you cum yet?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Do you want to?”

It was all she could do not to whine. “Yes…”

“Let yourself cum,” he instructed.

Galatéa wasn’t sure what was wrong. She liked the stimulation to her tits. She had used vibrators and dildos in the past. She liked being used and treated this way but she hadn’t cum yet.”

Her torturer watched her for a minute, frowning. 

“What’s the matter?” he demanded.

In a flash of understanding, Galatéa said. “I can’t do it with her watching!”

She knew her shyness and anxiety made no sense, but there it was. 

“Ignore her. You have to cum for me,” Poz ordered. As if from nowhere he produced a thin bamboo rod. “Don’t make me discipline you.”

She felt the dildo vibrating inside her and the saddle buzzing happily against her clit and labia, but she couldn’t get over her unwanted resistance.

The flash of fire across the expanse of her buttocks made her cry out in pain and surprise. Poz quickly followed the first strike with another. This time she screamed.

Around her tears Kelly’s eyes were wide with fear.

She couldn’t form words, but Galatéa would have happily thanked Poz in that moment. Her body was humming with ecstasy as she peaked. The orgasm made her entire body tingled with energy.

Her tears were those of joy and pleasure.