Sources/Additional Reading
- This may be going against the grain, but when it comes to men’s magazines, it might be better to look at the pictures than to read the articles. As long as you keep in mind that the power of Photoshop is extraordinary, there are worse things to do than look at pictures of sexy ladies. It’s the tone of articles like these that may be warping your mind. Remember: lots of women love sex. Sex is complex. These articles are not complex.
- Glamour magazine has compiled a slideshow of men’s gripes about women. Some of them are reasonable (“I don’t get why girls say one thing and mean something different. Like when they say, ‘You can watch the game,’ and then when you do, you get in trouble”), some of them are trivial (“Why all the shoes?”). Yes, all the shoes are baffling. Don’t worry about it.
- This study of “Sarcasm in Relationships” examines the social utility of sarcasm and irony. Essentially, sometimes it’s hilarious, sometimes it’s hurtful.
- Couples therapy can be a wonderful thing. You might just learn something about the woman in your life—and yourself.