Chapter Thirteen

A Scientific Perspective on the 2006 U.S. Army Field Manual 2–22.3

Susan E. Brandon, Steven M. Kleinman, and Joeanna C. Arthur

Science enhances the moral value of life, because it furthers a love of truth… .

—Max Planck

The Army Field Manual 2–22.3, “Human Intelligence Collector Operations” (hereafter referred to as the AFM), was issued in 2006 by U.S. Army headquarters. This version of the AFM incorporates the guidelines, methods, and processes previously contained in earlier field manuals that specifically addressed interrogation operations.1 As described in the preface, the purpose of the AFM is to provide “doctrinal guidance, techniques, and procedures governing the employment of human intelligence (HUMINT) collection and analytical assets in support of the commander’s intelligence needs” (AFM, p. vi).

The AFM sets forth a definitive process for interrogation operations that involves a sequence of actions and activities that include, in order, (1) planning and preparation, (2) approach, (3) questioning, (4) termination, and (5) report. Essential to this review (given the diversity in definitions), the AFM defines an interrogation as “the systematic process of using approved interrogation approaches to question a captured or detained person to obtain reliable information to satisfy intelligence requirements, consistent with applicable law and policy”2 (AFM, 5–50, p. 5–13). Interrogation techniques are described in detail in Chapter 8.

The 2005 Detainee Treatment Act mandated that the only interrogation approaches and techniques authorized for use with any detainee, regardless of status or characterization, are those authorized and listed in the AFM. Moreover, President Obama signed Executive Order 13491 in 2009, which stated, “Effective immediately, an individual in the custody or under the effective control of an officer, employee, or other agent of the United States Government, or detained within a facility owned, operated, or controlled by a department or agency of the United States, in any armed conflict, shall not be subjected [emphasis added] to any interrogation technique or approach, or any treatment related to interrogation, that is not authorized [emphasis added] by and listed in Army Field Manual 2–22.3 (Manual)” (Executive Order 13491). The 2016 Congressional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) further stated that “an individual who is (i) in the custody or under the effective control of an officer, employee, or other agent of the United States Government; or (ii) detained within a facility owned, operated, or controlled by a department or agency of the United States, in any armed conflict” (NDAA Sec. 1045 (a)(2)(B)) “shall not be subjected to any interrogation technique or approach, or any treatment related to interrogation, that is not authorized by and listed in the Army Field Manual 2–22.3” (NDAA Sec. 1045 (a)(2)(A)). It should be noted, however, that the 2016 NDAA exempted agencies other than the DOD from these restrictions, stating, “The limitations in this subsection shall not apply to officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, or other Federal law enforcement entities” (NDAA Sec. 1045(a)(5)).

Given the AFM’s status as the overarching standard for interrogation, the efficacy and effectiveness of the strategies and methods set forth in the manual are critical. Congress recognized this when passing the McCain-Feinstein Amendment to the 2016 NDAA, which included specific instructions that “not sooner than three years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense … shall complete a thorough review of Army Field Manual 2–22.3, and revise Army Field Manual 2–22.3, as necessary to ensure that Army Field Manual 2–22.3 complies with the legal obligations of the United States and the practices for interrogation described therein do not involve the use or threat of force” (NDAA, Sec. 1045 (a)(6)(A)(i)). That review process, which must be completed in 2019, provides opportunities for comments and input based on the robust and rapidly expanding psychological and social science literature relevant to interrogation methods. Such review is the primary focus of this chapter.3

The Foundation of the Army Field Manual: Approach Strategies

The AFM describes 18 approach techniques (commonly referred to as “approaches”) that are authorized for employment with any “detainee regardless of status or characterization, including EPWs (Enemy Prisoners of War)” (AFM, 8–18, p. 8–6), and one (Separation) that is restricted. The approach techniques are as follows:

Direct Approach: “In using the direct approach, the HUMINT collector asks direct questions” (AFM 8–19, p. 8–6).

Incentive Approach: “The incentive approach is trading something that the source wants for information” (AFM, 8–21, p. 8–7).

Emotional Love Approach: “The HUMINT collector focuses on the anxiety felt by the source about the circumstances in which he finds himself, his isolation from those he loves, and his feelings of helplessness. The HUMINT collector directs the love the source feels toward the appropriate object: family, homeland, or comrades. If the HUMINT collector can show the source what the source himself can do to alter or improve his situation or the situation of the object of his emotion, the approach has a chance of success” (AFM 8–29, p. 8–9).

Emotional Hate Approach: “The emotional hate approach focuses on any genuine hate, or possibly a desire for revenge, the source may feel. The HUMINT collector must clearly identify the object of the source’s hate and, if necessary, build on those feelings so the emotion overrides the source’s rational side” (AFM 8–31, p. 8–10).

Emotional Fear-Up Approach: “In the fear-up approach, the HUMINT collector identifies a preexisting fear or creates a fear within the source. He then links the elimination or reduction of the fear to cooperation on the part of the source” (AFM 8–35, p. 8–10).

Emotional Fear-Down Approach: “In the fear-down approach the HUMINT collector mitigates existing fear in exchange for cooperation on the part of the source” (AFM8–40, p. 8–11).

Emotional-Pride and Ego-Up Approach: “In this technique, the source is flattered into providing certain information in order to gain credit and build his ego” (AFM 8–42, p. 8–12).

Emotional-Pride and Ego-Down Approach: “The emotional-pride and ego-down approach is based on attacking the source’s ego or self-image. The source, in defending his ego, reveals information to justify or rationalize his actions” (AFM, 8–45, p. 8–13).

Emotional-Futility: “In the emotional-futility approach, the HUMINT collector convinces the source that resistance to questioning is futile. This engenders a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness on the part of the source … the HUMINT collector gives the source a ‘way out’ of the helpless situation” (AFM 8–49, p. 8–13–14).

We Know All: “In the ‘we know all’ approach technique, the HUMINT collector subtly convinces the source that his questioning of the source is perfunctory because any information that the source has is already known” (AFM, 8–53, p. 8–14).

File and Dossier: “a variation of the ‘we know all’ approach” (AFM 8–55, p. 8–15).

Establish Your Identity: “In using this approach, the HUMINT collector insists the detained source has been correctly identified as an infamous individual wanted by higher authorities on serious charges, and he is not the person he purports to be. In an effort to clear himself of this allegation, the source makes a genuine and detailed effort to establish or substantiate his true identity” (AFM 8–58, p. 8–15–16).

Repetition: “In one variation of this approach, the HUMINT collector … repeats the question and answer several times. He does this with each succeeding question until the source becomes so thoroughly bored with the procedure, he answers questions fully and candidly to satisfy the HUMINT collector and gain relief from the monotony of this method” (AFM 8–59, p. 8–16).

Rapid Fire: “In employing this technique, the HUMINT collectors ask a series of questions in such a manner that the source does not have time to answer a question completely before the next one is asked. This confuses the source, and he will tend to contradict himself as he has little time to formulate his answers. The HUMINT collectors then confront the source with the inconsistencies causing further contradictions” (AFM 8–61, p. 8–16).

Silent: “When employing this technique, the HUMINT collector says nothing to the source, but looks him squarely in the eye, preferably with a slight smile on his face. It is important not to look away from the source but force him to break eye contact first. The source may become nervous, begin to shift in his chair, cross and re-cross his legs, and look away. He may ask questions, but the HUMINT collector should not answer until he is ready to break the silence. The source may blurt out questions such as, ‘Come on now, what do you want with me?’ (AFM 8–62, pp. 8–16–17).

Change of Scenery: “The change-of-scenery approach may be used in any type of MSO [Military Source Operation] to remove the source from an intimidating atmosphere such as an ‘interrogation’ room type of setting and to place him in a setting where he feels more comfortable speaking” (AFM 8–63, p. 8–17).

Mutt and Jeff: “The goal of this technique is to make the source identify with one of the interrogators and thereby establish rapport and cooperation… . Using this technique requires two experienced HUMINT collectors who are convincing actors. The two HUMINT collectors will display opposing personalities and attitudes toward the source” (AFM 8–65, p. 8–17); this approach requires approval by “the first O-6 [colonel] in the interrogator’s chain of command” (AFM 8–68, p. 8–18).

False Flag: “The goal of this technique is to convince the detainee that individuals from a country other than the United States are interrogating him, and trick the detainee into cooperating with US forces” (AFM 8–69, p. 8–18); this approach requires approval from the first O-6 as well as with “the legal representative and the 2X (counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element)” (AFM 8–70, p. 8–18).

Separation: “The purpose of separation is to deny the detainee the opportunity to communicate with other detainees in order to keep him from learning counter-resistance techniques or gathering new information to support a cover story, decreasing the detainee’s resistance to interrogation” (AFM M-26, p. M-8).

There are several caveats that govern the employment of the Separation technique. Foremost among these is the prohibition against its use with persons covered by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. In addition, it may only be used at Combatant Command (COCOM) approved locations and only in combination with authorized interrogation approaches. This technique may be employed only in situations “when there is a good basis to believe that the detainee is likely to possess important intelligence and the interrogation approach techniques provided in Chapter 8 are insufficient” (AFM M-5, p. M-2).

The AFM is unambiguous that the techniques and approaches described therein are the only authorized techniques and approaches for use against any detainee and that the Geneva Conventions be fully and completely observed so that “no person … regardless of nationality or physical location, shall be subject to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment” (AFM, p. viii).

Origins and Application in the Field

Origin. Where did these techniques and approaches come from? While the precise origins of the strategies and methods set forth in the AFM remain unclear,4 the formal doctrine as set forth in Army FMs can be traced back more than a generation. The current AFM supersedes and expands upon previous versions (Field AFM 34–52 [1987], reissued in 1992]), which, in turn, superseded FM 30–15 (1969, revised and reissued in 1978 and 1982). AFM 34–52 sets forth a direct, yet arguably inconsistent, instruction for the interrogator to “establish and maintain control, establish and develop rapport, make smooth transitions, appear sincere, be convincing, and recognize the breaking point” (AFM 34–52, p. 3–5). The primary strategies for achieving these ends—and especially to reach the aforementioned “breaking point”—are found in Appendix H of FM 35–42, which lists Direct Approach, Incentive Approach, Emotional Approaches (Emotional Love, Fear-Up [Mild], Decreased Fear-Down, Pride and Ego, and Futility). Also offered are the We Know All, Mutt and Jeff, Rapid Fire, and Silence. The previous version (FM 30–15), published in 1969, offers a similar list of techniques. In order, these were: Direct Approach, File and Dossier, We Know All, Futility, Rapid Fire, and Harassment,5 Repetition, Mutt and Jeff, Pride and Ego, Silent, Change of Scene, Establish Your Identity, and Emotional. To our knowledge, the origin of these techniques and approaches remains unclear, although it has been asserted that “seventeen or so authorized techniques in the Army manuals are believed to have been developed in the period immediately following World War II” (Fein, 2006, p. xiii). What is clear is that the current practices are not empirically validated and have remained largely unchanged for over five decades.

Frequency of use. The 2006 AFM asserts that the “direct approach was effective 90 percent of the time. In Vietnam and in Operations URGENT FURY (Grenada, 1983), JUST CAUSE (Panama, 1989), and DESERT STORM (Kuwait and Iraq, 1991), the direct approach was 95 percent effective” (AFM 8–20, p. 8–6). Despite the appearance of this apparently definitive assessment, the AFM offers no references for these statistics. To our knowledge, there is only one set of data on the use of AFM techniques and approaches in military interrogations. This is a collection of observations of more than 950 detainee interrogations at long-term detention facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. military and civilian interrogators between 2009 and 2010 (Trent, Burchfield, Meissner, & Brandon, 2018). These data showed that the Direct Approach was used in over 95 percent of the interrogations observed, Incentive in approximately 70 percent of those observed, and Emotional Love (“love of family”) in approximately 35 percent of those observed (Trent et al., 2018). Apart from Fear-Down, which was recorded in approximately 20 percent of the interrogations observed, the remaining techniques were recorded in less than 10 percent, and eight approaches (File and Dossier, Establish Your Identity, Repetition, Rapid Fire, Silence, Change of Scenery, Mutt & Jeff, and False Flag) were virtually never observed.6 (Data on Separation was unavailable.) The approaches are, of course, not mutually exclusive; as noted, the AFM directs that the interrogation start with the Direct Approach and include other approaches as needed.7 These findings do suggest that with the exception of Incentive, employing other approaches was not the norm. To our knowledge, this is a singular study, and we have no estimate of its representativeness of interrogations before, after, or even during that period. Leins, Zimmerman, and Zabecki (2017) describe ten presumably consecutive interrogations conducted by the U.S. military in Afghanistan in 2011. These descriptions are based on DOD video records that were analyzed for interrogator, interpreter, and detainee behaviors.8 The ten sessions occurred approximately midway through a much longer series of interrogations with a detainee who had been determined to have significant intelligence. However, the interactions were not coded in terms of the use of AFM approaches or techniques.

Comparing and Contrasting Science with Conventional Practice

Efficacy. We acknowledge that an empirical analysis of the AFM’s 19 techniques and approaches alone, and each in conjunction with each other, would result in an exponentially large number of experimental studies.9 We know of two instances where clusters of AFM techniques and approaches have been assessed. In one, an interrogation script that used “negative emotional approaches” (Fear-Up, Futility, and Pride and Ego-Down) was compared with one that used “positive emotional approaches” (Fear-Down and Pride and Ego-Up) and with a Direct Approach script that used no emotional techniques (Evans et al., 2014). The experimental paradigm had a high degree of realism,10 as it was one where undergraduate students had knowledge of another student apparently cheating on a test; this paradigm was designed to model the high-stake, high consequences, and psychological factors relevant to a real-world interrogation as complicity with such a violation of student code of conduct has significant negative consequences within an academic setting. The positive and the negative emotional scripts elicited both more general and specific information about the cheating event than the direct questioning approach; however, neither interrogation script had an impact on whether guilty participants admitted to their cheating. The positive emotional script reduced anxiety and increased feelings of fostering11 compared to the negative emotional script. A more recent experimental study using the same paradigm (Duke, Wood, Magee, & Escobar, 2018) tested two sequences of AFM approaches: the Direct Approach followed by Change of Scenery, Emotional Fear-Down, and then Emotional Love (referred to as “Love of Family”), or the Direct Approach followed by We Know All and then Futility. The paradigm was similar to Evans et al. (2014) with minor modifications: each session began with some rapport building and direct questioning (including follow-up and clarifying questions), intended to determine the subject’s degree of cooperation.12 Following this Direct Approach, the interrogator used Change of Scenery, followed by Emotional Fear-Down and Emotional Love. This condition was compared to another condition where each session again began with some rapport building and direct questioning, followed by We Know All and Futility. Measures included assessments of the subject’s self-reported sense of rapport with the interrogator, amount of information provided about the scenario, amount of information about the cheating (provided only by guilty subjects), and individual scores on both the NEO Five-Factor Inventory 313 (McCrae & Costa, 2010) and the Stress-Arousal Checklist (Mackay, Cox, Burrows, & Lazzarini, 1978). Scenario-relevant information increased with each additional approach when Direct Approach was followed by We Know All and then by Futility; however, in the comparison condition, such information increased only when Direct Approach was followed by Fear-Down and Love of Family; Change of Scenery provoked no increase in information. Admissions relevant to the cheating increased threefold when the Direct Approach was followed by We Know All and Futility; such information was marginally increased by Change of Scenery and unaffected by the subsequent Fear-Down and Love of Family. Participants in the sequence that included We Know All provided twice as many admissions as those in the sequence that included Change of Scenery. (It should be noted that the We Know All approach included the interrogator providing three of the available nine items of information relevant to the cheating event.) Thirty-four guilty participants provided false information, which was increased in both conditions following the Direct Approach. Participants who scored higher on Extraversion were less likely to provide admission details; this was independent of interrogation sequence. The strong impact of the We Know All approach, which manipulates the participants’ sense of what damaging evidence or information the interrogator has, is consistent with previous data showing that perception of the evidence corresponds strongly with admissions of guilty knowledge (Gudjonsson & Petursson, 1991; Moston & Engelberg, 1993). It is also consistent with other laboratory data showing that a “we know all” tactic used in conjunction with other components of the Scharff Technique (Granhag, Montecinos, & Oleszkiewicz, 2013; Oleszkiewicz, Granhag, & Kleinman, 2014; Oleszkiewicz, Granhag, & Montecinos, 2014) not only elicits more information than the Direct Approach but leads to the participant believing that he said less than he did.

Consistency with Current Psychological Science

Previously, we offered a review of the AFM in terms of the extent to which each of the techniques and approaches, as well as other guidance offered in Chapter 8, was consistent with current psychological theories, data, and principles (Brandon, Bhatt, Justice, & Kleinman, 2010). There we claimed that three approaches were consistent with current psychological findings and principles. One was moderately consistent, three were moderately inconsistent, and ten were contradicted. Of course, it can be argued that any of the techniques and approaches could be useful in some context, depending on the specific venue, participants, and objectives involved in a given circumstance. To be of most value, however, the AFM should focus primarily on those techniques and approaches that will be consistently useful in—and adaptable to—the widest array of operational contexts. We argue the methods that are most consistent with psychological principles are also most likely to be broadly and reliably useful.

Here we claim again that some of the AFM approaches are inconsistent with current science. For example, whereas the AFM states that “almost all HUMINT collection begins with the direct approach,” and that the interrogator should “continue to use direct questions as long as the source is answering the questions in a truthful manner” (AFM 8–19, p. 8–6), research has shown that eliciting the subject’s version of an event using open-ended questions such as “tell me everything about the event” or “describe the planning that preceded the event” and use of interview protocols such as the cognitive interview facilitate disclosure, enhance recall, and improve credibility assessment (Fisher & Geiselman, 1992; Geiselman, 2012; Griffiths & Milne, 2006; Memon, Meissner, & Fraser, 2010; Powell, Fisher, & Wright, 2005; St-Yves & Meissner, 2014). Engendering a feeling of helplessness and futility (Emotional-Futility) or attacking the source’s ego or self-image (Emotional-Pride and Ego-Down) is inconsistent with data showing that encouraging a sense of autonomy increased elicitation of useful information in interrogations of UK terrorist suspects (Alison, Alison, Noone, Elntib, & Christiansen, 2013). In this respect, Emotional-Pride and Ego-Up is singularly consistent with research. Several of the AFM approaches are incentive-based (although only #2, Incentive, is labeled as such). In Emotional-Love, the collector makes clear “what the source himself can do to alter or improve his situation or the situation of the object of his emotion” (AFM 8–29, p. 8–9, italics added). In Emotional Fear-Up, the collector “links the elimination or reduction of the fear to cooperation on the part of the source (AFM 8–35, p. 8–10, italics added). And in the Emotional Fear-Down (approach, “the HUMINT collector mitigates existing fear in exchange for cooperation on the part of the source” [AFM8–40, p. 8–11], italics added). In the sense that these approaches each provide some manner of incentive for cooperation, they are likely to be effective. A caveat to their effectiveness is that use of Emotional Fear-Up is not predicated by the interrogator’s instantiating or encouraging fear (in order to then reduce it).

Several techniques and approaches are specifically inconsistent with the notion that useful information is most likely to be provided by a source that not only has some sense of autonomy but is thinking (and remembering) clearly: Emotional Hate, which depends on “emotion overrid(ing) the source’s rational side” (AFM 8–31, p. 8–10); Repetition, which appears to rely on frustration and boredom; and Rapid Fire, which depends on “confus(ing) the source” (AFM 8–61, p. 8–16). Several of the approaches create an aversive or punishing context in order to prompt the source to do something to stop it: Emotional-Pride and Ego-Down, Emotional-Futility, Establish Your Identity, Repetition, Rapid Fire, Silent, and Separation. We Know All and File and Dossier bear some similarity to the Scharff Technique (e.g., Granhag et al., 2013; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014), although it should be noted that the Scharff Technique incorporates five interactive strategic principles of which “We Know All” (referred to as “the illusion of knowing” in the Scharff model) is but one, and this operates within a strategy built on a foundation of affability and rapport-building. Change of Scenery, if the change is toward a less austere environment, is consistent with recent experimental data showing a greater willingness to engage on the part of subjects in a mock interrogation study when the subjects were “interrogated” in a larger room filled with “open” objects (e.g., an open drawer, open file, a picture of an open window) (Dawson, Hartwig, & Brimbal, 2015; Dawson, Hartwig, Brimbal, & Denisenkov, 2017). Mutt and Jeff might be expected to be effective to the extent that it relies on contrast, a robust psychological phenomenon (e.g., Cialdini, 2001): in this instance, the difference between an apparently threatening or hostile interrogator (Mutt) and a seemingly reasonable and amicable interrogator who makes the latter appear even more attractive.

The AFM Separation technique has special conditions attached. It is authorized exclusively for use in interrogation operations (AFM M-24, p. M-8) and may only be employed “by exception” (i.e., to meet “unique and critical operational requirements”) and when senior-level authorization has been obtained. It is identified as a “restricted interrogation technique” (AFM M-6, p. M-2) to be used specifically for denying “the detainee the opportunity to communicate with other detainees to keep him from learning counter-resistance techniques or gathering new information to support a cover story, decreasing the detainee’s resistance to interrogation” (AFM, M-1, p. M-1). Moreover, it is intended for situations where it may be necessary “to safeguard US and coalition forces” and “to protect US interests.” As noted, unlike other approach strategies contained in the AFM, Separation is prohibited for individuals covered by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, and can be used only at COCOM-approved locations.

The AFM justifiably provides multiple cautions on the use of Separation (e.g., it “requires special approval, judicious execution, special control measures, and rigorous oversight … [and] shall be conducted humanely in accordance with applicable law and policy… . Planning must consider the possible cumulative effect of using multiple techniques and take into account the age, sex, and health of detainees, as appropriate” [AFM M-5–6, M-24, p. M-2, M-8]). Despite the many caveats, Separation is listed as an interrogation approach along with those enumerated earlier and may be used in conjunction with other approach strategies. The AFM specifically cites Futility, Incentive, and Fear-Up as approaches that can be paired with Separation.

According to the AFM, Separation is not designed to be sensory deprivation (“Separation does not constitute sensory deprivation, which is prohibited,” AFM M-26, p. M-8).14 It is reasonable to assume that a detainee who is being interrogated under conditions of Separation will interact not only with the interrogator but also with supporting personnel. However, extended isolation in a cell with contact limited to a few individuals (e.g., guards and medical personnel), and perhaps extended and intensive interaction only with the interrogator, risks educing compliance (rather than cooperation) on the part of the subject, especially if the frequency of contact is used as an incentive strategy. Social isolation has been shown to influence physiological functioning, diminish sleep quality, and increase morbidity and mortality, with a high degree of inter-individual variability in terms of the conditions and duration of social isolation that are impactful (e.g., Cacioppo, Hawkley, Norman, & Berntson, 2011; Hawkley & Cacioppo, 2010; Segrin, 1999). Hinkle (1961), who led some of the earliest U.S. government–sponsored research into the effects of isolation in the interrogation and captivity context, emphasized the point that even though some people are able to endure isolation for extended periods, this does not alter the fact that isolation (along with sleep deprivation and fatigue) can significantly undermine brain function.

Is It Just a Matter of Labels?

It frequently has been asserted that several or even all the techniques and approaches in the AFM are the same as those identified in the psychological literature and that the only difference is terminology. For example, the claim has been made that We Know All and File and Dossier are the same as the Scharff Technique. In fact, these are examples where a significant amount of similarity exists. A comparative analysis between the AFM approaches and the Scharff Technique, however, illustrates important differences beyond that briefly mentioned earlier.

In the We Know All approach, the HUMINT collector subtly convinces the source that his questioning of the source is perfunctory because any information that the source has is already known. The interrogator must first become thoroughly familiar with available data concerning the source and the current situation, and initially asks questions based on this known data:

8–54. When the source hesitates, refuses to answer, or provides an incorrect or incomplete reply, the HUMINT collector provides the detailed answer himself. The HUMINT collector may even complete a source’s answer, as if he is bored and “just going through the motions.” When the source begins to give accurate and complete information, the HUMINT collector interjects pertinent questions. Questions to which answers are already known are also asked periodically to test the source’s truthfulness and to maintain the deception that the information is already known. There are some inherent problems with the use of the “we know all” approach. The HUMINT collector is required to prepare everything in detail, which is time consuming. He must commit much of the information to memory, as working from notes may show the limits of the information actually known. It is also only usable when sufficient prior information exists to convince the source that “we know all.” (AFM 8–53, p. 8–13)

The File and Dossier approach is a variation of the We Know All approach. The interrogator prepares a dossier containing all available information concerning the source or his organization. The information is carefully arranged within a file (or other relevant prop) to give the illusion that it contains more data than is actually there:

8–56. The HUMINT collector proceeds as in the “we know all approach” … As the source becomes convinced that all the information that he knows is contained within the dossier, the HUMINT collector proceeds to topics on which he has little or no information. In doing so, he still refers to the appropriate section of the dossier and may even nod his head knowingly or tell the source that the information the source is providing still matches what is in the dossier.

8–57. This technique has several limitations and drawbacks. The preparation time in developing the dossier is extensive. The success of this technique is largely dependent on the naiveté of the source, volume of data on the subject, and skill of the HUMINT collector convincing the source that the dossier is more complete than it actually is. (AFM, pp. 8–14–15)

In the course of codifying what came to be known as the Scharff Technique, a team of researchers at Gothenborg University (Granhag, Oleszkiewicz, Strömwall, & Kleinman, 2015; May & Granhag, 2016; May, Granhag, & Oleszkiewicz, 2014; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014) began by systematically examining anecdotes told about Hanns Joachim Scharff (1907–1992), a member of the German Luftwaffe during World War II, and archival material drawn from official Luftwaffe files. Although not formally trained as an interrogator, Scharff interrogated more than 500 American and British fighter pilots and won acclaim for his mastery primarily because his subjects reported having “friendly conversations” rather than interrogations, wherein apparently little information—from the perspective of the Allied prisoner-of-war—was exchanged (Toliver, 1978). Scharff was widely recognized as one of the most successful interrogators at the Luftwaffe Intelligence and Evaluation Center (Kleinman, 2006; Scharff, 1950).

The research team determined that perspective taking, the cognitive capacity to consider the world from another person’s viewpoint, was fundamental to the methods that Scharff employed. To effectively collect intelligence information from American POWs, Scharff would have had to first gain an understanding of the strategies the POWs would likely employ to resist disclosing valuable information (Granhag, 2010). Scharff identified three basic counter-interrogation strategies the prisoners adopted to resist providing information to their captors: (1) do not talk very much, (2) determine what information the interrogator wants and then not give it to him or her, and (3) do not feel compelled to hold back information that the interrogator appears to already know (Granhag, 2010).

Analyzing various sources about Scharff’s methods, the research team identified and tested four techniques that appeared fundamental to his success: (1) be friendly and conversational rather than threatening or coercive; (2) ask few questions and instead offer detailed narratives; (3) use the narratives to reflect back information that the interrogator already has or can reasonably speculate about, leading the subject to assume that the interrogator knows a lot already, and (4) collect new information not by asking direct questions but by using both implicit and explicit confirmation and disconfirmation.

A series of studies were conducted using an experimental scenario where study participants received general and specific information items about a (mock) terrorist group’s plans to bomb a shopping mall. Of these, some percentage was known by the interviewer. For the purposes of the experiment, the subject was motivated to strike a balance when interviewed between providing too little and too much information. The Scharff Technique was contrasted with the efficacy of an “open-ended” interview strategy and a “direct questions” interview strategy. Each interview was analyzed to determine how much information was revealed by the subject during the interview, as well as how much information the subject thought he had provided. Comparison of the Scharff Technique with the “direct questions” approach demonstrated that more information was revealed using the Scharff Technique with both resistant and nonresistant interviewees, and with interviewees that either possessed a lot of information or a little (Granhag et al., 2015; May et al., 2014; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014; Oleszkiewicz et al., 2014). In addition, the Scharff Technique consistently resulted in subjects thinking they had revealed less information than they did, and believing the interviewer knew more information than they did (which gave the interviewer some strategic advantage). In contrast, the use of the “direct questions” approach resulted in subjects believing they had revealed more information than they did and believing the interviewer to have less information than he or she did.

While superficially the Scharff Technique might seem relatively similar to both the We Know All and the File and Dossier approaches in the AFM, the critical differences are several and fundamental. First, the preconditions for the Scharff Technique are clearly identified (i.e., when perspective taking would lead to the same conclusions as Scharff’s regarding the source’s counter-interrogation strategies). Second, the Scharff Technique has been tested in rigorous laboratory conditions, where a comparison could be made with the direct questions approach. Third, this strategy does not require the interrogator “to prepare everything in detail, which is time consuming … (nor) … commit much of the information to memory” (AFM, 8–53, p. 8–13), nor does it require preparation of a file. Instead, a simple sequence of tactics is provided to implement the technique. Fourth, it does not require that the source become “convinced that all the information that he knows is contained within the dossier” (AFM 8–56, p. 8–15), a feat that may be difficult to accomplish. Last, and perhaps most important, it depends on the interrogator being friendly and conversational rather than threatening or coercive.

Greater disparity between the AFM and psychological science is found in descriptions of rapport—which has been found in numerous experimental and field studies to increase the amount of information provided by sources or informants, to increase trust, and to produce cooperation (Collins, Lincoln, & Frank, 2002; Fisher & Geiselman, 1992; Fisher, Milne, & Bull, 2011; Goodman-Delhunty, Martschuk, & Dhami, 2014; Vallano & Schreiber Compo, 2011). Rapport has been universally recognized as the “heart of the interview” (St.-Yves, 2009, p. 104) in intelligence and law enforcement communities both nationally and internationally (e.g., Clarke & Milne, 2001; Goodman-Delahunty et al., 2014; Gudjonsson, 2003; Kebbell, Milne, & Wagstaff, 1999). Rapport is recognized as important in the AFM, but descriptions are too brief to be either meaningfully descriptive or adaptable to operational requirements. The treatment of rapport in the AFM is fairly characterized by the following passages: (1) It is “a condition established by the HUMINT collector that is characterized by source confidence in the HUMINT collector and a willingness to cooperate with him” (AFM 8–7, p. 8–3). (2) “Rapport does not necessarily mean a friendly relationship, although that may be the case. It means an establishment of a relationship in which the HUMINT collector presents a realistic persona designed to evoke cooperation from the source” (AFM 8–9, p. 8–4). (3) “The HUMINT collector must control his temper at all times. He must not show distaste, disgust, or unease at anything the source says” (AFM 8–15, p. 8–5). Rapport may be developed by asking nonpertinent questions15 if a source is showing signs of fear (AFM 8–41, p. 8–10) and may be “based on shared interests” (AFM 8–88, p. 8–22). Assertions are made about what might threaten rapport between the interrogator and the source, such as the participation of an analyst or a technical expert (“The HUMINT collector can lose rapport and control”) (AFM 9–31, p. 9–11). Such descriptions reveal an impoverished understanding of rapport and very little instruction on how to build and maintain it.

In a highly innovative adaptation of therapeutic strategies to interrogations, Alison et al. (2013) used the principles and strategies of Motivational Interviewing to describe rapport-based interrogation techniques as they occurred in video-recorded interviews of UK terrorism suspects.16 A key underlying assumption of Motivational Interviewing is the autonomy of the client (Miller & Rollnick, 2002). Autonomy has been found to be associated with intrinsic motivation (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999), persistence (Moller, Deci, & Ryan, 2006), and goal attainment (Sheldon & Elliot, 1998). In contrast, deprivation of autonomy needs has a variety of detrimental consequences, such as apathy and alienation (Deci & Ryan, 2002). The Motivational Interviewing–based therapist provides support to the client’s agency (ability to change) through expressions of empathy, developing discrepancies between what the client is doing at present and his or her core values, rolling with resistance, and supporting self-efficacy (Miller & Rollnick, 1991).

Pointing out that both Motivational Interviewing–based therapy and police interviewing seek to “establish an empathetic, respectful, and nonjudgmental atmosphere … and to maintain a flexible but goal directed strategy throughout the interaction” (Alison et al., 2013, p. 412), the UK research team analyzed 418 audio and video recordings (288 hours of footage) of police interviews with 29 suspects who subsequently were convicted of terrorism-related offenses. A coding manual was developed to assess the quality of interpersonal interactions between interviewers and suspects as well as the amount of useful intelligence and evidence generated (yield was measured in terms of capability to commit the offense; opportunity; motive; and details about people locations, actions, and times related to the offense). Rapport-building skills were scored in terms of reflective listening, rapport, resistance, providing summaries, developing discrepancies, and five scales related to Motivational Interviewing. These include acceptance, empathy, autonomy, and interpersonal competence composed of adaptation and evocation. These constructs were defined in terms of specific behaviors, thus providing a way to assess the degree of rapport present in the interviews.

Structural equation modeling of the relationship of instances of the above-referenced behaviors and information yield showed a strong effect of Motivational Interviewing techniques to increase yield, both as a direct effect and as an indirect effect via cooperation by increasing adaptive interviewer tactics and decreasing maladaptive interviewer tactics (Alison et al., 2013). The same pattern of outcomes—that rapport leads to cooperation, which leads to information—has been found via structural modeling of interrogation processes in other contexts, such as rapport-based, information-gathering-focused interviews conducted by the U.S. Air Force Office of Strategic Information (Russano, Meissner, Atkinson, & Dianiska, 2017).

What Is Missing from the AFM?

There are multiple highly effective interview methods that cannot be found in the AFM. Details on how to develop and maintain rapport is one example. It is also troubling that a search of the AFM for the word “memory” finds nine instances, and only one of these is with reference to the source’s memory (surely to be a concern in an interrogation). In a description of map tracking, the AFM asserts that “the source is led through his memory in a logical manner” (AFM 9–37, p. 9–13). A search for the term “remember” finds 13 instances, only two of which refer to the source: In the description of the Approach Phase, the HUMINT collector is told that the source will tend to “fail to apply or remember lessons they may have been taught regarding security if confronted with a disorganized or strange situation (AFM 8–6, p. 8–2). With respect to repeat questions, “The repeat question also needs to be separated in time from the original question so that the source cannot easily remember what he said” (AFM 9–9, p. 9–3). The latter is troubling also because recent research has shown that, contrary to common investigative practice (e.g., Strömwall, Granhag, & Hartwig, 2004), and the beliefs of police, attorneys, and judges (e.g., Brewer & Hupfeld, 2004; Vrij, Akehurst, & Knight, 2006)—even found in some U.S. federal instructions on witness credibility (Fisher, Vrij, & Leins, 2013)—consistency across multiple statements regarding the same issue is not a reliable indicator of truthfulness, and inconsistency across multiple statements is not a reliable indicator of deception (Granhag, Giolla, Sooniste, Strömwall, & Liu-Jonsson, 2016; Granhag, & Strömwall, 2002; for a review, see Vredeveldt, van Koppen, & Granhag, 2014).

However, the larger issue here is that interrogation methods developed on the basis of understanding processes of memory, cognition, social dynamics, and communication are not part of the AFM. Examples include the cognitive interview (Fisher & Geiselman, 1992) and various modifications of the cognitive interview for particular subjects (e.g., Geiselman, 2012; Morgan, Rabinowitz, Hilts, Weller, & Coric, 2013). The cognitive interview is a method of interviewing victims, witnesses, and suspects that increases the amount of information elicited with little or no loss of accuracy. It is based on scientific principles of social dynamics, memory, and interpersonal communication (Fisher & Geiselman, 1992). Although originally developed for interviews of victims and witnesses, the method since then has been shown to be effective for suspects as well (Fisher & Geiselman, 2010; Fisher, Geiselman & Amador, 1989; Fisher & Perez, 2007). Reviews can be found in Fisher, Ross, and Cahill (2010), Fisher and Schreiber (2007), Holliday, Brainerd, Reyna, and Humphries (2009), and for meta-analyses, see Köhnken, Milne, Memon, and Bull (1999) and Memon et al., (2010). The studies described in these reviews reflect both controlled laboratory experiments and field studies with victims and witnesses of real-world crime (e.g., Colomb, Ginet, Wright, Demarchi, & Sadler, 2013; Fisher et al., 1989; George & Clifford, 1996). The cognitive interview protocol can be shortened by omitting some of the more time-consuming tactics, such as multiple and varied retrieval mnemonics, apparently with little loss of information yield (Dando, Wilcock, Milne, & Henry, 2009; Davis, McMahon, & Greenwood, 2004; Morgan et al., 2013). The modified cognitive interview has been shown to be effective not only for eliciting information but also for discerning cues to deception even when conducted via an interpreter (Morgan, Rabinowitz, Christian, & Hazlett, 2009).

Science-Based Methods That Should Be Included in the AFM

There are other science-based techniques that should be seriously considered for inclusion in the AFM, including active listening skills (Royce, 2005; Wells, 2014; Wells, Taylor, & Giebels, 2013); Strategic Use of Evidence (Granhag & Hartwig, 2008, 2015), which can be extended to using intelligence in interrogations in such a manner that more information is elicited about either past activities (Hartwig, Granhag, & Strömwall, & Vrij, 2005) or future plans (Clemens, Granhag, & Strömwall), while also providing cues to deception. Controlled Cognitive Engagement (Omerod & Dando, 2015) is another method to consider to screen subjects. A collection of questioning strategies have also been shown to provide cues to both deceit and truthfulness, including asking unanticipated questions (Hartwig, Granhag, & Strömwall, 2007; Leins, Fisher, & Vrij, 2012; Vrij et al., 2009); imposing cognitive load (Vrij, 2008; Vrij, Granhag, Mann, & Leal, 2011a; Vrij et al., 2008); doing collective interviewing (interviewing subjects in pairs has been shown to provide unique cues to the validity of their stories [Jundi et al., 2013; Vrij et al., 2012]); the devil’s advocate (Leal, Vrij, Mann, & Fisher, 2010), asking for checkable facts (Nahari, Vrij, & Fisher, 2014a, 2014b), and using a Model Statement (Leal, Vrij, Warmelink, Vernham, & Fisher, 2015). There is a robust and emerging scientific literature on detecting deception about future intentions (Clemens, Granhag, & Strömwall, 2011; Vrij, Granhag, Mann, & Leal, 2011b). Posing questions about intentions (and planning or process, as opposed to outcome) is also a strategy to detect deception (Sooniste, Granhag, Knieps, & Vrij, 2013; Vrij, Leal, Mann, & Granhag, 2011) (for reviews, see Vrij, 2014, 2015; Vrij & Fisher 2016; Vrij & Granhag, 2012; Vrij et al., 2011; Vrij, Granhag, & Porter, 2010; Vrij, Hope, & Fisher, 2014; Vrij, Leal, Mann, Vernham, & Brankaert, 2015).

Finally, there are several instances where the AFM charts a potentially useful course, only to have it fall short by assuming abilities that are unlikely to be present within the target audience. For example, the manual asserts:

A HUMINT collector can best adapt himself to the source’s personality and control of the source’s reactions when he understands basic behavioral factors, traits, attitudes, drives, motivations, and inhibitions. He must not only understand basic behavioral principles but also know how these principles are manifested in the area and culture in which he is operating. (AFM, 1–30, p. 1–13)

Considering the demographic represented by most young military personnel entering the service and basic interrogation training, it is difficult to imagine that the average AFM-trained interrogator will grasp a meaningful understanding of the behavioral factors enumerated in this passage.17 Cross-cultural and social awareness is undoubtedly an essential factor in the effectiveness of interrogation approaches. Yet, the AFM presents these cross-cultural competencies as though they can be easily attained. It is practically impossible to teach the “local narrative” or underlying socio-behavioral principle of every region. Instead, it may be more useful for interrogators to adopt epistemic humility. Moreover, the basic behavioral principles referenced here are not tied to the interrogation techniques or approaches. This is of vital importance given that providing even a rudimentary understanding of why a particular technique or approach should be effective would increase the interrogator’s ability to apply the technique or approach to a particular circumstance. Flexibility and adaptability have been shown (Alison et al., 2013) and claimed (Bull & Cherryman, 1995; Russano, Narchet, Kleinman, & Meissner, 2016) to be of fundamental importance to being a good interrogator.

In Search of an Evidence-Based Interrogation Model

In the United States, the gold standard for evaluation of evidence (e.g., for the Food and Drug Administration’s evaluation of human and veterinary drugs, biologic products, and medical devices) are randomized, double-blind placebo control studies. Randomly assigning the intervention eliminates the influence of unknown or immeasurable confounding variables (e.g., individual differences or co-interventions) that may otherwise lead to biased estimates of treatment effects. The participants, investigators, and study staff are all blind to whether an individual participant is in the experimental group or the placebo control group. The advantage over an observational study is that the investigators can claim a causal relationship between treatment and outcome. (Implicit in this design is that different treatments are appropriate for different ailments, that there are clear outcome measures, and that there is some standardization to the methods of diagnosis.) Drugs are approved if they can be shown in a number of such trials to be superior to a placebo designed to be indistinguishable from the active medication, the rationale being that the specific ingredients of the medication are responsible for their efficacy rather than patient hopes and expectations, as well as of the doctor–patient relationship (Wampold & Bhati, 2004). The origins of this design are in 1950s scientific literature, but it was not until 1980 that such designs were required by the FDA for drug approval (Shapiro & Shapiro, 1997). Important to such evaluation was the advent of meta-analysis methods (Smith & Glass, 1977) that allowed for the computation of effect sizes.

In 1956, it was suggested that the same process be in place to evaluate psychotherapies (Rosenthal & Frank, 1956). However, psychology faced a problem with placebo control groups: the psychologist must be aware of the treatment being delivered to follow the protocol; therefore, the placebo cannot be indistinguishable from the active treatment (Wampold & Bhati, 2004). In 1995, Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA) modified criteria for empirically supported treatments (ESTs) from the requirement that they use the randomized, double-blinded placebo control design to be demonstrations of efficacy in experiments that used good experimental designs and compared the intervention with another treatment (Task Force, 1995). Description of the treatment had to be presented in a manual format with a series of prescribed goals and techniques to be used during each session or phase of treatment (Task Force, 1995). In 1995, Division 12 identified 25 psychological interventions as ESTs; by 1998, the list had grown to 71 (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001). ESTs continue to be the gold standard for psychotherapy research in the United States and have been adopted by the National Institute of Mental Health.

In an effort to confirm attending to multiple sources of research evidence and to affirm that good psychological practice based on evidence is also based on clinical expertise and patient values, the 2005 APA Presidential Initiative on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology proposed that clinician experience and voice of the client be given a greater role in determining effective treatments. Evidence-based practice (EBP) was defined as “the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences” (APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice, 2006, p. 273). Evidence-based meant applying the best available research evidence in the selection and application of treatments and integrating that with clinical expertise (Sackett et al., 1996). A psychologist using an evidence-based approach engages in a “process of systematically finding, appraising and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions” (Rosenberg & Donald, 1995, p. 1122). EBP integrates the best external evidence with the individual practitioner’s expertise. Patient values are included in the decision making, including “consideration of the role of ethnicity, race, culture, language, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, and disability status and the issue of treatment acceptability and consumer choice” (Levant & Sperry, 2016, p. 16).

Translating Research into Practice

But how do demonstrations of efficacy via ESTs translate to the field? ESTs are studies in which considerable control has been exercised by the researcher over sample selection (usually relying on recruits), delivery of the intervention, and over the conditions under which the intervention occurred. Effectiveness studies refer to studies in which a previously demonstrated efficacious intervention is examined in a more heterogeneous sample in a real-world setting and is provided by real-world practitioners rather than researchers (Hoagwood, Hibbs, Brent, & Jensen, 1995; Hunsley & Lee, 2007). Differences between ESTs and effectiveness studies are substantive, including sample and the selection, set, and setting of treatment. There were objections that the 1995 Task Force criteria were in fact too lenient because they focused solely on the efficacy rather than effectiveness (Elliott, 1998; Hoagwood, et al., 1995), but subsequent reviews of ESTs showed that many interventions were in fact effective in clinical settings with diverse clients (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001).

In an effort to share the growing list of ESTs with practitioners and the general public, Division 12 of APA maintains a website ( that describes various treatments, the level of research support, key references, clinical resources, and training opportunities. This is similar in some respects to “what works” clearinghouses, described in a “Memorandum to the Heads of Departments and Agencies” (Office of Management and Budget, 2013) as “repositories that synthesize evaluation findings in ways that make research useful to decision-makers, researchers, and practitioners” (Office of Management and Budget, 2013). Examples are “what works” clearinghouses in the Department of Justice, the Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices, and the Department of Labor’s Clearinghouse of Labor Evaluation and Research.

It is instructive to imagine how an EST model—or perhaps more appropriately, an EBP model—might work for the practice of interrogation, although we admit this is an exercise demanding some imagination. The AFM provides no references to scientific research. The most widely used law enforcement interrogation training program in the United States, that of John E. Reid & Associates Inc. (Starr, 2013), references only one study, from the University of Tennessee, where a pretest, posttest examination of participants of the Reid training course found that “there was a significant improvement for all groups trained” but no other data is provided (Gallini, 2010). The Reid website points to the publication of the first edition of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions as the basis of the Reid Technique (Inbau & Reid, 1962). However, science has played a greater role in other parts of criminal justice investigative processes, including eyewitness testimony (e.g., Loftus & Palmer, 1974) and identification (e.g., Wells, Lindsay, & Ferguson, 1979), the accuracy of police officers when they serve as eye witnesses (e.g., Reisberg, Simons, & Fournier, 2016), and the role of interrogation methods in false confessions (Kassin, 1997; Kassin, Appleby, & Torkildson-Perillo, 2010). There is some, but less frequent, discussion of the importance of science to interrogation methods (e.g., Brandon, 2014; Brandon, Wells, & Seale, 2017; Hartwig, Meissner, & Semel, 2014; Meissner, Kelly, & Woestehoff, 2015; Narchet, Russano, Kleinman, & Meissner, 2016; Wells & Brandon, 2018).

A minimal prerequisite to an EBP of interrogation is some consensus that interrogation methods can be improved by scientific research. As noted, medicine (Sackett, Strauss, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000) and psychotherapy (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001) have struggled to evolve from anecdotal claims to use of evidence-based approaches. Weisz, Donenberg, Han, and Weiss (1995) quote an “experienced psychotherapist,” as saying,

Over more than 22 years of clinical practice, I’ve become increasingly disaffected about the value of psychotherapy outcome research for the practice of psychotherapy… . I suspect the outcome research tells us something; I’m just not sure what. (Raw, 1993, pp. 75–76)

Weisz et al. (1995) go on to provide a list of obstacles to “lab-clinic collaboration” that we have heard echoed in some communities of interrogation practitioners; these include the “belief that psychotherapy is art, not science,” the “belief that frank scrutiny is harmful to the discipline [of clinical psychotherapy],” the “belief that current clinical practice works well, but in ways that outcome research cannot measure,” the belief that outcome research is too narrowly focused and manualized, which is not relevant to the complexity seen in clinics, “devotion to conceptually appealing, personal theoretical orientations,” an “undersupply of clinicians from training programs who are well-versed in the use of empirically supported methods,” and “lack of proven treatment for some problems” (pp. 697–699). One might easily substitute the practice of interrogation for clinical psychotherapy and reflect the views of many interrogators. The remedy Weisz et al. (1995) offer is a lab-clinic collaboration that is bidirectional: application of science-based methods should enhance practice, and the experience of using science-based methods in clinical practice will highlight important moderating variables and pose new and theoretically interesting research questions (see also Clarke, 1995).

To date, there is one systematic review of interrogation methods that meets the 1995 APA Task Force requirements for establishing “empirically supported treatments,” a Campbell Systematic review (Cochrane, 1972) published in 2012 (Meissner, Redlich, Bhatt, & Brandon, 2012; see Meissner et al., 2014). The authors conducted two separate meta-analyses. The first focused on observational or quasi-experimental field studies that assessed the association between accusatorial versus information-gathering interrogation methods and elicitation of a true or false confession statement, and a second that focused on experimental, laboratory-based studies with the same outcome measures, in which ground truth was known. Five studies were located that were eligible for the field study meta-analysis, and 12 studies for the experimental study meta-analysis. Results showed that both accusatorial and information-gathering methods were similarly associated with confession statements in the field studies, whereas the information-gathering method increased the likelihood of true confessions while also decreasing the likelihood of false confessions in the experimental studies. To be germane to revisions of the AFM similarly analyses are needed where the dependent measures include quantity and quality of information gain, rather than confession statements.

The Challenges of Studying Effectiveness

Effectiveness studies of science-based interrogation methods are almost nonexistent, but have been emerging more recently, situated in law enforcement contexts (e.g., Kelly, Dawson, & Hartwig, 2016; Ormerod & Dando, 2015; Russano et al., 2017; Vredeveldt et al., 2014). There are no effectiveness studies on interrogations in military intelligence settings, primarily because researcher access to such contexts is limited and the U.S. Department of Defense prohibits research on detainees, including observational studies (see DoD Instruction 3216.02, Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards, issued in 2011). Effectiveness studies are also limited by the fact that descriptions of science-based interrogation methods are not “manualized.” Finally, empirical studies of interrogations that occur across a series of days, weeks, or months with individuals who have been otherwise isolated are nonexistent (and would be prohibited under regulations that protect human subjects of research).

One challenge to understanding the applicability of laboratory studies of interrogation to interrogations occurring in the field is the stark difference in outcomes measures used in the two domains. It is notable that in the instances where science has had some impact on real-world law enforcement interrogation practices and procedures, outcome measures are roughly comparable in the experimental research and the field (e.g., number of accurate identifications and number of true-or-false admissions or confessions). The correspondence between laboratory and field outcome measures is less for military or intelligence interrogations. Current experimental studies of interrogation methods include measures of the number of overall details as well as critical details (e.g., Evans et al., 2014; Mann et al., 2012), measures of “forthcomingness” (e.g., Dawson et al., 2015), and perceptions of how much information was provided (e.g., Granhag et al., 2013). In the field, the outcome measure is an intelligence report, and the extent to which a report contains new, critical, or verified information is difficult to quantify.

A second challenge is that the scientific literature relevant to interrogations currently lacks theorizing—so that disparate tactics that have demonstrated efficacy individually and could arguably contribute to an effective interrogation are presented in isolation (e.g., Alison et al., 2013; Fisher & Geiselman, 2010; Granhag & Hartwig, 2015; Granhag et al., 2013).


To work toward EBP in interrogations, researchers and practitioners need access to a substantive database of experimentally validated interrogation methods that have been shown to be both efficacious and effective (the latter requiring effectiveness studies). These would need to be cross-culturally validated—an especially daunting requirement, given the difficulties of conducting interrogation research in diverse populations (including those outside the United States). In fact, there is a robust research literature on interrogation methods in law enforcement settings (e.g., Bull, 2014; Bull & Soukara, 2010; Bull, Valentine, & Williamson, 2009; Granhag, Vrij, & Verschuere, 2015; Gudjonsson, 2003; Lassiter & Meissner, 2010; Milne & Bull, 1999; Oxburgh, Myklebust, Grant, & Milne, 2016; St-Yves, 2014; Vrij, 2008), although almost all of the experimental work has been conducted either in the United States or the United Kingdom. Techniques to elicit reliable information with substantive empirical support include the cognitive interview (Fisher & Geiselman, 2010; Geiselman, 2012), the Strategic Use of Evidence (Granhag & Hartwig, 2015), the Scharff Technique (Granhag et al., 2013), and cognition-based lie detection methods (Vrij, 2008; Vrij & Fisher, 2016). Increasingly, the focus of this work has been not just on obtaining confessions but also on gathering intelligence (e.g., Fisher & Geiselman, 2010; Granhag & Hartwig, 2015; Granhag et al., 2013; Meissner et al., 2015).

The premises of EBP movements are that (1) patient care can be enhanced by acquisition and use of up-to-date empirical knowledge, although (2) it is difficult for clinicians to keep up with such knowledge while they practice full-time. However, (3) if they do not, their knowledge and clinical performance will deteriorate over time, and consequently, (4) clinicians need summaries or evidence provided by expert reviews and instructions on how to access this information during their routine practice (Chambless & Ollendick, 2001). If one is willing to assume that interrogation methods should be science-based, it is difficult to argue against the general usefulness of these notions for interrogations. What is appealing—yet too often unappreciated—about the evidence-based approach is that it values the practitioner’s expertise and experience. While we would argue that much of the AFM is outdated and the manual itself should undergo an extensive revision informed by the relevant—and considerable—research carried out over the past decades, we also argue that such updates are best accomplished via a robust and continuous partnership of practitioners and scientists until such time as an evidence-based model of interrogation can be instantiated. Perhaps the distance between the experimental research and implementation could be shortened by something like the Veteran’s Administration Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, which places a high priority on implementation research (HSR&D Research Brief, 2004). Toward that end, the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), an interagency entity established under the Obama Administration in 2009,18 supports research on interrogation and had begun to publicly disseminate both research summaries and “evidence reports” on a website created in collaboration with the FBI and Iowa State University. This platform might point practitioners and trainers to science-based practices, and scientists to research gaps (FBI This Week, 2016). These are, in our view, much-needed steps in the right direction.


1. The AFM, which as noted has been established as an overarching framework for the conduct of interrogation operations in the course of current and future operations, contains an array of principles and strategies that are fundamentally unchanged from those described in the original version of the field manual on interrogation produced shortly after the end of World War II. This important point will be explored in greater detail in a later section.
2. The AFM specifically cites the following: U.S. law; the law of war; relevant international law; and relevant directives, including DOD Directive 3115.09 (“DoD Intelligence Interrogations, Detainee Debriefings, and Tactical Questioning”), DOD Directive 2310.1E (“The Department of Defense Detainee Program”), DOD instructions, and military executive orders including FRAGOs (fragmentary orders) (1–32, p. 1–14).
3. It should be noted that since publication, the AFM has been available online ( The 2016 NDAA further mandated that the AFM remains available to the public (NDAA Sec. 1045 (a)(6)(A)(ii)).
4. Anecdotes regarding archival records suggest that the approach strategies are the product of after action reports and formal reviews that draw upon “lessons learned” during both World War II and the Korean War.
5. As described in this version of the AFM, “Harassment may take many forms; for example, the Subject may be called for interrogation at any time of the day or night, questioned for a few minutes and then released only to be recalled shortly thereafter. This treatment continues until he talks, and he finally decides to cooperate with the interrogator” (AFM 30–10, p. 2–6).
6. The fact that the AFM requires an interrogator to begin with a <Apex_cStyle#I#aid:cstyle#Footnote_I>Direct Approach</Apex_cStyle#I> may have contributed to the unsupported premise that it was effective 90 percent of the time since, by policy, it was employed as an approach in 100 percent of all interrogations conducted.
7. The videos were translated and transcribed by cleared personnel. All personally identifiable information was removed prior to the transcripts being made available to the research team. The DoD determined that this research project was not human subjects research under DoD Instruction 3216.02, Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-Supported Research and 32 C.F.R. Part 219.
8. At the same time, given that so many of the interrogations conducted by the U.S. government have been (and are) informed by the AFM, the fact that no large-scale experimental studies have ever been conducted to confirm or dispute the efficacy of the approaches is deeply worrisome and potentially damaging to national security.
9. An oft-referenced drawback of experimental/laboratory-setting studies is the lack of environmental realism.
10. The term “fostering” was adapted from the negotiation literature (e.g., Cutcher-Gershenfeld, McKersie, & Walton, 1995) to convey an interrogative atmosphere that facilitates kindness, cooperation, and respect.
11. The psychological realism of this paradigm was evidenced by the fact that the participation of two study subjects was terminated due to behavioral displays of distress resulting from the accusation of cheating and subsequent interrogation.
12. The NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI 3) provides a concise and systematic assessment of emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles.
13. We find this assertion to be of concern as Appendix M of the AFM, which specifically sets forth guidance for the employment of separation, suggests that “goggles or blindfolds and earmuffs may be utilized as a field expedient method to generate the perception of separation” (AFM M-27, p. M-8), which can create conditions consistent with sensory deprivation. In addition, the AFM stipulates separation “must not preclude the detainee getting four hours of continuous sleep every 24 hours” (AFM M-30, p. M-10). This limited amount of sleep over time has been shown to generate potentially significant physical and psychological disturbances. Moreover, the AFM does not require that this four-hour window of sleep be provided on a regular schedule and therefore could be manipulated in a fashion that can have deleterious psychological and physiological effects.
14. Nonpertinent questions are those that seek seemingly unimportant or irrelevant information from the subject (i.e., they will not be construed by the subject as being focused on intelligence or sensitive personal details). Key to nonpertinent questions is that they should not engender concern or resistance by the subject.
15. These terrorism suspects were described by government security officials as linked to al Qaeda, inspired by al Qaeda, or members of right-wing violent extremist organizations.
16. According to the official U.S. Army website for careers (, there are no specific education requirements to enter the Human Intelligence Collector (Military Occupational Specialty Code 35M) career field beyond a high school diploma or general education diploma and the ability to achieve a satisfactory score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
17. For a detailed overview of the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group—to include the nature of its unique research program and the evolution of its research-to-practice training effort—see Chapter 12, “The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG): Inception, Evolution, and Outcomes.”
18. It must be emphasized that this data refers exclusively to the frequency of use parameter. No similar data is available that explores the relative effectiveness of the individual approach strategies.


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