breeches (BREECH-iz)—knee-length pants that are tight at the bottom

canter (KAN-tur)—when a horse canters, it runs at a speed between a trot and a gallop

curry-comb (KUH-ree-kohm)—a special brush used for cleaning horses

dependable (di-PEN-duh-buhl)—if someone is dependable, you can rely on them

emergency (ee-MUR-juhn-see)—a dangerous situation that must be handled right away

gallop (GAL-uhp)—when a horse gallops, it runs as fast as it can

groom (GROOM)—to brush and clean a horse

reins (RAYNZ)—straps that help control a horse

stable (STAY-buhl)—a place where horses are kept

stirrups (STIR-uhps)—loops that hang down from a saddle, where a rider’s feet go

trot (TROT)—when a horse trots, it moves quickly but more slowly than when it canters