About the Editors and Contributors

Mark A. Staal, PhD, retired from active duty at the rank of colonel serving most of his career within U.S. Special Operations Command to include positions as a command psychologist with the Joint Special Operations Command and as the command psychologist at the Air Force Special Operations Command. Dr. Staal deployed in support of operations NORTHERN WATCH, ENDURING FREEDOM, IRAQI FREEDOM, and NEW DAWN. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in human factors engineering at NASA and is board-certified in clinical psychology under the national security psychology exam. He has supported NASA astronaut, Navy SEAL, Army Green Beret, and Air Force Commando personnel screening programs. He is a past president of the American Psychological Association’s Society for Military Psychology where he is a current Fellow and is the owner of OSS Consulting, LLC.

Colonel Sally C. Harvey, USA, Retired, spent over 27 years on active duty, serving in a variety of clinical and operational roles, to include overseas assignments and numerous trips to combat zones. Over the course of her career, she completed a neuropsychology fellowship as well as courses in aeromedical psychology and Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (Level C). She has been awarded the U.S. Army’s Legion of Merit and has been recognized with the Military Intelligence Knowlton Award, the Order of Military Medical Merit and the Surgeon General’s “A” Proficiency Designator. Most recently, Dr. Harvey served as the president of the American Psychological Association’s Society of Military Psychology and as one of that division’s representatives on the Council of Representatives.

Joeanna C. Arthur, PhD, serves as a research and development (R&D) scientist in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Previous assignments include research program director at the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, research psychologist at the Defense Intelligence Agency, and human research protection official at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. She is a recipient of the White House Office of Science Technology and Policy’s Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers.

Brendon Bluestein is a colonel in the U.S. Army. He graduated from Pepperdine University and Fuller School of Psychology with his PhD in clinical psychology. He has since served in the military for 19 years, serving in positions in operational psychology. He has published on topics in operational psychology, psychneuroendocrinology, neuropsychology, pain management, and domestic violence.

Susan E. Brandon, PhD (SyncScience LLC), served for eight years as the research program manager for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group. Prior to that, she was at the Defense Intelligence Agency (2006–2010), the National Institutes of Health and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (2003–2006), and the American Psychological Association (2001–2003). Before 2001, she spent 15 years in the Department of Psychology at Yale University.

Commander Shawnna Chee, PsyD, ABPP, is an aerospace clinical neuropsychologist in the U.S. Navy, currently serving on active duty in the Psychiatry Department at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute in Pensacola, Florida. Dr. Chee received her doctorate in clinical psychology, is board-certified, and completed a postdoctoral clinical neuropsychology fellowship. She has deployed to Iraq, Cuba, and Afghanistan.

Colonel Steven M. Kleinman, USAF, Retired, was a career intelligence officer who specialized in human intelligence, special operations, strategic interrogation, and special survival training. In addition to multiple deployments in support of major military campaigns, he served as a senior intelligence officer at the service and joint command levels. He has authored/coauthored over 30 peer-reviewed research papers on intelligence, interrogation, and national security policy.

Christian A. Meissner, PhD, is professor of psychology at Iowa State University. He conducts research on applied aspects of memory, social influence, and decision making, with a focus on developing evidence-based practices for interviewing, interrogation, and credibility assessment.

Heather L. Morris, PsyD, ABPP, is an investigative and operational psychologist for the USAF Office of Special Investigations in Quantico, Virginia, where she provides consultation and training to criminal investigators. She is a board-certified clinical psychologist with a background in forensic psychology. Before joining the U.S. Air Force as an active-duty officer, Dr. Morris practiced in police psychology and specialized in threat assessment and management.

Chad E. Morrow, Lt. Col., USAF, BSC, ABPP, BCB, CPC, is the command psychologist for the 724th Special Tactics Group. He earned his PsyD from La Salle University and is board-certified. His areas of practice and research interest include assessment and selection, operational support, and performance enhancement.

Christopher Myers, PhD, ABPP, is the chief of the Behavioral Science Division in the Insider Threat Office at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He has spent most of his career working in and consulting with intelligence, security, and law enforcement organizations. Dr. Myers is board-certified in clinical psychology and an 11-year veteran of the U.S. Army.

Daniel J. Neller, PsyD, ABPP, is fellowship-trained and board-certified in forensic psychology. He is a former president of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, forensic representative to the Board of Trustees of the American Board of Professional Psychology, and forensic chair of the Council of Specialties in Professional Psychology. He operates an independent practice limited to assessment and consultation.

David G. Ray, PhD, is director for behavioral sciences, U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). He oversees all psychological support to AFOSI criminal investigations, counterintelligence operations, special agent training, personnel assessment and selection, and employee assistance services. He has extensive experience as a military clinical psychologist, and as an operational psychologist for AFOSI, the DOD Counterintelligence Field Activity, and the Central Intelligence Agency Counterterrorist Center.

Melissa B. Russano is professor of criminal justice at Roger Williams University. She holds a PhD in psychology from Florida International University, and her primary area of research is investigative interviewing, including the processes of interrogation and confession. Her work has been funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Justice through the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group.

Barbara Thompson, PhD, BCC, is an operational psychologist currently working in support of the 724th Special Tactics Group. She earned her PhD from Oklahoma State University. Having previously served on active duty in the U.S. Army, Dr. Thompson’s recent efforts have focused on working with high-performing individuals and teams from several industries to include military, law enforcement, intelligence, educational, and nonprofit organizations.

Amanda Trent, PsyD, is the lead national security psychologist in the Insider Threat Office, Behavioral Science Division at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. A majority of her career has included threat assessment and management in community, university, and government settings. Since 2012, Dr. Trent has been providing consultation, support, and special assignment risk assessments to the Department of Defense.

Simon Wells currently provides training, coaching, and mentoring support to members of the U.S., U.K., and other governments’ law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Simon completed 30 years with New Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police), the last 20 years of which he specialized in using behavioral science to the benefit of law enforcement. Simon is the research to practice fellow for the Centre for Research and Evidence in Security and Threat.

Colonel Thomas J. Williams, USA, Retired, was honored to serve his country for 32 years of military service. His assignments ranged from Combat Engineers to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Pentagon, Strategic Intelligence Brigade, the Army War College, and deployments with Special Forces. He is coeditor of the book Ethical Practice of Operational Psychology: Military and Intelligence Operations published by the American Psychological Association.