Chapter Fifteen

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SAWYER LENNAR—REMEMBERING his last name made him feel good—watched Kenzie take her friend Naya into her arms after the female vampire had burst through the door, making a beeline for the human. The two consoled each other, but surprisingly, it was Naya who cried, and it was Kenzie who reassured her friend.

He tilted his head to the side in amazement. He had thought that the kidnapped victim would have been the more emotional of the two, but Kenzie was strong. After everything she’d been through, she still hadn’t lost her spirit. He almost smiled with pride for her, but he stopped himself just in time.

Sawyer needed to get away from her because his body and mind was a mix of conflicting feelings and desires.

He was grateful that he had regained his memory. The difficult part was that he still remembered everything that had happened before his memory returned.


He remembered the way she’d move when he was inside her. The way she would come so hard all over his dick as he made her orgasm over and over. He had known she was experienced in the bedroom, and part of him had always thought of her as a little slutty, but after fucking her, he definitely saw the appeal. She knew what she liked, and she would take it. She wasn’t shy, and she wouldn’t force him to always take the lead.

Just the thought of her riding him to climax was enough to give him a hard-on from hell.

That was what made him immediately shut down his line of thinking. This was Kenzie he was thinking about. Human Kenzie. He needed to forget anything that had happened between them. He needed to forget how his stupid cat had thought she was his mate because he was never going to be mated to a human.

He needed to find a way to purge his mind of her. If only he could have swapped one memory for another. Unfortunately, amnesia didn’t work that way.

Vaughn made his way over to Sawyer. Vaughn had missed the briefing where Sawyer and Kenzie had filled them in on their experience. Vaughn had only shown up when he brought his mate to see Kenzie. He had been speaking to Vance for the last few minutes, presumably to be told what he’d missed, and now, he was approaching Sawyer with his hand held out.

Sawyer put his hand in Vaughn’s, and the other shifter pulled him close for a man hug and a pat on the back.

They pulled apart, but Vaughn didn’t let go of Sawyer’s hand. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose, but you will never know how grateful I am to you and Kenzie for being kidnapped in our place. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened to Naya and the twins if it had been us instead.”

Sawyer opened his mouth. “Vaughn, you really—”

Vaughn yanked Sawyer forward a step. “This is where you say something like, ‘You’re welcome,’ and nothing more.” He raised his brow. “Understand?”

Sawyer couldn’t help but grin. “You’re welcome.”

Vaughn released his hand and nodded. “That’s better.”

“So, I take it everything is good with the exception of Naya worrying about Kenzie?” Sawyer asked as Vaughn turned and stood next to him so that they could both see the females. “The pregnancy is going okay?”

Sawyer had been just as shocked as everyone when he found out that Vaughn had knocked up the beautiful vampire. However, after seeing how happy Vaughn was, Sawyer only wanted the best for the two of them and their future children.

Vaughn cracked a secret smile that previously wouldn’t have bothered Sawyer, but after his time with Kenzie, he couldn’t help but feel somewhat envious.

He shook off the foolish emotion.

“Yes, everything is good,” Vaughn told Sawyer. “Did my dad tell you that we’re having a boy and a girl?”

Sawyer shook his head.

“Naya’s excited.”

Sawyer gave Vaughn a questioning look.

Vaughn laughed, his blue eyes lighting up. “Okay, okay. I’m excited, too.”

“As you should be. You deserve it, man.”

“Thanks.” Vaughn lost his smile and looked at Kenzie, who was going through her things that Naya had brought for her. “You know, you do, too. My dad says that Kenzie did very well out there. She’s a tough chick, for a shifter or human.”

Sawyer held up his hand to stop Vaughn from saying anything else. “I’m fine. I’m exactly where I want to be.” Sawyer decided it would be best to just ignore the Kenzie comment.

Vaughn looked at Sawyer as if he was almost disappointed. It seemed like he was going to say something else, but the front door opened. Vaughn’s younger sister, Payton, walked through the door, her hand held out behind her, obviously clasped in someone else’s.

Sawyer was an only child but had known the Llewelyns since he was little. Vaughn was the closest thing he had to a brother, and he often thought of Payton as a little sister to him, too. The last time Sawyer had checked, the female shifter had still been single.

Sawyer quickly glanced at Vaughn to see if the sight alarmed him, but he appeared to be as relaxed as ever. Sawyer looked back at the door just in time to see whose hand Payton was holding.

It was a wolf.

“What the hell did I miss?” Sawyer exclaimed.

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Saxon watched as Phoenix walked from the Guardians’ compound to his SUV. She had asked him to pick her up and bring her to the Llewelyns’. Saxon couldn’t help feeling concerned for his friend. Normally, she was so independent, but ever since Dante had rescued her from Gerald, she wouldn’t go anywhere by herself. No one had called her on it though. Oh, no, they were all smarter than that. She might not be her typical self, but she was still Phoenix.

Phoenix opened the door and slipped inside.

“Damn, girl. What did you do, bathe in the vampire?” Saxon hadn’t seen her since their last rotation together a couple of nights ago on the hunt to find Gerald. Every time he saw her, she’d increasingly smell like Dante.

“Ha-ha. I’m not surprised since I’ve been staying there.” She turned and grabbed her seat belt, muttering something else under her breath.

Saxon put the vehicle in drive and put his foot on the accelerator. “Can you please repeat what you just said? Because you don’t smell like all the other vampires.” He glanced at her for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road. “What gives?”

Phoenix sighed. “Okay, but this does not leave the car.” She pointed a finger at him. “If you so much as even hint at what I’m about to tell you to someone else, you’ll be singing soprano for the rest of your life.”

He instinctively put his hand over his balls. “Jeez, Phoenix, I think you know me well enough to know that I won’t tell anyone. I’ve kept your past a secret from anyone you don’t want knowing, haven’t I?”

“Yes, but this...” She paused. “It’s different. You’re probably going to laugh at me.”

He smiled. “Well, now, you have to tell me.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ve kind of been sleeping in Dante’s bed.”

He immediately tensed. “What?”

“I’ve been sleeping in Dante’s bed.”

Saxon sharply turned the wheel to the right, making the tires screech, and they came to a forceful stop.

She grabbed the armrests. “What the hell, Saxon?”

He put the SUV in park before turning in his seat to face her, and she mirrored his actions.

“Why are you sleeping in Dante’s bed? The vampires won’t give you your own room? What has he done to you?” Saxon sniffed the air. “Do you smell so much like him because”—he swallowed—“he’s forcing himself on you?”

He was going to rip the vampire to shreds. Saxon had thought Dante seemed like a good guy, and he had even warned the vampire a little about Phoenix’s past to help him understand that she was special.

“Saxon, oh my God, you have it all wrong. No, Dante is not forcing himself on me. He hasn’t done anything inappropriate to me or with me. Yes, the vampires gave me my own room, but...” She turned her eyes down toward her lap before looking back up at him. She chuckled. “You’re going to think it’s silly.”

“Phoenix, I’m ready to drive back there and kick his ass. I don’t care if he’s been making you watch his daily puppet show. I just want to know that you’re okay.”

“Daily puppet show?” She laughed. “Can you imagine? That would be hilarious.”

“Phoenix,” he growled.

She rolled her eyes again. “I’ve been sleeping in Dante’s bed because I feel safe when I’m with him.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I tried sleeping in the room they gave me, but I tossed and turned.”

He stared at her.

She raised her eyebrows. “You don’t have to look so surprised.”

He hadn’t realized that his feelings were so obvious. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect that to be your answer.”

She turned to face forward once more. “I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know why he’s the one who makes me feel safe. A vampire, out of everyone.”

“Do you think you’ll ever come back to the bunkhouse?”

She scoffed. “Of course,” she said with conviction. But the next sentence was not spoken as strongly, “I’m sure that once Gerald is found, I’ll feel better.”

Saxon put his hand on hers. “Phoenix, it’s okay to be a little vulnerable. And you know you can always sleep with me.”

He wasn’t hitting on her. He was telling the truth. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d let her spend the night with him. His relationship with the female shifter was completely platonic. They were more like brother and sister than anything, but Phoenix still had the urge to be close to other shifters, so he’d let her sleep next to him.

“Yeah, and then everyone will think we’re screwing. It’s one thing to do it every once in a while on a night off, but if I stayed in your room every night, everyone would think we were doing it. No, thank you.”

He put his hand on his chest. “Ouch. You wound me.”

She gave him a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look. “Please. You don’t need my affections.”

He smiled at her. “Yeah, you’re right.” He put his hand on hers again. “You’re sure nothing bad has happened?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She shook him off. “Can we go now, please?”

He studied her for a moment. She seemed to be telling the truth, and he couldn’t smell any lies, but something was off. It took him a couple of more seconds before he realized that she was embarrassed. He was so close to saying something to her because she never got embarrassed, but then he decided to keep his mouth shut. She’d been through enough.

Saxon turned forward and took off once again. “Just remember, you can talk to me about anything.”

She smiled. “I know. Same here.”

“I know.”

“Now, tell me what you know so far about Sawyer.”