Chapter Twenty



‘So, what I plan to do,’ Rosie explained, ‘is get Charlotte a place at the Runcorn School for Girls.’

Rosie and Mrs Rainer were standing in the kitchen watching Charlotte and Mr Rainer in the chicken coop at the bottom of the garden.

‘That sounds like an excellent idea,’ Mrs Rainer said.

She hesitated.

‘I’ve heard it’s meant to have a good name for itself. And from what I’ve seen with my own eyes, its pupils always appear very well behaved whenever I see them out in town.’

She put her teacup back on the saucer.

‘And it’s apparently had some quite famous alumni.’

There was that word again.

Seeing Rosie’s blank look, Mrs Rainer explained, ‘Former pupils.’

‘Really?’ Rosie was curious.

Mrs Rainer rattled off a few names, none of which Rosie recognised.

‘Although,’ Mrs Rainer looked at Rosie, ‘I would assume, because of its high standing, it would be quite costly to send Charlotte there.’

‘Mam and Dad had a little bit put away,’ Rosie explained. ‘I think it was money Mam’s parents left her when they died. I don’t think they spent much of it. Mam always said it was our “rainy day” money. And, well, I guess, that rainy day has come.’

‘Well, like I said, I think it’s an excellent idea.’

Rosie could tell that, as she’d expected, Mrs Rainer was relieved she would not have to look after Charlotte full-time, but she understood. She didn’t blame her. She was getting on. Mrs Rainer had always been her mam’s ‘old’ friend. She wouldn’t want to be running about after an energetic eight-year-old day in, day out. On top of which, Charlotte could be a handful. As the younger child, she’d been given much more leeway than Rosie growing up and had used it to her full advantage.

‘So, if Charlotte can just come and stay with you during the holidays?’ Rosie asked.

‘Of course she can, my dear. We’d love to have her.’

‘Obviously I’ll come and visit her as much as I can,’ Rosie said.

Their attention was caught by Charlotte charging down the garden path.

She burst into the kitchen, her face full of wonder.

In her cupped hands there was a single white egg.

Charlotte’s excitement about the freshly laid egg and the chickens scratching around in Mr and Mrs Rainer’s back garden waned somewhat when Rosie sat her down and explained that she was going to remain with the Rainers for a little while, until she was able to start at the Runcorn School for Girls.

Charlotte cried and cried when Rosie told her that she had to go back to Sunderland but would come and visit as much as she could. As Charlotte continued crying, Rosie told her that she had to be brave.

‘I don’t want you to be a crybaby when I’ve gone, do you hear?’ Rosie said. She felt cruel saying it, but she knew Charlotte had to harden up if she was to survive on her own.

‘I’ll visit you as much as I can,’ she said, trying to reassure her. ‘And we can write to each other all the time. Every day if you want to.’

Rosie took hold of her sister’s hand.

‘I’ll always be here for you. Always. You remember that, all right?’

Rosie pulled her close and gave her a cuddle.

‘You still up for a trip to Betty’s before I go back?’

Charlotte nodded through the tears.

Thankfully, the trip into Harrogate town centre distracted Charlotte and cheered her up a little. As did their arrival at Betty’s Café. Neither of them had seen the like. Their mam had taken them to the tea rooms in Binns, but even that didn’t compare to this Aladdin’s cave of all things scrumptious. But, despite the splendour, and the delicious cake, it was Rosie who had to fight the overwhelming urge to cry like a baby as she felt her heart breaking, knowing she had to leave her little sister behind.