Various matrix operations also apply to data frames. Most notably and usefully, we can do filtering to extract various subdata frames of interest.
As mentioned, a data frame can be viewed in row-and-column terms. In particular, we can extract subdata frames by rows or columns. Here’s an example:
> examsquiz[2:5,] Exam.1 Exam.2 Quiz 2 3.3 2 3.7 3 4.0 4 4.0 4 2.3 0 3.3 5 2.3 1 3.3 > examsquiz[2:5,2] [1] 2 4 0 1 > class(examsquiz[2:5,2]) [1] "numeric" > examsquiz[2:5,2,drop=FALSE] Exam.2 2 2 3 4 4 0 5 1 > class(examsquiz[2:5,2,drop=FALSE]) [1] "data.frame"
Note that in that second call, since examsquiz[2:5,2]
is a vector, R created a vector instead of another data frame. By specifying drop=FALSE
, as described for the matrix case in Section 3.6, we can keep it as a (one-column) data frame.
We can also do filtering. Here’s how to extract the subframe of all students whose first exam score was at least 3.8:
> examsquiz[examsquiz$Exam.1 >= 3.8,] Exam.1 Exam.2 Quiz 3 4 4.0 4.0 9 4 3.3 4.0 11 4 4.0 4.0 14 4 0.0 4.0 16 4 3.7 4.0 19 4 4.0 4.0 22 4 4.0 4.0 25 4 4.0 3.3 29 4 3.0 3.7
Suppose the second exam score for the first student had been missing. Then we would have typed the following into that line when we were preparing the data file:
2.0 NA 4.0
In any subsequent statistical analyses, R would do its best to cope with the missing data. However, in some situations, we need to set the option na.rm=TRUE
, explicitly telling R to ignore NA values. For instance, with the missing exam score, calculating the mean score on exam 2 by calling R’s mean()
function would skip that first student in finding the mean. Otherwise, R would just report NA for the mean.
Here’s a little example:
> x <- c(2,NA,4) > mean(x) [1] NA > mean(x,na.rm=TRUE) [1] 3
In Section 2.8.2, you were introduced to the subset()
function, which saves you the trouble of specifying na.rm=TRUE
. You can apply it in data frames for row selection. The column names are taken in the context of the given data frame. In our example, instead of typing this:
> examsquiz[examsquiz$Exam.1 >= 3.8,]
we could run this:
> subset(examsquiz,Exam.1 >= 3.8)
Note that we do not need to write this:
> subset(examsquiz,examsquiz$Exam.1 >= 3.8)
In some cases, we may wish to rid our data frame of any observation that has at least one NA value. A handy function for this purpose is complete.cases()
> d4 kids states 1 Jack CA 2 <NA> MA 3 Jillian MA 4 John <NA7> > complete.cases(d4) [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE > d5 <- d4[complete.cases(d4),] > d5 kids states 1 Jack CA 3 Jillian MA
Cases 2 and 4 were incomplete; hence the FALSE
values in the output of complete.cases(d4)
. We then use that output to select the intact rows.
The rbind()
and cbind()
matrix functions introduced in Section 3.4 work with data frames, too, providing that you have compatible sizes, of course. For instance, you can use cbind()
to add a new column that has the same length as the existing columns.
In using rbind()
to add a row, the added row is typically in the form of another data frame or list.
> d kids ages 1 Jack 12 2 Jill 10 > rbind(d,list("Laura",19)) kids ages 1 Jack 12 2 Jill 10 3 Laura 19
You can also create new columns from old ones. For instance, we can add a variable that is the difference between exams 1 and 2:
> eq <- cbind(examsquiz,examsquiz$Exam.2-examsquiz$Exam.1) > class(eq) [1] "data.frame" > head(eq) Exam.1 Exam.2 Quiz examsquiz$Exam.2 - examsquiz$Exam.1 1 2.0 3.3 4.0 1.3 2 3.3 2.0 3.7 −1.3 3 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 4 2.3 0.0 3.3 −2.3 5 2.3 1.0 3.3 −1.3 6 3.3 3.7 4.0 0.4
The new name is rather unwieldy: It’s long, and it has embedded blanks. We could change it, using the names()
function, but it would be better to exploit the list basis of data frames and add a column (of the same length) to the data frame for this result:
> examsquiz$ExamDiff <- examsquiz$Exam.2 - examsquiz$Exam.1 > head(examsquiz) Exam.1 Exam.2 Quiz ExamDiff 1 2.0 3.3 4.0 1.3 2 3.3 2.0 3.7 −1.3 3 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 4 2.3 0.0 3.3 −2.3 5 2.3 1.0 3.3 −1.3 6 3.3 3.7 4.0 0.4
What happened here? Since one can add a new component to an already existing list at any time, we did so: We added a component ExamDiff
to the list/data frame examsquiz
We can even exploit recycling to add a column that is of a different length than those in the data frame:
> d kids ages 1 Jack 12 2 Jill 10 > d$one <- 1 > d kids ages one 1 Jack 12 1 2 Jill 10 1
You can use apply()
on data frames, if the columns are all of the same type. For instance, we can find the maximum grade for each student, as follows:
> apply(examsquiz,1,max) [1] 4.0 3.7 4.0 3.3 3.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.7 4.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 [20] 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.3 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.3 3.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.3 3.7 2.7 3.3 4.0 3.7 3.7 [39] 3.7
In a study of engineers and programmers, I considered the question, “How many of these workers are the best and the brightest—that is, people of extraordinary ability?” (Some of the details have been changed here.)
The government data I had available was limited. One (admittedly imperfect) way to determine whether a worker is of extraordinary ability is to look at the ratio of actual salary to the government prevailing wage for that job and location. If that ratio is substantially higher than 1.0, you can reasonably assume that this worker has a high level of talent.
I used R to prepare and analyze the data and will present excerpts of my preparation code here. First, I read in the data file:
all2006 <- read.csv("2006.csv",header=TRUE,
The function read.csv()
is essentially identical to read.table()
except that the input data is in the CSV format exported by spreadsheets, which is the way the data set was prepared by the US Department of Labor (DOL). The
argument is the negation of stringsAsFactors
, which you saw earlier in Section 5.1. So, setting
here is simply an alternate way to achieve stringsAsFactors=FALSE
At this point, I had a data frame, all2006
, consisting of all the data for the year 2006. I then did some filtering:
all2006 <- all2006[all2006$Wage_Per=="Year",] # exclude hourly-wagers all2006 <- all2006[all2006$Wage_Offered_From > 20000,] # exclude weird cases all2006 <- all2006[all2006$Prevailing_Wage_Amount > 200,] # exclude hrly prv wg
These operations are typical data cleaning. Most large data sets contain some outlandish values—some are obvious errors, others use different measurement systems, and so on. I needed to remedy this situation before doing any analysis.
I also needed to create a new column for the ratio between actual wage and prevailing wage:
all2006$rat <- all2006$Wage_Offered_From / all2006$Prevailing_Wage_Amount
Since I knew I would be calculating the median in this new column for many subsets of the data, I defined a function to do the work:
medrat <- function(dataframe) { return(median(dataframe$rat,na.rm=TRUE)) }
Note the need to exclude NA values, which are common in government data sets.
I was particularly interested in three occupations and thus extracted subdata frames for them to make their analyses more convenient:
se2006 <- all2006[grep("Software Engineer",all2006),] prg2006 <- all2006[grep("Programmer",all2006),] ee2006 <- all2006[grep("Electronics Engineer",all2006),]
Here, I used R’s grep()
function to identify the rows containing the given job title. Details on this function are in Chapter 11.
Another aspect of interest was analysis by firm. I wrote this function to extract the subdata frame for a given firm:
makecorp <- function(corpname) { t <- all2006[all2006$Employer_Name == corpname,] return(t) }
I then created subdata frames for a number of firms (only some are shown here).
corplist <- c("MICROSOFT CORPORATION","ms","INTEL CORPORATION","intel"," SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC.","sun","GOOGLE INC.","google") for (i in 1:(length(corplist)/2)) { corp <- corplist[2*i-1] newdtf <- paste(corplist[2*i],"2006",sep="") assign(newdtf,makecorp(corp),pos=.GlobalEnv) }
There’s quite a bit to discuss in the above code. First, note that I want the variables I’m creating to be at the top (that is, global) level, which is the usual place one does interactive analysis. Also, I’m creating my new variable names from character strings, such as “intel2006.” For these reasons, the assign()
function is wonderful. It allows me to assign a variable by its name as a string and enables me to specify top level (as discussed in Section 7.8.2).
The paste()
function allows me to concatenate strings, with sep=""
specifying that I don’t want any characters between strings in my concatenation.