Chapter 14


Going to the barn as an employee and not a client felt different. While the location wasn’t exactly in the middle of nowhere—it was on the edge of suburbia on a piece of property that had stopped being an active farm decades ago, but the old stone and wood barn still stood and was actively used by Vicky and Poz—it felt that way. When Galatéa had parked her car in the gravel lot at the end of the driveway she half-wished she was parking in front of a sign that said “Employee Parking Only.” She settled for parking next to Poz’s black Jeep. As always there was a silver Lexus in the small lot as well. She figured that one belonged to Vicky though she had still never seen the woman in person. An unfamiliar BMW was parked on the far side of the barn.

Poz greeted her much like he always did, but this time he gave her explicit instructions on what she was expected to do for their client.

“Any questions?” he asked when he had finished his briefing.

She laughed nervously. “Yeah. About a million.”

“If you’re unsure of anything during the scene, just ask me. I’ll be here the entire time. Anything else?”

“Yeah, when do I get paid?” She asked it as a joke, but he took the question seriously.

“After the client leaves. You get paid cash because it’s easier on us for a dozen reasons, mostly tax purposes and accounting and legal issues. Strictly speaking, you’re not an employee; you’re a private contractor. Do you have a problem with any of that?”

She shook her head no. “Not at all.”

“Good. Go get changed.” He pointed across the barn to a door she had always figured was just an entrance to another storage area. Behind the door was a rather plain room that could generously be called either a changing room or maybe a locker or storage room. 

Vicky had insisted on getting her measurements so that her outfit would be properly sized. The outfit was much as she had imagined it, but to put it on was a bit of a chore. The material wasn’t true latex; Galatéa could tell that. It was some synthetic cloth that felt smooth and shiny. It was tight around her body. Once it was fully on, she looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the wall and she was impressed with how sexy she looked. 

It was almost like a corset, but not quite. Almost a swimsuit, but not quite. She was just glad it wasn’t crotchless; that would have been weird.

The shiny, smooth black material fit like a swimsuit but her breasts were fully exposed, the cups essentially missing. The fit in the back wasn’t precisely a thong, but it cut up between her ass cheeks, showing off the bottoms. There was a strap that went over her shoulders and behind the neck to help hold it in place.

To this Poz and Vicky had added a pair of black thigh-high stockings. Galatéa already had a pair of adequately sexy high heels.

Unable to help herself she pulled out her phone when she was done dressing and took a few pictures of herself in the mirror. She immediately sent them to Gordon but didn’t have time to wait for a response from him. Poz knocked on the door and asked if she was ready.

When he brought her out to the barn proper, the first thing she saw was a man in a heavy wooden chair placed between the upright timbers where she had done her time being wonderfully tortured by Poz.

He was naked. His arms and legs were bound with thick ropes to the chair. His legs were spread just enough so that she could see his cock. He wasn’t hard, but either he was very large when soft or he was on the edge of achieving an erection.

Most importantly, he was blindfolded. 

Galatéa harbored no illusions as to who the clientele were. Even so, the man in the chair wasn’t unattractive, at least as far as she could tell from the blindfold he wore. He was in reasonably good shape but was undoubtedly middle-aged.

She had never seen herself in this position, doing this sort of thing.

She wasn’t disgusted by herself.

She wanted to see what was going to happen.

She approached the man on the chair, letting her heels click loudly on the wooden floorboards.

“Has he been good or bad?” she asked Poz.

“He’s to be rewarded,” said Poz.

She smiled. The man couldn’t see it, but it was an unconscious reaction on her part. 

“I can do that.”