After any production the artists take their bows to the audience, but there are many behind-the-scenes people, the unsung heroes, who don’t get to go before the curtain.
So it has been with this book, and I would like to give them their curtain calls:
First, a bow for my dear friend Janet Stubbs for her guidance in leading me to Dundurn. Without her this book may not have seen the light of day.
Ann Farris and Stanley Dufford for their invaluable search of pictures of long-ago productions.
Terry McCarthy, the excellent photographer who captured the alluring charm of my cover friend, Mme. Josephine, the camel.
My old friend Bob Cahen for his love of and devotion to opera, evident in his extensive and excellent photographic record of productions, and the greatest operatic stars, stretching back more than five decades.
Finally, but most importantly, the multi-talented Mark Hernandez for his patience and committed collaboration in bringing this production into being.
A standing ovation and bravi to all of them.