Sometimes a bite of a treat is enough to satisfy, so we like to make these when we don’t have a lot of time. Try them with your own toppings. They are delicious.
16-ounce (24 count) Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Sugar Cookies packet
½ cup Nutella
½ cup Marshmallow Fluff
1 cup cream cheese (reduced fat is fine)
6 ounces chocolate chips, semi-sweet
6 ounces white chocolate chips
Bake the cookies as directed, 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes, until golden brown. Immediately indent the center of each cookie with a quarter cup measuring cup bottom to create a rim around the outside of each cookie. While they are cooling, mix together in one bowl ½ cup cream cheese and ½ cup Marshmallow Fluff, until smooth. In another small bowl, mix together ½ cup cream cheese and ½ cup Nutella, again until combined. Melt the semi-sweet chocolate chips in a double broiler or a microwave, mixing and working slowly on low power so the chocolate doesn’t seize. Repeat for the white chocolate chips, and set aside.
Top half of the cookies with the cream cheese–Fluff mixture and the other half with the cream cheese–Nutella mixture. Drizzle semi-sweet chocolate on the Fluff-covered cookies and white chocolate on the Nutella ones.
Add sprinkles if desired, but the plain white-on-chocolate and chocolate-on-white looks really elegant all by itself.
Makes 24 cookie dessert pizzas