Chapter 18


“Ready?” asked Poz.

“Is this going to hurt?” she asked him.

“You told me you want it to hurt.”

“Yeah, but…a little.”

“Uh-huh,” he replied and hit the switch.

It was like her legs were cut out from underneath her body.

The electricity coursing through her body wasn’t exactly painful; it was an intense tingling. She savored the unusual sensation and couldn’t help but think how this would mess up her body if she had something like a pacemaker.

The electricity disappeared.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned as her body continue to quiver.

“Problem?” Poz asked mildly.


“Good. Let’s get you back on your feet.”

Galatéa was bound upright, chains to both ankles and wrists attached to the thick timbers to her sides. Before Poz had stuck the electrodes on either side of her breasts, he had artfully wrapped a very long rope around her body in a complex harness. This he had attached to the hooks embedded in the ceiling. When he had turned on the electro-stim, he had set it to the max, or so she believed, and only the rope harness kept her from falling down. 

As usual, she was naked. The harness went between her legs, but followed her thigh creases to keep her pussy exposed. At least one strand of thin rope went between her buttocks. The rope followed a figure eight pattern around her breasts, keeping them exposed and prominently jutting forward. The rest of the rope harness went around her torso and over her shoulders as a support mechanism. 

Galatéa never would have supposed she would have liked this sort of thing, but she was learning all sorts of things about herself with Poz. 

After making sure she was stable on her feet, Poz went through a series of adjustments to the restraints and ropes, attaching a grab bar for her hands and a spreader bar between her feet. Eventually he disconnected her from the uprights and had her shuffle a few steps forward.

“Are you ready for a new perspective on everything?” he asked her.

“I hope so…”

That was all the warning she got. He pulled on the ropes attached to her harness and her feet lifted off the ground. Other than swinging back and forth slightly while the ropes tightened around her body and cut into her thighs, it didn’t hurt nor was there a dramatic change. She gasped softly at the adjustment.

“Are you okay?” Poz asked, pausing for a moment.

“Yes. Fine.”

“Good. That’s just the first step.” He pulled the ropes again which brought her a foot off the floor. Poz put a hand on her hip and gently spun her around.

“Whoa. I’m going to get dizzy,” Galatéa exclaimed. 

He stopped the spinning motion but left her swaying back and forth. 

“I feel like I’m on the playground on the swings.”

“Did you like the monkey bars?”

The joyous sensation of swinging back and forth made Galatéa smile. “Yes. When I was in first grade I went on the monkey bars and hung by my knees…but I was wearing a skirt and it fell toward the ground. I showed my underpants to everyone on the playground. They were white with yellow flowers.”

“Good. This will be like that.”

Poz quickly adjusted the ropes and Galatéa suddenly found herself upside down, her head a foot away from the wooden floorboards.

“Holy shit!”

“You okay?”

“I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I know. That was the idea.”

He steadied the swinging that the inversion had caused.

“How long are you going to keep me like this?” she asked.

“Just tell me if you think you’re going to pass out. Use your safeword.”


Poz rested his hand on her pussy, his palm and fingers curling around her sex. He didn’t try to penetrate her. It was easy to hold her pussy because her legs were already forced apart by the spreader bar. 

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just waiting a moment for you to get acclimated. Some people don’t do well upside down.”

She bent her neck, looking up at him. “I’m fine.”

He nodded and moved to the side. She was unable to track him because she was distracted by her tits. Galatéa knew they were large and was used to looking down at them and seeing impressive cleavage when she wore the right bra. They were now hanging the wrong way and it was strange to see them flopping in reverse. 

After she acclimated to her new position, Poz knelt down next to Galatéa and reapplied the electro-stim patches to either side of her breasts. She watched him work in silence. When he attached the breast pumps to her nipples she was briefly annoyed that the collection bottles hung just above her face. Poz had anticipated this and used a strap to stabilize the bottles and keep them from bothering her. 

“Why?” she asked.

“Why what?”

“Why do it this way?”

“You need something new,” was his response.

The breast pump was already on and sucking away at her nipples. This was a familiar sensation she was used to and it actually relaxed her. She didn’t have plans later in the day with Gordon so having milk in her breasts didn’t matter. In fact, they were a bit full, so getting pumped was actually a relief.

She anticipated him turning on the current for the pad attached to her breasts. She loved and hated that unusual sensation. Maybe it was just a myth, but she was certain that her breasts were making more milk now that he was regularly subjecting her to the treatment. She didn’t disregard the almost continual attention that Gordon gave her breasts, however. 

The moment he flipped the switch to let the current flow, her entire body seemed alive.

“Oh fuck,” she cursed.

“Turn it off?” he asked.

“No. Fuck no.”

The e-stim was coming at a different pace than the steady on-off routine of the breast pump which essentially made sure her tits were getting some sort of stimulation almost constantly. She saw the milk start to flow and fill the bottles. This was what she wanted; this was what she needed.

Then Poz was probing at her pussy. She didn’t mind being penetrated. She looked forward to it. If he had pulled out a rattan cane and gone after her buttocks, she would have thanked him for that as well. Since she was upside down and there was equipment attached to her breasts, it was impossible for her to see exactly what Poz was doing.

A dildo was inserted into her pussy. A cord was wrapped around her thigh and the device was held in place against her thigh. She wondered how big the toy was. The weight was obvious on her leg and against her pussy.

Then he switched it on.

She didn’t scream. She wanted to. Not because it was painful, but because she was overloaded with too much of everything. The dildo buzzed pleasantly within her. The base was against her labia and clit so that when Poz activated the second function those parts of her anatomy were set ablaze with delight as well. 

The only thing she could have wished for was a princess plug shoved up her ass. 

It only took a minute but Galatéa quickly lost any sense of who she was and why her body was being used this way.

Another minute and she had her first orgasm.

It should have been enough for her. It was a strange and strong climax. But when she managed to say something, the word surprised her. “More,” she begged.

“I’ll just let it run,” said Poz. “You’re a novice at this.”

She couldn’t speak further. Everything was upside down, backwards, and wrong. 

That’s what made it so lovely to experience. 

By the time she was done, Galatéa had filled both bottles, forgotten who she was, nearly passed out, and had more orgasms than she could remember.

It was a very good afternoon.