Chapter 5. Data Frames

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On an intuitive level, a data frame is like a matrix, with a two-dimensional rows-and-columns structure. However, it differs from a matrix in that each column may have a different mode. For instance, one column may consist of numbers, and another column might have character strings. In this sense, just as lists are the heterogeneous analogs of vectors in one dimension, data frames are the heterogeneous analogs of matrices for two-dimensional data.

On a technical level, a data frame is a list, with the components of that list being equal-length vectors. Actually, R does allow the components to be other types of objects, including other data frames. This gives us heterogeneous–data analogs of arrays in our analogy. But this use of data frames is rare in practice, and in this book, we will assume all components of a data frame are vectors.

In this chapter, we’ll present quite a few data frame examples, so you can become familiar with their variety of uses in R.

To begin, let’s take another look at our simple data frame example from Section 1.4.5:

> kids <- c("Jack","Jill")
> ages <- c(12,10)
> d <- data.frame(kids,ages,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> d  # matrix-like viewpoint
  kids ages
1  Jack   12
2  Jill   10

The first two arguments in the call to data.frame() are clear: We wish to produce a data frame from our two vectors: kids and ages. However, that third argument, stringsAsFactors=FALSE requires more comment.

If the named argument stringsAsFactors is not specified, then by default, stringsAsFactors will be TRUE. (You can also use options() to arrange the opposite default.) This means that if we create a data frame from a character vector—in this case, kids—R will convert that vector to a factor. Because our work with character data will typically be with vectors rather than factors, we’ll set stringsAsFactors to FALSE. We’ll cover factors in Chapter 6.