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Sheffield entered the room, expecting ... hell, he didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t the vision before him though. Violet lay upon the divan on her side, one hand rested underneath her head as she dozed. It was the rest of her that brought him to his knees. The slits in her negligee exposed her legs as it gathered around her thighs. The long length of her legs flashed images of her wrapping them around his hips as he drove into her. He swallowed as his eyes drifted upward to her breasts. They spilled out, the edges of her nipples teasing him. His cock grew into an unbearable hardness. She was exquisite. But it wasn’t what he desired to see the most. He needed to see her eyes. He wanted to watch her violet gaze embrace him. To see if her need was as desperate as his.
When he sank to his knees, he wanted to kiss her awake. However, his hands had a mind of their own. They wanted to caress the creamy temptation. His fingers glided over her legs, tracing their softness. When she released a moan, he knew he must touch more of her. He brushed across her nipples. They hardened into tight buds, beckoning his mouth. He lowered his lips, his tongue savoring the sweet nectar. He slid a nipple inside his mouth, softly sucking as his tongue stroked the hard pebble.
His touch slid higher across her soft curls. He teased until her legs spread apart. When he caressed her mound, a soft sound passed her lips. Still, he didn’t lift his head but continued to the other nipple. Savoring it between his lips as his fingers sunk into her wetness. He groaned against her and sucked harder as he slipped his finger inside. As he invaded the tight barrier, she caressed his hair. Her touch was light as she coaxed him closer to her chest. With her encouragement he slid another finger inside her tightness, gently stroking in and out. He built a rhythm rapidly out of control, then forced himself to slow down. He remembered Belle’s words of her innocence and wanted to make this moment special for her. When he pulled his hand away and lifted his head, he heard her groan in dismay.
Sheffield stared into her dark amethyst depths. Lost in her gaze and the emotions she shared with him, he forgot himself. When her eyes clouded with confusion, he lifted his hands to her cheeks and placed a warm kiss upon her mouth. Gentle, seeking, asking for permission to share his soul. His kisses were light but desperate when their lips pulled away in agony only to seek each other again with every touch.
“Violet,” he moaned.
“Yes,” she answered in a hesitant whisper.
Sophia awoke to his gentle touch. She had fallen asleep as she waited. When his kisses heated her body, she ached for more. Each stroke held her in a trance, afraid to move in case he would stop. When he put a halt to his caresses, she feared he'd changed his mind. But as soon as he kissed her lips, she understood in her heart he hadn't. His kisses sent her their own message. With each one, she answered his silent questions. He sought permission, and she was more than willing to accept.
“I want to make love to you. You have my promise that I will be gentle with you.”
“I trust you will,” she spoke in a husky voice she didn’t even recognize herself.
“I want it to be special for you, but I don’t know if I can. You undo me as no woman ever has.”
“You make me feel the same way. Feel my heart beat for you,” Sophia told him, guiding his hand over her heart. The steady rhythm beat against their palms.
When he gave her a boyish smile, it was the moment she fell in love with him. She froze, frightened where her thoughts went. Then she settled as she gazed into his eyes. It was there all along, why else would she have agreed to this arrangement? She, Sophia Turlington, was in love with the Duke of Sheffield, Alexander Langley. She wanted to laugh at the ironic situation, but now was not the time to explore her feelings. Now was the time for her to experience the depth of her love for him.
“Sheffield ...”
“Alex, call me Alex.”
“What is your true name?”
“Violet,” she laughed.
“No, that is my name for you. I want to know who you are.”
“No, you promised.”
Alex sighed. “Violet it is.” For now, he would agree to her secrecy, but he would learn her identity before their time was through.
“You taste like lemons.”
“I ate Belle’s lemon squares. They're all gone.”
“So, you were the culprit.”
Sophia blushed. “Oh, were they for you?”
“Yes, my dear. They are my favorite treat. You must pay for depriving me of them.”
“How so?” she whispered.
“Mmm, you will have to wait for your punishment,” he whispered back as his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing her nipples as he lowered his head to kiss her neck.
Sophia arched her body into his, aching for more. The whispered words enticing her desire. She no longer cared if this was right or wrong. Or of the consequences, if she were to be caught. To be held in his arms as he stroked her passion was all that rang true through her mind and body.
“You taste like whiskey.”
“Do you enjoy the flavor?”
“Mmm, I don’t know. I might need to sample more to give a better opinion.”
He laughed at her playfulness. His Violet was not only a siren, but a delight to tease. When her laughter joined his, he paused. Her tinkling gaiety soothed him. With everybody else, he had to portray an act of self-righteousness. He had to behave as his title demanded. Even with his closest friend, Wildeburg, he was an ass. However, with her he felt a lightness lift his soul. He sensed his conscience informing him she was the one. The one. But his rational side argued, no she wasn’t. The circumstances of their union could never come to light. Therefore, this would only be a moment in time to enjoy before it ended. Perhaps the girl was smart for demanding only a week. This way he could get her out of his system. Then move on to finding his duchess.
Sophia’s laughter died as she noticed his playful mood turn into reflection. Did she give herself away? She tried to keep her speech husky as Belle had instructed. Did Sheffield recognize her voice? She needed to distract him again. She leaned over to kiss him on the lips, her tongue tracing his. When he opened his mouth, she explored, tasting the whiskey, and savoring the flavor.
“Mmm, yes, most delicious. I could get drunk on your kisses, Alex.”
“I am already drunk on you, my sweet Violet.”
Alex rose and lifted Violet from the divan to carry her to the bed. The covers were already turned back. With her blonde hair sprawled across the pillows and her eyes filled with desire, he needed to have her now. His eyes traveled the length of her body, taking in her full breasts and long legs. As he continued to stare, he undressed himself. First, he discarded his jacket and vest, letting them fall to the floor. Next went his cravat that he dropped into her hands. She brought the garment to her nose where she breathed in his scent.
His gaze rose to her face, and he watched as she stared at his fingers unbuttoning his shirt. Her eyes grew larger as he took off the garment. When he undid the placket of his trousers, her glance skittered away to the wall. He chuckled at her shyness. When he slid his pants off, her eyes returned. They darkened as he stood before her naked. His cock, hard and aching for her, rose at attention. When her eyes met his, he saw that she held no fear, but a desire as strong as his. With a growl he lowered himself to the bed and stripped the nightgown from her body.
He held her pressed to him. His fingers intertwining in her hair, the only thing in the way was her mask. How easy it would be to slip it from her head, but he wouldn’t betray her trust. He didn’t want to lose what he only just found. His hands caressed her body as hers did his. Their touches and kisses built their need higher.
Fire consumed Sophia. Every time he uttered the name 'Violet' her senses became enflamed with a need to please him. She was no longer sweet Sophia, but a temptress named Violet. A temptress who wanted to satisfy the hunger of the man who tempted her. Alex. The other half to her soul.
As his kisses consumed her, she slid her hands across his body. She caressed every hardened muscle on his frame. When her hands dipped to his stomach, his body tensed. Then as she brushed across his hardness, he gasped into their kiss. It was then Sophia understood the power she held over him. He was as much enflamed in desire as she was. Her fingers wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down over the smooth velvet skin. His need throbbed at her touch. Her eyes met his again, and she saw his darken with desire. They spoke of his need for her.
Soon, she was underneath him. He gently stroked through her hair. His kiss soft on her lips. A path of fire seared from his hands as he teased her nipples. She moaned and arched her body. He held a hand on her stomach to calm her when she tried to press her hips upwards. Each touch and kiss slowly drew her need to an emotion she didn’t know existed. His hands spread her thighs apart and brushed across her wetness, bringing a moan from her lips.
She was ready for him. Her body spoke her need. Every moan and touch from her begged him to take her. However, he wanted to burn each moment into his soul, so that he would never forget their time together. When her leg slid up his body and wrapped around his hip, he was done for. He could wait no longer, he needed to make her his now.
Slowly sliding his cock into her wetness, he paused and looked into her eyes. He expected to see fear, but only saw her desperate need for him. Her gaze was his undoing. He continued inside, pushing past her resistance until he was secure in her soul. Her eyes closed, and he stopped. Afraid that he hurt her. When she opened them again, it was to see her desire turn into a passion unknown to him. He gathered her in his embrace as they made love. Each stroke brought them closer to one another. Her arms wrapped around him holding him close to her heart as her legs tightened, guiding him on. They clung to each other as their bodies burned up their passion for each other.
Sophia was unprepared for the emotions involved in making love. She wanted to cry at the beauty of their souls becoming one. Every time his strokes grew stronger, she cried out for more. She pressed her body into his, driving her hips along with him. She clung to him, weeping his name. He whispered his desires which only enflamed her passion higher.
Alex felt her tighten around his cock and he drove faster. He wanted to send her over the edge with him. When she cried out Alex, he only grew harder, needing to brand her with his body. As she clung to him, screaming her pleasure, her wetness coated his cock as he released himself inside her. Her body melted into his and he whispered her name over and over. Violet. Violet. Violet.