
Thanks once again to Caroline Upcher, who somehow manages to combine the skills of editor and author. Bringing this book to publication is testament to the first; the enormous success of her own novels testament to the second.

And again, heartfelt thanks to Jan Boxshall. I really cannot imagine completing a manuscript without the benefit of her insight and direction. The editing of this novel went way beyond the call of duty, and I am seriously, and happily, indebted to her.

Thanks to all at Fourth Estate for their continued belief in my work.

Thanks to the hard-working folks at Seol in Edinburgh, who really pushed the boat out on The Company of Strangers. Its success is due in no small part to their efforts. (A special mention to Laura Findlay, who deserves a dedication of her own.)

Thanks, as always to my family, who are as unstinting in their love as they are in their support. I am blessed.

Finally, thanks to my dear friend Shirley, who started it all with the gift of a pewter angel. It remains, along with our friendship, a most treasured possession.