Praise for Bette McNicholas

LOVE/FORTY, a romance set in the glamorous world of professional tennis brims with luscious details. Besides her early crash as an athlete, Mercedes and her brother had childhoods clouded by tragedy and heartbreak. Although the tone of the novel is breezy, it skillfully deals with the difficult subjects that cause the romance’s conflict. The breakthrough for both Mercedes and Dante during his championship match is handled with skill and suspense. Add sumptuous details of setting, food, scents, surroundings, paintings and you have an enchanting romance!”

~Eileen Charbonneau, author, Waltzing in Ragtime


MEMORY’S EDGE, another Bette McNicholas story, received “Five Hearts!” from The Romance Studio.


Ms. McNicholas received a Coffee Time Reviewers Recommended Award in recognition for outstanding writing “above and beyond.”