Chapter 11


Gordon didn’t know where to stand. That was all he could focus on. He didn’t want to focus on what was happening to Galatéa. He thought he wanted this, but he was wrong.

He was positive he had wanted it the moment he viewed less than a minute of her videos. He had been wrong.

The videos were undeniably, scorchingly hot. They were some of the best porn he had ever seen. It had been impossible for him to say no when she asked him if he wanted to see her in the barn being treated by Poz.

That’s how she thought of it. Being treated. She had so many problems and a little physical punishment combined with sexual reward somehow centered her. It was fucked up and wrong and she wanted to see how far she could push herself. 

She wanted to see how far she could push Gordon.

Maybe she didn’t want to have a relationship with him. Maybe she did. If he couldn’t deal with this then she didn’t want to have a relationship with him.

Oddly, showing Gordon the videos didn’t give her nearly as much anxiety as was caused by her asking Vicky if she could bring a friend to her now-weekly treatment. 

Vicky had questioned her on exactly what she wanted and eventually allowed Galatéa to bring Gordon along only as an observer. He wouldn’t be allowed the opportunity to participate and if he interfered in any way, Poz would end the session early.

All of that was agreeable to Galatéa. She laid out the rules to Gordon and he didn’t object. He didn’t feel he could. He had to see this in person and at the same time he wanted not to see it.

“Strip,” said Poz after they walked into the barn where the dom was waiting for Galatéa. He glanced once at Gordon and then ignored him. Galatéa pointed to a corner of the open space and Gordon took his post. He was mildly surprised that Galatéa casually undressed in front of Poz. The man was a bit intimidating. It wasn’t just his all black attire and copious muscles. It was how he held himself. It was how he spoke to and touched Galatéa.

Gordon knew he didn’t have any control over the woman he had been fucking for the past few weeks, but it felt wrong that Poz had the privilege of touching her in a way only a lover should. He had seen it in the videos, but that was different. They were from the past. This was of the now.

From where he was standing Gordon could see Poz had laid out a variety of toys and tools on a table, but he couldn’t easily identify most of them. It didn’t take much imagination to know what they all were. 

The first real thing that Poz did was hand Galatéa a shiny black metal ring about three inches in diameter. “Can you put this in by yourself?” he asked her and pointed to the wall next to a cabinet where a small mirror hung. “You can use that.”

Galatéa nodded. “Yes. Just give me a minute.”

Gordon had been intrigued by Galatéa’s septum piercing. Buying her a piece of jewelry for it had been a bold move on his part, but it had paid off. It had gotten him laid and it had gotten him to the barn where Galatéa was harboring secrets. He was amazed that Galatéa went along with wearing a ridiculous bit of jewelry.

Before she could get to the mirror, Gordon stepped to the side where he could get a better view of her as she worked. It was easy enough for her to remove the ornamental bead from the ring he had given her. She then slid out the small ring and carefully inserted the large black ring into her nostril, rotating it slowly into position. The large ring was a special clicker. There was a semi-hidden hinge on a short segment that snapped into place.

When she turned around and Gordon got a good look, he felt the jewelry was ridiculous. It hung from her nose down to the bottom of her chin. He was certain, however, that Poz had a plan.

“Stand here.” Poz indicated a place on the floor between two thick upright timbers. Gordon didn’t miss the multiple bolts and rings set into the timbers but other than the large ring in her nose, Galatéa wasn’t wearing any restraints.

“Don’t move.”

Galatéa nodded and waited.

Poz went to his work table and returned with a length of rope. “Stand still,” he said as he looped the rope through one of the rings in the timber.

Gordon watched in amazement as, working quickly, Poz wrapped the rope around both of Galatéa’s breasts. She didn’t complain; she helped.

It wasn’t that Galatéa’s tits were large, but Gordon was alarmed at how tightly Poz wrapped them. The rope went around the base of each breast, causing it to bulge forward and because they were constricted, they slowly started to turn purple.

“How does that feel?” asked Poz. 

“It hurts,” she complained.

“It’s supposed to. Let me put the pump on you. Hold the grips on the frame.”

Galatéa reached out and held onto a pair of handlebar-like grips on either side of the frame. Poz turned around and returned with a device that Gordon easily identified as a modified breast pump. He had seen his wife use a similar one. He had seen other women in porn use similar ones as well.

Poz switched on the device and quickly attached it to each of Galatéa’s breasts. She didn’t complain. She sighed as the pump got to work sucking out her milk. There must have been some physical relief in addition to the sexual stimulation that Gordon knew Galatéa associated with expressing her milk.

He was only watching, but Gordon’s cock was uncomfortably hard inside his pants. He wanted to jerk off while Galatéa was being tormented and milked, but that was barred by the agreement he had made. 

“One last step,” said Poz.

Gordon was surprised. He expected a lot more tools and toys.

Poz was a big man, muscular and tall. He stepped behind Galatéa and reached up to clip a short length of chain to a ring bolt in the frame’s crossbeam. He then lifted up the shiny metal ring through Galatéa’s nose so that it was upright. She was forced to tilt her head back. He then attached the end of the chain to the large ring in an absurd demonstration of bondage.

“Don’t move,” he warned her. “You’ll rip out the piercing and destroy your face.”

The look of alarm on Galatéa’s face was genuine. Gordon wasn’t sure if what Poz said was true, but it looked true. The ring moved slightly as Galatéa breathed and adjusted her position; it looked heavy enough to be solid. The chain Poz had used wasn’t a stage prop as far as Gordon could tell.

Before she could gather her wits, Poz grabbed one of her hands, wrapped a binding around the wrist and tied it to a ring set into the timber. He repeated the process with the other hand. Gordon didn’t think to object. This was what Galatéa wanted, wasn’t it?

Galatéa started breathing harder and faster. Not from excitement of being milked, but from the fear of what she had gotten herself into.

Poz examined the collection bottles of the pump and nodded his approval at the amount of milk that had been extracted from her tits.

“Enjoying yourself?” asked Poz.

Galatéa could barely move her head for fear of damaging herself.

“No…I’m scared,” she said.

“Let’s see if I can change that.”

Galatéa made eye contact with Gordon. For a moment he was confused as to what she wanted. Did she want him to rescue her? Did she want him to object? She had told him beforehand that there was a safeword she could use. Could he use it on her behalf? Was this all part of the game?

He started to step forward just to make sure everything was okay, but Galatéa shook her head. The fear was in her eyes but she was saying no. Gordon hesitated. She relaxed a tiny bit.

All of this happened when Poz’s back was turned. Or maybe he knew and just didn’t care. Maybe he knew they needed that connection to help settle Galatéa.

He returned from the worktable with a large stand. The base was heavy and broad with a thick, upright pillar in the middle. He placed this between Galatéa’s bare feet and adjusted the height of the pillar. At the top of the post was a device that was almost like a saddle. There were two projections from the seat of the saddle, the purpose of which was glaringly obvious to Gordon and anyone with eyes. 

The dom squeezed lube onto both phalluses. They were the same size and dark purple. It took a minute of positioning the stand, but eventually he got it situated exactly where he wanted it. 

“Relax,” he told Galatéa. “Don’t resist. That’ll just make everything harder.”

Gordon didn’t know if it was possible for a woman to be fucked while standing up like that, but it must have been because he lifted the two fake cocks up into Galatéa. She wiggled her hips and helped Poz. Gordon was amazed that the phalluses went into her so easily. True, they weren’t that large and there was the lube and Galatéa stated she liked this sort of thing, but it was still nothing like he had ever seen before. 

Galatéa moaned as she was penetrated by the toys. She gave Gordon a triumphant grin. Was she proud of letting herself be subjected to this? Was she thrilled she was able to do this? Was she showing off for him? It made Gordon question everything about himself and her. 

Even so, it was still inexplicably hot and sexy.

“Ready?” asked Poz.

“For what?” replied Galatéa. Neither she nor Gordon could imagine what else could be in store for her. 

There was a switch on the small pillar that held up the saddle and the two dildos. It was hidden from Gordon’s sight on the opposite side from him. Poz flicked the switch and the familiar sound of a vibrator reached his ears.

Galatéa moaned at the additional thrill. “Oh…fuck,” she exclaimed. 

Poz moved back behind her. “More?” he asked dispassionately.

Galatéa didn’t answer. The look of ecstasy on her face told Gordon everything. Poz didn’t need to see her face to understand.

It didn’t take long for Galatéa to reach orgasm. Gordon could see she was trying to resist it, but it was a fruitless endeavor. 

Her entire body went rigid, she let out a familiar passionate cry that Gordon had heard many times before and wanted to hear many more times again, and then her body went limp.

She was held mostly upright by the dildo saddle on which she was essentially sitting, but it wasn’t sufficient to support her. Too late Gordon realized that and started to dash forward so her nose wouldn’t be ripped apart by the unique bondage she had agreed to use.

Poz was already there. He had one arm around her chest and his opposite hand cradled her head. 

“Careful,” he cautioned her. He then fixed Gordon with an angry glare. “Get back to where you belong.”

Afraid, Gordon quickly stepped back to his designated area. 

“Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck,” Galatéa repeated over and over. “That was fucking intense.”

“It’s supposed to be,” said Poz. “Can you stand on your own again?”


“Your tits have gone dry,” he commented and switched off the pump. There were an inordinate amount of lines around her body: the hoses from the pump and collection bottles, the rope around her tits, the power cord to the saddle and pillar, and the chain to her nose ring. After the power was turned off it was easy to remove the pump cones from her tits. Both breasts were an unnatural purple, almost as dark as the saddle vibrators. 

“Turn off the vibrator,” she told him. “Please.”

Poz shook his head. “No.”

Instead he untied the rope from the timber and unwrapped it from her left breast. A more natural color was quickly restored to her breast. She groaned as the blood flow was restored. The feeling of relief was quickly replaced with pins and needles. Poz waited patiently as she puffed and moaned at the pain. When the moment had passed he unwrapped her right breast. 

The same painful sensations struck her a second time.

“Fuck,” she cursed. “I hate that.”

“I’ll have to do it the next time you come here,” Poz commented mildly.

She clamped her lips shut so that she didn’t say anything else foolish.

“I’ll be right back,” said Poz, picking up the bottles of milk. Gordon was impressed with the amount she had produced. Looking at her chest it was almost like her breasts had been deflated. They didn’t have any of the full roundness she had at the start of the process, but he knew that her body was already busy making more.

The door to the barn shut as Poz left them alone.

“Should I untie you?” asked Gordon, starting to take a step forward.

“No. He’s watching.”

Gordon’s brow furrowed. “How?” He started to take a step forward.

“No!” As much as was possible, she indicated with her chin the small security cameras along the ceiling. Of course Gordon didn’t miss the ring light and cell phone being used as a camera set at an angle to the scene.

“How could he possibly be watching? He just left.” Even with his objection, Gordon stopped because he didn’t want to upset GaIatéa.

“He’ll know. It’s all about obedience.”

“Okay.” They were silent for a moment. “Did you know he was going to do all of this?”

“No. Well, some of it, of course, but the not knowing is the exciting part. The danger. The thrill. Getting my tits milked…”

“I could do that for you,” Gordon offered.

She scoffed. “All of this as well as Poz? I doubt it.”

“I could milk you,” he said. “I could nurse from you whenever you want it.”

She looked at him for a long moment. He was silent. “That would be nice…but I want it all the time and I don’t want it to be safe. You seem to be a very nice and safe man, Gordon.”

He said nothing and looked down at the floor in shame. 

A minute later Poz returned and freed Galatéa from her wrist bindings and the chain to her nose ring.

She dressed and removed the large metal ring, replacing it with the jewelry Gordon had given her.

On the way out, Galatéa slipped her hand into Gordon’s. Before they could leave, Poz gave Gordon an old-fashioned glass milk bottle filled with the milk that Galatéa had produced.