The following is a bibliography of selected items I find crucial in the Tarr literature. A thorough international bibliography on Tarr can be found at:
Bálint Kenyeres: ‘Interview with Béla Tarr’. Metropolis, summer, 1997.
Balsom, Erika: ‘Saving the Image: Scale and Duration in Contemporary Art Cinema’. CineAction, 72, 2007.
Bohácková, Kamila (ed): Béla Tarr Praha: Edici Inicialy, 2010.
Bouquet, Stéphane: ‘La splendeur de Béla Tarr’. Cahiers du cinéma, February, 1997.
Breton, Emile: Béla Tarr, ‘le regard du maître’. Cinéma, 3, Spring, 2002.
Breton, Émile: ‘Quelques jalons dans une oeuvre vouée au noir’. Vertigo, 41, 2011: p. 100.
Bújdosó Bori: ‘Tarr Béla: filmmel semmit nem lehet elérni’.
Buslowska, Elzbieta: ‘Cinema as Art and Philosophy in Béla Tarr’s Creative Exploration of Reality’ Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 1, 2009: p.107–16.
Chapron, Joël: ‘Le cinéma hongrois rouvre un oeil’. Cahiers du cinéma, March, 2004.
Facets DVD: ‘Talking about Tarr: A symposium at Facets’. Booklet for the Facets edition of Satantango, 2008.
Jánossy, Lajos: ‘Egyszer jóllakni?’. Magyar Narancs, XIII: 4–5, April, 2001.
Jensen, Jytte et al.: Béla Tarr. Published on the occasion of the retrospective of Béla Tarr’s films at the MOMA in New York, October 5–15, Filmunio, 2001. Authors: Jytte Jensen, Gus van Sant, Jim Jarmusch, Ulrich Gregor, Derek Elley, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Bérénice Reynaud, Jonathan Romney, Stéphane Bouquet, András Bálint Kovács.
Kovács, András Bálint: ‘Egy műfajváltásról’. Filmkultúra, 1985/1: pp. 25–9.
Kovács, András Bálint (ed.): ‘Monológok a Kárhozatról’. Filmvilág, 1988/2: p. 19.
Kovács, András Bálint: ‘Sátántangó’ in: Peter Hames (ed), The Cinema of Central Europe. London: Wallflower Press, 2004. pp. 237–45.
Kovács, András Bálint: ‘The World According to Tarr’ in: the catalogue Béla Tarr (Budapest: Filmunio, 2001) see also:
Kovács, András Bálint: ‘Körbezárva’ Filmvilág, 2008/1: pp.4–9.
Kővári, Orsolya: Árnyékvilág. Budapest: Sprint kiadó, 2012.
Kövesdy, Gábor: A léket kapott élet’. Metropolis, summer, 1997.
Méranger, Thierry: ‘Cadences hongroises’. Cahiers du cinéma, November, 2006
Neyrat, Cyril: ‘Le gardien du vide’. Cahiers du cinéma. September, 2008: p. 28.
Rancière, Jacques: Béla Tarr, le temps d’après. Paris: Capricci, 2011.
Richou, Pascal: ‘Béla Tarr, le cosmos sinon rien’. Cahiers du cinéma, June, 2000.
Rollet, Sylvie: ‘Béla Tarr ou le temps inhabitable’. Positif, 542, April, 2006: pp. 101–3.
Rollet, Sylvie: ‘Théo Angelopoulos, Alexandre Sokourov, Béla Tarr ou la mélancolie de l’Histoire’. Positif, 556, June, 2007: pp. 96–9.
Romney, Jonathan: ‘The Turin Horse’. ScreenDaily, 15 February, 2011.
Schlosser, Eric: ‘Interview with Béla Tarr’.
Signorelli, Angelo, Vecchi, Paolo (eds): Béla Tarr. Bergamo Film Meeting, 2002.
Rollet, Sylvie: ‘L’archipel de la résistance: Bartas, Loznitsa, Sokourov, Tarr’. Positif, 597, November, 2010: pp. 105–8.
Valkola, Jarmo: Ege Celeste Reinuma: The Image of Women in the films of Béla Tarr. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Art and Culture; 2012.
Valkola, Jarmo: Visual Thinking and Various European Cinematic Landscapes. Examples from Peter Greenaway, Theo Angelopoulos, Béla Tarr and Andrei Tarkovsky. Hungarologische Beitrage: Universitat de Jyvaskyla, 1997.
Valoka, Jarmo: ‘L’esthétique visuelle de Béla Tarr’. Théorème, 7 (le cinéma hongrois, le temps et l’histoire), 2003.
Vincent Malusia: ‘J’ai perdu toutes mes illusions’. Transfuge, September, 2008.