Nothing had changed—yet everything had. The first week after they’d slept together had been just like the week before. And the weeks before that.
With two notable differences. Virat stayed by her side almost every minute they weren’t on the clock, and she was aware at all times that the stalker was still out there.
Virat had been fingerprinted the morning after they’d slept together. Two of the prints found on the note had been his. But there had been one other print.
Dom had told them it had been the side of someone’s hand. And that kind of print wasn’t in the database unless the man had been printed for a felony.
But Dom was still searching.
She enjoyed having Virat with her; it was easier to have him around than she would have ever expected. It was the first time she had had a man that much in her space.
Fin was terrified of getting used to it. Of depending on him being there. Of looking for him at night when she woke.
What if it ended?
No one at FCGH had figured it out yet, either. But they’d been doing their best to be circumspect. Fin deplored being the center of gossip, and to her surprise, so did he. He was far more reserved than she would have anticipated. At least about his private life.
Gossip painted him as being a bit of a player. Fin hadn’t seen any evidence of that.
She was sitting in the large recliner in the breakroom when the door opened. She opened her eyes—she’d been trying to take a quick nap, on the clock since an early call in at six a.m.—and stared into green ones.
Lacy shot her a quick grin. “Boyfriend keeping you up all night? I recognize the look.”
Heat hit Fin’s cheeks. “I—”
Lacy stopped and turned, the refrigerator open behind her. “I was teasing, Fin. But now...ok...spill. I need to know.”
Fin’s lips twitched. Lacy might like to hear the gossip, but she never spread it as far as Fin could tell. “I...have...for the first time in four involved with someone.”
Lacy closed the fridge. Turned and stared at Fin. “Sweet. He a good guy?”
She nodded. “One of the best.”
“Do I know him?” Lacy’s eyes widened. “Does he look particularly yummy in a tux and have the initials VP?”
The heat intensified.
Lacy laughed. “Sweet. Perfect. I can’t think of two people who made a cuter couple the other night. Well, except Mel and Houghton. Those two are just all gooey.”
“I... it’s just been since that night, Lacy. I have no idea where it goes from here. But I like being with him. And I... it’s weird, but I’m not on edge with him, like I was in my previous relationship. He can actually walk up behind me.”
Lacy knew what had happened to Fin. Just as Fin knew what had happened to Lacy. One of the hallmarks of W4HAV was conversation. Talking about what happened and seeing that they were not alone. They had all been victims. They were not alone.
She couldn’t deny that had been one of the ways she’d gotten through what had happened to her friend Sierra. To her and Margo.
By talking.
“That’s wonderful, sweetie. Have you told him exactly what happened yet?”
Fin shook her head. “Not yet. He knows something did. And I’m sure it’s been all over Google, but he hasn’t asked.”
Lacy sent her a serious look. “I’m glad the two of you are together, Fin. I think you’ll be good for him, too.”
She hoped. Fin hoped.
Fin stayed where she was long after Lacy had been paged back to surgery. She had maybe another ninety minutes before she had to be anywhere. The last week, while wonderful, hadn’t exactly been restful. Before long, her eyes closed, and she drifted off, secure in the knowledge that her phone would beep fifteen minutes before she had to be in her meeting with Rafe.