In deep appreciation, i thank the following people, who helped to bring this book to life.

Amely Greeven and Marisa Belger, not only for helping me refine my thousands of thoughts and ideas but also for being brilliant, strong mommies who brought so much wisdom into this book.

Melissa Petitto, my kitchen conspirator: You have taught me so much; you are my culinary soul mate.

Leah Miller, for taking an interest in my vision and life’s work and giving me invaluable guidance. And the entire team at Rodale—I am so grateful and proud that I got to do this project with you, and I am thankful to call your publishing house my home.

Cait Hoyt, for believing in my philosophy and in me long before any spotlight had hit my name, and CAA for being a stellar team.

Jillian Taratunio and Yoel Najer, for making everything come together.

My family, students, friends, and teachers, who have seen me through my ups and downs and have inspired me to find happiness and create this method.

My babies, for bringing light and happiness into every day of my life.

And my husband, for being my vida and my buen equipo.